Monday, 24 February 2025
The Ways of Satan x The Ways of Our God
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Converting One by One: Jesus' Workers
Friday, 21 February 2025
Satan is On: TV Shows
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Top 8 American Aboriginals to Convert to Christianity
God Needs Partnerships On Earth to Intervene with Our Human Lives
Monday, 17 February 2025
Angola: Oh, Dear, So Much Work Needed
Exorcism: In Brazil, They Seem to Have Done Right Once or Twice
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Jerusalem: City of a Demon?
I found this on "Shalim was the god of dusk, twin brother of Shahar, the god of dawn, both attributed to the planet Venus, the morning and evening star (seems they hadn’t yet discovered that these were the same celestial body). Since Shalim represented the completion of the day, his name become synonymous with completion, wholeness, rest, and of course peace. This also associated him with death and the netherworld, giving us a glimpse into the attitude the Canaanites had regarding death: a peaceful completion of life. Tragically the entire Canaanite religion was all but lost to history, only partially preserved in the clay tablets found at Ugarit, but its gods are preserved in the Semitic languages still used today." If this is all correct, I would like to say the satanic brainwash us even by making satanic things disguised as philosophy enter our minds during classes and in academic material in general (such as papers, books and others): this thing of morning and evening star is repeated all the time in logic/Philosophy of Language. I can accept this demon, who is then a male, as a god of death: it looks compatible with what happens there, in that area. also brings something about this demon: "Also known as Shalem, Šalām, Salam, Salem, and Salim." Demon "of dusk, dawn and the netherworld (world under the surface of Earth, so hell)". Therefore, according to this site, he has nothing to do with peace, not even slightly.
This is one more satanic deceit of huge proportions, once more here using the Hebrew language. To learn the true meaning of the word, you've gotta do what we did here before several times: so go for the Hebrew hieroglyphs, then search for those using Google Search to see if you are able to locate what should be six meanings for the word. I am thinking demon of hell make a lot of sense and so does demon of death or even demon of conflict but I am not very inspired here, please try to work on this one yourself until I can come back to it.
Shalim in Hebrew is שָׁלֵם, according to Co-pilot. יְרוּשָׁלַיִם is Jerusalem (Co-pilot). Indeed, it seems that the same symbols are found in both words, just that Jerusalem has got 3 others, which we would think mean city in English. The most common translation of shalim in the bible seems to be 'perfect' (16x) and the second most common translation is 'whole' (4x), as for עיר means city according to, which means that what is written there is not city. City in Hebrew, according to Google Translate, is עִיר
"The name "Jerusalem" was already in use before the Israelites moved there. The city was originally known as Salem or Urusalimum. The name "Jerusalem" itself is believed to have evolved from these earlier names. When the Israelites arrived, they adopted the existing name, which was easily transliterated into Hebrew as Yerushalayim" comes from Co-pilot.
We then de-satanize the information on Co-pilot by trying the query in yet another way and getting the following response: "The name "Urusalimum" is an ancient name for Jerusalem, mentioned in Egyptian texts from the 19th century B.C. The etymology of the name is not entirely certain, but it is believed to be of Semitic origin. Modern scholars suggest that it means "founded by the god Shalem," who was a deity of the Amorites".
Apparently, Genesis brings the word 'shalim' and it refers to the expression 'king of shalim' (, therefore 'marcia of rogerio', as for 'Murillo', which means King of the demon, yeah? As we said, the holy books are all satanic and there should never have been such a thing: no book can be holy, just for starters, but if you adore a God, that should be a God of here and now, not from the past. A God cannot be made of theories: the only reason you would have to accept complying not only with the human laws and rules but also with supernatural ones, from Our God, and following His instruction, on top of the human management instructions, is obviously that the God helps somehow, makes your life easier or your progress more likely or quicker. says that the word they had translated as 'city', in the video we quoted here, actually connects to 'to show the way', 'direct' or 'throw', so that it is my best guess now that Jerusalem means 'to show the way to shalim' or the way to the manager of hell. I think you need to see the manager of hell if you are in hell and want to learn how you can get out or improve your situation, so that there is probably nothing holy about being or living in that area of the world, which does coincide with my impression, like I don't see much attractive there apart from the things Christ would have done and lived. It probably also means that the people there have done a 'hell' lot wrong in life or past lives, like maybe those would incarnate there or something, like maybe there is a geography of the spirit as well, like that marks the departure spiritual progress level for the person in the current human body/shape/incarnation. It does seem like Our God marked us biologically (Lombroso) somehow related to our most likely biography if we do not succeed in advancing in spiritual levels while on earth during that incarnation, so that Our God helps us know about our past lives and where we are at if we simply listen to the sounds of what seems to be nature in this world maybe because we lose memory when we incarnate and we can remember at most one basic thing when we are in the last incarnations as humans, so getting ready to be in the Elohim Planet (unconsciously, and here is when we can use Jung's theory a little, Collective Unconscious, we a sort of know that, since lots of people would have played with the 'fish' on hand thing as they grew up: that there is such a thing as last incarnation).
