Monday, 17 February 2025

Angola: Oh, Dear, So Much Work Needed, one of the men who usurped the ID of the son of a pastor, Uziel Abner, and that seems to be a Jewish name to me, but Co-pilot says Hebrew name instead, like maybe both then, is clearly advertising satanism while pretending to be a Christian. He even tells how to make witchery to have a serpent vomiting dollars: that one would have to make a pact with their blood involved in it and curse their entire generation (so probably to mean mark them for usurpation). If such a thing ever happened