By the way, there aren't many languages that sound as repulsive as Arabic to my ears and Hebrew seems to be somehow related to it, so perhaps Our God marks our spiritual development level also like that: I started some research about skills that come associated with the language we use to communicate and also characteristics of the people who grow up speaking a certain language, so characteristics that seem to be added/given to the person by the way they communicate, so by the difficulties and peculiarities of each language, so things like occlusion, articulation and breath placement. I now believe Our God puts us with the language that most sychronizes with the vibes of our soul, therefore with our spiritual level, so that we fight together with those who have the same difficulties and peculiarities, just like we do in human kind in general, like we put disabled with disabled and make of that a competition, then women with women and men with men, we also give levels for boxers, for instance, and do not let them fight with people from higher or lower levels, things like that is what I think made Our God organize us in this so special way, like we all prefer, in research, which is the most important thing for our spiritual progress, to work with people who understand the way we communicate, as a first thing, then, if possible, with those who look alike, as a second thing, or perhaps those who grew up in the same sort of place or belong to the same subpeople, like we are all one people for Our God, human kind, but we have different groupings, so people who are native from a certain Country is what I mean here. What happens if we decide to ignore all that and do our own thing, as Al Qaeda has done? It is like cheating at school, so time to work will come and you will be in deficit, so you won't be able to produce independently like everyone else or you will never be able to have an original idea that counts or you will be demotivated since you little understand or understand nothing of what is going on or what is required for your job/function. I do believe Our God makes sure our judgement is fair, so that, when Christ's time comes, by the end of our human experience, if we are in heavens, we will be seen just like the lazy/rebel student/the devil or worse, like it will mostly depend on our deeds and, if there isn't any because we made use of slaves, we could be downgraded and go straight to hell or something, which means, according to our joint studies, so of our coupleship, the Twins of God, and the satanic, that we will endure torments and suffering for a long time and we then be destroyed, like we won't have anymore opportunities of coming to Earth and fixing our relationship with the corporeal matter and we will also never see heavens or the Elohim Planet or Our God and His Goddess. May God bless!
Idol Worshipping: Why Does It Happen?
We were content with this contribution but we then realized that is the Al Qaeda Leinha's story: idol worshipping did not, by any means, start with wood-carved idols made from the backyard of people. It started with the temples imposing them to us, so the Catholic Church, for instance, having those inside of their premises. I then remembered something I studied as I was growing up in Brazil: the phenomenon of the 'santo do pau oco' ('hollow saint'). Basically, drug dealers/Al Qaeda/satanic/the ressurected/terrorists/Baal adorers from that time used to stash drugs in the hollow part of the statues of the saints/sacred images so that those could be sent from one Country to another by ship without anyone knowing what was going on and still believing that was something holy. We can also imagine money, proceeds of crime, changing hands like that, like nowadays it is Western Union but before it was that, like the main 'the way'. Some priests would also hide drugs there and sell those to whoever or even give/use after taking the bit to be given/sold out of the hole. We notice here that ALSO Al Qaeda has only single men involved in all that is planning or management of things (some changed into transgenders this time, only innovation), which must mean that women would not accept it or would make society find out at a certain stage or more quickly. We then observe that there is yet another good reason for all these satanic books, which the satanic made us call holy, to have been written/elaborated by only single men.
I now also believe Christ, the Redeemer, in Rio, is a monument of scoff; hollow inside. I think I remember having seen somewhere that there is an entry to the inside of the monumental statue. It is indeed to perplex that a society that is so much into horrible sin, atrocious, lover of macumba, therefore of doing evil to people, voodoo-like stuff, Baal adorer, with the temple there for ages, would make that statue thinking of praising Christ, out of having a pure heart, a clean soul but no discerment, like perhaps never having opened the bible or being told about how much of a sin building or having an image of something from heavens or hell is and that therefore building such a monstrosity and having it up high would be attracting curses from Our God. That statue was put there in October of 1931, according to Co-pilot, which probably means the satanic were in the government in Rio, whoever decides on that, back then.
Inside of it, the satanic may have any number of things, since it is enormous, so say Baal temples, where people get burnt alive, as well as drugs storage as well as distribution of those. I also remember that people who climb/hike their way up can get a lift with the 'sugar loaf' (probably means 'cocaine', since I think drug addicts call cocaine sugar, so that that is yet another scoff at the Christians and is there, used informally to refer to the cable car everywhere, including marketing and online material, to tell the drug addict or trader that that is a source, like people come back stashed/the filling of the loaf is them and it is then made of cocaine. Just like they did with Carandiru, they seem to have come up with another mountain with yet another cable car, which they also call sugar loaf, like that is the information in Co-pilot, that sugar loaf is another one) or cable car for free, so that the government of Rio, still these days, motivates people to get to the top via nature, where there is no camera to record their faces before they start the journey and nobody to supervise what is going on or take care of those climbing/hiking so that anyone who is a target can end up losing life and getting replaced on the way or at the top, inside of the Baal centre/supermarket. I then imagine some sort of code word/password being used to open the door of such a thing, just like it apparently is what Leinha told me about the gates between the Baal temple interior in Rio and its entrance. When we notice that the actual/original Church of Christ was on open air, we realize that all churches that have been built on earth have the purpose of serving these demons of crime, devil's servants/creatures. Sinagogues already existed, so that, even though I haven't ever been to one, I imagine those do not have idols or crosses (even because they reject Christ). I have told the cariocas, when their time came, to put down, destroy, all their statues, including the Redeemer, among some other things (I cannot remember because it does come from the Holy Ghost, as for those).
Here is what Co-pilot says: "Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro is indeed hollow. The statue, which stands at 30 meters (98 feet) tall with an additional 8-meter (26-foot) pedestal, is made of reinforced concrete and covered in soapstone. The interior of the statue is hollow, allowing for maintenance access. The hollow structure helps reduce the weight of the statue while maintaining its structural integrity. It's a remarkable piece of engineering and an iconic symbol of Brazil."
I also now remember Leinha referring to slides inside of the Baal statue in Rio, so in the temple she told me about, so that the humans actually slide down to the 'fires of hell', so of the belly of Baal. I think Baal has almost always been a statue of the upper body of Baal with a fornace in place of the belly, which is concealed by the structure around it and has a door at the front of it, bottom, through which one gets to the fornace. By the way, I just had this idea: the Easter Island statues, since Leinha referred to them and therefore this can only be one more Al Qaeda crime (I noticed their number increased with time, yet the people Al Qaeda claims to have built those, the Rapa Nui, shouldn't be around anymore, even though Co-pilot says differently. I totally believe those figuring as Rapa Nui today are all Al Qaeda, just like the aboriginals from Brazil that were found. I do think Al Qaeda exterminates peoples and, after those are gone, they get advantages for them or stupid and weird things that they will advertise as great things of those peoples so that their usupers are respected as if they were those peoples, and so that Al Qaeda can have a series of usurpations for each ID also there, like they probably pick the least intellectually able among us, also least skilled and put there to pretend they are those. A process that is very similar to what they did to Australians native, like the devil tries to copy the works of Our God in his realm which wasn't supposed to be earth but has become it for a time because people were not yet going with Our God and His envoys were not being respected or even acknowledged): they could look heavy but be hollow and therefore easy to move, any chance? Perhaps they hide something important in them?
Since I guessed, Al Qaeda confirmed: the statues are hollow. They built them from within the earth and made them stick out. One for each one of their immortals, so that that must be the whole lot they've got so far and I think one of them reminds me a little of 'Our' 'Obama', like the top boss of Hezbollah. Each statue corresponds to one house or one hole, like for each one of them and the face of the statue probably means something, but I don't think she told me that and I had a look at those online and could only find this one that reminds me of 'Obama'. I believe they take their 'baby'/'child' and cook it inside plus eat. The entry must be through the sea, as the other one. That is then how behind we are in Science: our official information says these status were built between 13th and 16th century. Instead, they were built by them during our lifetime, so in the last 100 years. That is the amount of crime Al Qaeda perpetrates against our science, which is what I want you to notice for the zillionth time. I believe the statue means they became their Baal, since they are now all cannibals, live eternally and eat children. Since they also want to usurp the Elohim, we conclude that they thought like this: human kind would only adore something superior to them, they adore these gods, therefore if I become them, acquire their skills/power, I will last forever and deserve their adoration, like then they would stop attacking and forcing us to the adoration part because they would 'finally' deserve it. I think that explains why they don't care about what is done on the surface of the earth, yet, I tell you, nothing that human kind can build with their hands will ever be perfect or like Our God's things, so that, just to mention one thing, water may flood the place and they will all die, since I am not seeing a way out that be not the hole through the water. shows the ones I think she referred to, like I think they showed me images in my head when she was talking about this one too. These are apparently 15, as for all I can count from seeing the picture. I cannot be sure the others also mean this, but these ones I think I am sure. I notice that they have a stone pedestal so that people cannot dig aroun this one even though there was a picture of one where they dug around that I also saw. Building something underneath earth must be very expensive and I cannot imagine how long it takes them, who helps them build or how much of our nation's moneys has gone into each one of them, but I know it would be a hell's lot, what explains our countries all full of internal and external debt. You see here,, the supposed Rapa Nui (this name would have some meaning, like Alanal, remember?) are all whites, yet the people from this island, aborigines, must have been dark, in my humblest, so that some people from our subraces (only one race for Our God, human, but we divide things) would have thought that they either couldn't do anything else or they loved doing that sort of thing so that they think they are happy in that way, like they can then be parasites and enjoy nature, still have a public that praises, watches and applauds them, makes images, think they are remarkable and all else. Perhaps if they lived their natural lives they would never be anything beyond mediocre is probably what they are thinking. I now remember that Leinha told me that perhaps one of them would like to have company and she was then referring to me and 'Dylan', I now think, like she would have reserved one for me too. May God bless!
Friday, 14 February 2025
Baal's Temple: Leinha Told Us
Competition: Baal Lost Again and Again
They also tell the story of the droughts: Baal adorers used to say that Baal controlled the rain and that would be a good reason to adore it and Israel was full of those, peak in numbers, they say. Elijah then showed that who controls the weather is Our God instead: he prophesized that Israel would endure 3 1/2 years of drought given by Our Lord and there would be nothing Baal adorers could do to change that (like they could try whatever practice they believed Baal liked, so orgies of any type, mutilations, human bleeding of any type, human sacrifices, whatever: nothing would change that). Israel then endured exactly 3 1/2 years of drought and the highest manager of the people asked to speak to Elijah to finally get advice on what to do (and obviously finally follow it), therefore they accepted that Elijah should be their leader instead of whoever they had chosen or accepted as a leader for themselves.
Here we learn a few other things that Baal adorers do, as for their book: ritual prostitution, stealing, murdering, committing adultery and swearing falsely. We also learn that Baal's figure sometimes appears with a helmet from which two bull's horns protude (so clearly associating it with the devil), a club/mace (so aggression/physical violence that destroys/impairs/disables the body and the mind) on one hand and fire on the other (they say spear adorned with leaves but I am sure it is fire instead: burn humans alive). They also say that sometimes Baal appears riding a bull (humans don't think riding bulls is pleasant or useful, they choose horses and camels instead, so that is saying Baal has most irrational choices in terms of transport and simply wants to make sure there are horns also on the animal, so that he makes sure we understand he is really really associated with the devil).
We believe it was the goddess, Our God's wife, who changed one of the angels of Our God into the devil, in order for the Elohim to have fewer people living in the Elohim Planet, as explained before, and all these creatures are created by the devil, who manages and created hell, and he was one day the angel of God, so that he does his best for humans to understand that those creatures shouldn't be followed (so most repulsive, clearly with least amount of wisdom, for we all think the animal is less capable than us, has less discernment, is way less capable of evolution and Baal has the head of an animal, etc.). Yet, the choice is with us, individual choice, since Our God made things be like that: we all should evolve individually, apart from when He allows us to come with one soul, which should happen only in the end of the process of spiritual development, when we already have our God's partner with us in the spiritual world (yin and yang, all that we talked about before).
They say even Baal had a wife, however his wife is called Virgin Anath, which makes us immediately see the opposition between it and God (so, if you want to be with God, you cannot ever be with Baal): Our God wants the body of the husband to belong to the wife and the body of the wife to belong to the husband, so that it is definitely about sex and enjoying it. The spouse of Baal remains untouched, perhaps sister to make that even clearer, since we usually assume a sister should not have sex with her brother (we will fix that: when the twins are identical and of opposite gender, there is a high chance they asked Jesus to come as one, with one soul, to earth or Jesus offered, and, in that case, they should be a couple, so husband and wife). Indeed, Baal is told to have affairs, so clearly having sex with others once more, not the spouse. Remember here that, for Our God, it is extremely important that the wife be sexually happy in the marriage, not necessarily the husband, but definitely the wife (the passage where He allows the woman to escape with the best friend of the husband because she is sexually unhappy, so no need not even to tell the husband).
They also say Baal is about sensuality, so uninvited sexual provocation: if it is between a husband and a wife, they should not need to be provoked, for the carnal union is a necessity to reach the Holy Ghost together and therefore learning about how to synchronize with it, so how to be in the right spirit to enter the Collective Unconscious of the most blessed or developed in highest levels, the mass of knowledge from God/wisdom. For Our God, there should be no other sex: if a man and a woman chose, at their own free will (individuality is very important for Our Lord, respecting the individual soul, therefore the individual development levels), to have sex, they have already married in the eyes of Our God.
The video says that we appease Baal with human sacrifice, so that Baal's followers would have to understand (again, a little touch of our devil, who never really wanted to draw people away from Our God) that Baal is a figure full of hate/anger, which needs to be continuously appeased, like there is never anything to say Baal was not even slightly provoked or disrespected, so that it is all gratuitous, as in Al Qaeda/terrorism/satanism in general. If it were with me, I would have burnt the own Baal alive upon first time I thought someone believed that should be obeyed, but the I would also have shot 'Hitler' on first time I hear that we should kill Jews because they have dark eyes because he also had those (the first picture I saw of the usurper is the one I believe in). Even though everyone says that Baal demands human sacrifice, I don't really see any evidence on any communication coming from this static figure sitting in a throne, so that I would always assume it is insanity of those claiming that, just like I would assume it was when the 'blue blooded' people started with that story of God having chosen them, so in secrecy, telling nobody else, to be their leaders and with them all wondering, at every single second of the lives of those bastards, what on earth made them be taken to be any wiser than the people who were clearly useful to society among them. Our God is very rational: in the time of Elijah, He made all these demonstrations that were public about His powers and gifts to His chosen prophets. Nowadays, He uses wisdom, sometimes art (the other day He sent us a song with heavenly rhythm, which seemed to touch the soul, one involving desatanizing human kind: it was just 2 lines, yet we seemed to be able to all sing it together forever and that appeased the spirit of the damned immediately (now I cannot even remember it well, since it came from Our God, not from my mind). I composed more than 100 songs when 'Tom Cruise' appeared in my head at the Maze and I told 'Trevor' I would, so that was a prophecy that God sent to prove to the condemned/naturally cursed so that they could see God in us and obey/bend. We notice that it is perhaps the case that human kind will never hear not even one of those songs (even though I did ask the satanic to keep them in a safe place while I were suffering my crucification through their hands (which happens from inside, they nail/pierce/stab my brain/soul every day with their voices and images 16/7 for 3 years in a row, 24/7 for 3 months and 33 is the age of Christ but it is not over yet), like perhaps they will never be in the radio or anywhere else that is freely available and public, so available to all, yet the cursed saw them all. I said I would get the message of God for human kind and it would be delivered in three days if the satanic did certain things and I wrote an entire book of 200 pages in English 4 hours per day in a non-stopping basis, so without ever stopping to think about anything I was writing or checking, containing His message: because the satanic were my partners, not my twin, it is a bit badly written, I believe, even though who got the copy was 'Cameron Plant', like the satanic destroyed the original, in English (that was then yet another prophecy being fulfilled). Yet, it is certainly the message of Jesus (not of God) to human kind at that time. I instructed the devil on what I wanted, professionally speaking, since he gave me only one choice, and I chose research/science. He then asked how could a woman who didn't have much study and didn't have much memory enter science/research: I then told him to do exactly what he did, so have a top researcher writing a book summarizing all that they know from studying their very reduced area of interest and teach me privately and both of them did that, so 'Graham Priest' and 'Sever Dragomir'. I then had one new result and one striking result (I actually got the result from 'Hyde's' classes, so that, in Logic, the method I suggested did not really work as expected, but I then blame the book or the way we studied), the striking result being with 'Sever', on S-convexity (less than 6 months of him studying his book with me, now he really really wanted me to learn and really really wanted to be helped by me and saw in me someone who could help him, like he did seem to have a bit of God in him). I also instructed the satanic to get something related to Small Worlds, Watts' research, something still starting, and do things exactly in the way they did with 'Asha' and 'Kathy', and I did have a striking result (new graph for Graph Theory) and the predicted result (finding some wrong constraints) in less than 6 months. I suppose that is also a sort of prophecy, right? To prove that God is for us in other ways, the satanic planned to give me herpes by forcing me to sex with an infected male, who had both oral and genital herpes, at a certain height, and that was probably to make me sexually harmful and useless in those regards to my twin, since they would have predicted I would wish for being with nobody else after I recovered my memories and had direct contact with him through the bug. Things went like they planned, but Our Lord had made the virus be inactive in the body of the male, so that I carry it but it does not manifest itself so far and the male said it was inactive in his body at that height too, like after the contamination. The satanic, despite knowing 'my' 'story', and therefore that I had to wait patiently for this time to come, by 'this' here we mean when Forever Young were over, induced me to suicide once more and to do that through the car and gas. It wasn't my time and God was with us, so that the fire consumed the runners 'Lea Maria's love' had given us and the jacket someone who loved us put there for us to buy for only 10 dollars, but did not even touch us otherwise, like apart from hair and eyelashes. The car exploded and therefore was fully gone. My head was used to a sort of plan that, two possibilities: staying in the car or not. Yet, if the satanic can say that part was planned ahead by me through he brain and they always follow what I plan until the time of the tsunami against Rio, there was no way anyone would know, since they go with my head and I never stopped to think about it, that the jacked and runners would stop the fire from injuring my skin or me in any sense, like it covered my entire body. I am sure 'Lea Maria' never bought those runners calculating they would face fire, even because the thought of the fire came to my mind when I was already back to Australia. I also never planned anything about the jacket and had no idea it could do that) like we came with the allowance to channel superior wisdom/Holy Ghost, able to go through all this maze created by terror, even in our own (and only) brain and instincts/feelings. That is because He believes society has changed: back then, most were ignorant, could not read or write. Nowadays, most are literate where He shows His graces. May God bless!
Competition: Baal Lost
One of the main differences between Our God and your Baal is that Our God delights in our uniqueness, our individuality: He cares a lot about every single tiniest detail of your existence/your self as well as every single tiniest detail of the world we live in and of the human race. Baal wants you to have no name ('a horse with no name', 'Rogerio's' song is the mood here), no face of your own, to be one more figure (3rd on the usurpation of individual existence X, for instance), to have our heavens' allowances limited to whatever he determines (can have the logical part of the brain, but not memory, can have their own sexuality but not intelligence of their own, can have intelligence but not sexuality, can have skills in selling but not in teaching or other areas, can have skills only in one area of human knowledge, can think with part of the brain but cannot do physical activity, has to be fat and deformed and flacid (when Our God gave you a beautiful body and put in you passion for physical activity and sports), can only hear or appreciate demoniac music (rap, hip hop, metal: Al Qaeda doesn't let the other singers/composers not even exist, who would say compose, play, sing and be heard) and so on), to have you forced to do things in his ways (bisexuality, promiscuity, betrayal) and thinking in the way he thinks you have to think (formatted to his logic), to mention only a few things. Please notice that 'Elijah', if he was ever a prophet of Our God (Our God claims to be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, at most the God of Moses, as for Jesus, if and only if the satanic didn't lie there but I personally believe Jesus would have said the same, so God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob only), would have had his story satanized as well by the ressurected/Baal adorers/devil's followers/satanic/terrorists of that time. May God bless!
More Understanding on Baal, the Demon Al Qaeda Members Adore
This guy is perfect in what he says, really aligned with us, Twins of God, in this, seems to be connected to the Holy Ghost: That would be Leinha organizing all this and things are exactly what he says in their heads, I am sure. He then explains that Baal adorers believe freedom is getting rid of Our God, as we see in Scientology, again coinciding with what I told you before: it was the satanic/Baal adorers/Al Qaedas who wrote the book of Scientology that talks about eliminating God's Brainwashing (so the man and associates who usurped the existence of the original David Miscavidge and Hubbard), basically, so getting rid of the original soul and we know, on top, inserting a mechanical/satanic soul in place. I am glad NYC did not let them install the temple of Baal there, not even with all satanization they would have gone through, like they must be all usurpers by now, as they say it is the case with Australia. He talks about wortshippers of Baal getting power, wealth and freedom through the creature's adoration and that coincides with what we see in the satanic system's outcomes, just that freedom is not really what it is about: since the devil cannot take the soul with us alive and can only take it after Jesus judges us and authorizes, he enslaves us through the bug, satan's 666, so that he can insert all the hell's things through his mechanical soul and therefore keeps us in hell while alive, as explained before, so burning 24/7 in the flames of hell while on earth. As said before, 'Braganca', 'my''father', is the incarnated devil, so that he tries to exist on earth as he existed in hell, therefore with everyone on earth tormented, enduring turbulences and suffering that is impossible to be described 24/7, therefore without any interruption. We concluded that there is no way out of hell, the soul is simply destroyed and you do not incarnate again after all that suffering, so that it is just a matter of how long you will exist for under that horrible torment, which must depend on how severe your sins were or something while on earth. The devil hopes to make you sin as much as possible while you are on earth, so that he can get your soul after death and satan, one of the devil's creatures/his creation, thinks, as always, that God should be deceived, so that you can be made believe you chose at your own free will to sin like that, when you will unavoidably end up in hell, as the devil so much wants, so that 'Nelson' is simply, and all the time, proving his love for the devil by inserting the bug and administering all with Leinha. Once more, this is the Final Battle and there are two possible choices: it is either Our God or the devil, therefore either heavens or hell. Our plan makes it easier for everyone if you agree that the logical/right choice is Our God, please. Leinha talked to me exactly about all things this well informed man told us about in this YouTube, like she described exactly what he said in the way he said as being the things that would happen in the future, so even that, if they rejected the idea of the temple, that she would simply make a portal. He says Isis (even though biblegateway says the current Christian bible/satanic bible says that it was Jehu in 2 Kings 10:28 instead of Isis and they don't give the name of Jehu's wife, so that we don't know if it was Isis, his wife, who ran that war or not and, in principle, we are obliged to assume it was a man, Jehu, instead) destroyed the temple of Baal in Israel and, since then, the satanic move a war against Isis (that would then be against Jehu then): I imagine Isis was a true woman, so not a transgender, and that makes perfect sense with all we know, write about here and see so far, isn't it? May God bless!
Thursday, 13 February 2025
A Young Man Who Cares about The Jews
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Lee Strobel: American Icon, Researcher
Last Words of Satanists
Another video of the same type: Here we learn that Septimus was considered an atheist. Yet, our conclusion was that his life was usurped and he was, more than likely, a Christian. The replacement is satanic, Ball adorer, in our best evaluation. Because of that, he teaches a few members of his empire, Roman officers, satanism/Baal adoration, and some of those move to Saudi Arabia, which is when we end up with the satanists 'Osama' found there, so the creatures. It is missing working out how the men from Mozambique (for some reason we believe that is where they are from), one who got usurpation through invading the ship of ex-slaves that was leaving Rio, and the other who got the head device from the usurpation of a German researcher's existence, who returned to Mozambique by ship back then because they were originally from there, ended up in Saudi Arabia to learn satanism from the people who descended from the officers from Septimus' army. We then theorize they usurped the existence of two Saudi Arabian men who were travelling or living in Mozambique, even though we cannot make sense of the language thing, like how could they then learn Arabic and move to Saudi Arabia. May God bless!
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
The Giants: Nothing Holy About Them 7 foot plus giants from India. They are not blacks, nothing like the black Africans. Tanned skin, not even mulatto. Actual pictures as well says 'last of the giants', 1890. It looks like an actual picture. Giants from India. They don't say anything, not even year. These men look really normal in their proportions of the body and all else, like the previous ones we presented here, and they are even beautiful: the muscles and all else look very human and real, so that this must really have been true.
The satanic once more: They would then be hiding information from all of us, like that is what the satanic most do (remember the ETs, spaceship, healing for herpes and all else), but they also deceive, the misinformation campaign. We, God's people, also think like the people in this video say the others did: everyone has the right to have access to information, like all information of human kind should definitely be available for free online, in a way that is easy to browse and so on. We will replace intelligence agencies with information agencies, so that the entire human kind can benefit from it. We need to grow as a race, as a one-people thing, like we compete for the love of God individually, as a physical type, as a professional type and so on, which means we compete in terms of spiritual evolution and compliance, beauty of praise (beauty here meaning depth, interiorization or 'skinization' of feeling of praise or wonder), beauty of acts (beauty here meaning amount of positive impact on the race (human), complexity, intellectual depth) and so on, but we all fight against one force, which is God and God only. The devil will exist only for as long as we don't choose God, him being God's creation too in a sense, originally an angel of God.
I got interested in the giants because the bible the satanic/Baal adorers put together talks about giants being the result of the marriage between 'the watchers', who would be the 'sons of God', and human women. We learned that Jesus is the only son of God, so that frontally opposes the New Testament claims, which is expected, since the bible is not the word of God, only rarely coinciding with it, it was written by the satanic, those who most oppose the direction of the things and entities that belong to God. The first thing that occurred to me was that a human woman could not give birth or be pregnant of such a creature, like her body would not have capacity for carrying something that big inside of it. Yet, upon investigating things deeper, the images above do look like real pictures and we then assume those 'monsters' were born from humans who were much smaller than them. If the world were in the hands of God's people, so now that would be us, we would obviously take as much as we can from the experience and make the entire human kind benefit from the learning/research, so that we would have worried, more than anything else, about the basics, like who are their parents, how big are those, and, if the theory is correct, so that they are of normal size, how did they fit inside of the belly and all else? proves to us that the giants could indeed have been born from women who had normal height, like, in one of these cases, they say the guy had the same height as the mother at the age of 8 years old, so that he must have been born in normal size, which then makes the claim that giants were born from normal women something more plausible. The giants on this YouTube are mostly deformed but the previous ones had even very beautiful bodies. There are two particular pictures I am after, which I saw yesterday, of these enormous but beautifully shaped men having kids over their shoulders in India, so, once more, stating that these giants are really sweet most of the time or all the time even though they could easily smash us, command the entire human kind in some of the ways of Al Qaeda, so through physical violence. I wonder how the giants can marry normal-height women, as we see in this video, like their sexual apparatus must be really big, enormous, so how does that work? I am really curious about these things, to be sincere. I also wonder about amount of food and place of sleep for these enormous ones or even for the others, like do they eat an entire cow each time they have beef or something? They seem to imply that they eat like us, same amount, so how does that work in Biology, please? Our theories must be all wrong also there, so in the most basics, which is what we keep on seeing and I keep on telling you, that we will only have true knowledge once we all convert for real and are doing God's Brainwashing and all else, like it is all crap or mostly crap, like we seem to be able to destroy the most basic claims in science each and every time very easily, so that, once more, only with Our God, a world of God, can we stop wasting the so precious opportunity of incarnating, of experiencing life from a human perspective. Notice that even God felt the need of doing that, so that it has to be a worthy experience. Remember the braing thing, of the Indian researcher? People with no brains having highest IQs and performing better at the school. What does that mean if not that our science is all wrong? Have they not said they confirmed biblical parts? Don't they keep on changing Jesus' face, claiming each time they have rebuild it with science? Remember the story about Jesus' thomb? It is all so absurdly false and considered by them as absolute truth. That is the only thing you will ever get in a word without Our God, without pure heart and clean soul and all that jazz: whatever is not with Him is satanic/demoniac, as said now a few times.
According to 'Braganca', giants are the only type of people he fears, that being because his hands cannot reach their necks and therefore kill them. Al Qaeda would then have found a way of killing also the giants, not only the ETs, since one of the images we showed here states 'last of the giants', the really really big ones, as we see there, much taller and wider than those we see in the last paragraph.
Even though we have proven that giants exist and existed, we have no reasons to believe in anything apart from the opposite to the satanic's claims: God 'spies' on us through the Holy Ghost, which is always inside of us, so that God does not need any watchers and God would not be the wisest if He used people in an unwise way, specially His sons, so that it is really not possible that the sons of God were watchers, like that was their function in paradise, even if God had sons back then. It cannot be true that human kind originates from the Jewish as a whole, so that, already back then, there was a lot of human variety on earth, and, if it were ever possible that the sons of God would fall in love with physicality, we know, from accompanying the images we have of the Jews, and they did not even practice sports or physically conditioned the body, as far as we know, that they would then fall in love with women from another people, not really Jewish. Saying that the sons of God 'fell in love' with human women is however blasphemy, specially if this 'falling in love' connects to simple physicality: God is the wisest, so that His sons would have to have more wisdom than the normal men, wisdom that is therefore above the highest level of wisdom of humans, and that means that they could never go for only physicality. We tend to marry similar creatures and, if God is the wisest, as we must believe and feel He is if we belong to Him, His sons, even if it were possible that He procreated with humans, as they could think was the case with Mary (even though the own satanic make it clear that God and Mary never had sex and she never actually saw God, at most having spoken to an angel of God), would have to have at least more wisdom than the human with highest level of wisdom, which has to mean that they would have to marry similar creatures, never inferior or too inferior, because that is what the wisest here do, like the original Simone de Beauvoir and the original Jean Paul Sartre were both philosophers with really deep thinking (after Al Qaeda takes over, like replaces them, they split, live apart, betray and all else, but that is not them, as explained before, it is just 'their ID' that is being associated with usurpers/the satanic/terrorists): humans do not have their powers or levels of wisdom and therefore would be their inferiors, so that it is not really possible that a true god, and Our God is a true god, or the sons of this God, who, for the same reasoning, should only come from His Goddess, would marry a human, even though it is possible that, on the grounds of experiencing human life as human, God would find a way of generating a son without having sex with the human, still containing her genes in him, in case his son would indeed not marry any human, so that the kisses in the mouth between Madaglene and Christ never really happened, if she was ever with them, but, as we said before, we don't really believe she was. If she was, she was with a crowd, since we have now also proven that Jesus never had 12 apostles, like lots of people were his followers, like we nowadays see on good Facebook pages or YouTube people, so that he never had apostles, he had followers, 12 is satanic number, and the satanic invented all that when literally creating the holy books (all those of the Abrahamic religions being a small example). That is then the reason as to why everyone doubts those books to belong to true followers of Our Christ: superficial information, no localization (time, date, full name of the author, who they are in the life of Christ, how the facts became known by them and so on) and frequently weird information, such as the 144,000 thing from Revelation. In conclusion, that is definitely not true: there were no sons of God that human kind got to know about apart from Jesus and nobody else, apart from Mary, being a human being had the 'honor' of generating a kid from God, even because He does have a wife, as explained now a few times.
Giants in America:
So, these giants seem to be kindest creatures, like the ETs Al Qaeda exterminated, but they don't seem to have any type of special wisdom, and therefore they are not possible gods or sons of God or anything like that, like at most they are kids of God like we all are and so on. Their contributions to human kind are mediocre to none, so that they definitely do not hold any special connection to Our God, which does have to be a condition for us to protect people or treat them as special, if we are rational, as a race, and I do believe we should be, even though, so far, and for extremely long, we are not really displaying signs of rationality in all that really really matters, still the opposite, like not only everyone on earth lets the satanic do what they do to us, Twins of God, now for almost 60 years, which is like crucifying me 24/7 from inside and outside, entire life, but they threatened with killing my him yesterday, I think it was 27th of February the date they marked for the death of my him, like they put that on a YouTube and that is the way they communicate with me, so that I am sure. There is only God! Once more, Jesus intervened back then and that is the only reason those people there didn't get the worst from Our God, like he asked God to forgive. Notice however that he said 'forgive, father, because they don't know what they are doing', so that knowledge and awareness means that we can choose to not forgive, which is definitely what we are doing.
Giants in Japan: We understand they say these giants were born from normal-height man and woman, so that we can't really understand what is going on and, because the devil says the only people he fears are those taller than him, we conclude Al Qaeda killed many giants and hid any trace of information about them from us, like scientific information, doing the same with the ETs, whose intelligence they may fear even because we concluded that Our God is an Elohim (we also observed the other day that Elohim is 'elo'+'him' and 'elo' means link in Portuguese, so that it makes perfect sense with what we have, a connection with heavens that is a he. We then theorized that yet another planet would have an Eloher, so that the face of God they see is that of the wife of Our God this time and that must finally be a species/race she wanted to join them in paradise instead. Notice that that is what 'Al Qaeda' does with the words: remember 'Alanal' from 'Braganca'? That really came from them thinking of anal sex and implying 'Braganca' would do men therefore. I believe who created that theory, exposed in a famous book by a couple of 'scientists', a book on their 'research' in sexology, which states that men feel greatest pleasure with anal penetration was also the satanic (so that the life of the actual researchers would have been usurped and they would have used their charisma/status/IDs and all else to brainwash society, specially men, with the satanic values/tastes. This book was called 'the Hite report', as far as I can remember, but now Wikipedia says that Hite was not married to 'another' 'researcher' and this book is by her and about women's pleasure instead (Shere Hite, as described by the satanic now, also in terms of pictures, would also be easily proven to have been usurped, like pictures are extremely different at least sometimes). As Said, Al Qaeda can do that any time with any type, size or nature of information/scientific knowledge, so, once more, Our God teaches us that we do need Him and drop all other possible gods or idols, on top of doing all things we have been talking about). May God bless!
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
USA is, for Long, God's People: Proof
God's people is our America, please: We used Co-pilot to determine the year and Country of origin of all the most meaningful contributions we find in the world and the result was that USA tops the list, being, by far, the champion in those regards, then comes Germany (X-ray, Cesaerean section, ozonizer, truck, printing press) are two of those), following us from very far, then comes England (CT scan, train, subway, vitamins and water filter), following those from close, and there is like two findings for Australia (Centrelink and Medicare: not something the world had the opportunity of appreciating yet, but, after 'Trump' complies with our demands, during Marcia Hope, they certainly will), one finding (space travel) for the Soviet Union, one finding for Sweden (plastic bags), one finding for Italy (glasses), one for Norway (balaclava), one for Georgia (wine) and one finding for France (photographic camera).
USA: computer (1940), nuclear energy (1942), MKULTRA (1953: humans becoming God, so being able to manage weather, heal mental illnesses through devices in the head, manage the spirit through mental manipulation and others), automatic car gears (1939), mobile phone (1973), heaters (1883), anaesthetics (1846), pen with ink cartridge (1884), pesticide (19th century), water sprinklers (1871), comodo dragon (best internet browser, 2010), airconditioning (1902), firewalls (1988), autopilot for airplanes (1912), autopilot for cars (1925), hydroponic techniques (modern ones, 1920-1930), solar power (1954), condoms (1839), depoprovera/injectable and longest lasting contraceptive for women (1954), flu vacine (1940), airplane that can carry many passengers (1914), invisible submarine (1776), liquid paper (1956), runners (shoes for running, 1892), synthetic snow jackets (1970s) and many others.
Other signs are there: According to Co-pilot, places in the world where largest amount of healing of the body and brains via spiritual contacts/interventions are USA, Brazil and Africa. I wanted to consider only those healing cases that are confirmed by science but, unfortunately, science is not yet doing a good job there. They really need us, the Twins of God, so after we get 'Trump' doing what we asked him and making 'Elon' do what we want him to do, to organize science and things in this world that could matter for those areas of human interest. I would think that the largest amount of proven cases (so confirmed by science) is in the USA too. That is one of the supernatural powers attributed to Jesus, so that would have to mean something special.
I remember having read somewhere that who really came up with the idea of United Nations (UN) was the USA too, that after the WWII, even though Co-pilot does not have this information. Besides, I believe the ICC has to also have been created or proposed or imagined by the USA. The people of the USA are still blessed with democracy, capitalism and signature of the UN agreement on basic human rights, such as freedom and equality. Brazil however has got the largest amount of democracy in the world and is also capitalist and also signs for the UN agreement on basic human rights, so that the people of Brazil are also blessed to an extreme in those regards. The USA is a member of the United Nations. So is Brazil. That is a real blessing for their peoples. Brazil is still part of the ICC but the USA withdrew in 2002 ('George Bush').
We don't know the amount of usurpation in the USA yet and we will only find out that after 'Trump' complies with our demands (e-mail) and we have Marcia Hope. I think I am sure we can prove that, if the USA is like Australia and therefore mostly/totally satanized (usurpation), since it became such, it experienced high levels of decrease in its contributions of meaning to human kind, so that God DOES NOT bless geography but the actual people, as the satanic bible says ('chosen people'). The USA was the only place in the world where the people would say, May God Bless America, every day of their lives and where they would use 'gosh' instead of God when saying things that are not holy or associated with holyness: that has to count a lot, since that is part of praising/respecting/honoring Our God and they did that as a people, not only individually. We must also remember that usurpers frequently steal creations from Christians and put their names on those, sometimes releasing the invention or contribution (as in the case of the arts) decades after the usurpation of the ID, so that, if any meaningful contribution came from the 'era of the usurpers', that would have to be because of the Christians, not because of themselves, since God really wouldn't bless a person who did such a thing. The USA remains on statistics as the Country that most generates wealth on earth, so that should point at most of the people there being originals, however, the national debt they have is extraordinary, highest in the world as well, about 30.89 trillion. In this case, I cannot produce a solid inference from this. The USA has got largest amount of Christians in the world, according to Co-pilot (230 million), which means that, if there are mostly usurpers, their choices were mostly Christianity, which then kept the USA as most blessed by Our Lord, even because there are usurpers everywhere on earth (largest concentration in the world would be in Australia, according to the marginal, since that is the entire population).
We believe we here have proven that the USA is God's people nowadays and therefore we have proven that the language of God is now English, American version, therefore say Jesus and God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and not any other name. May God bless!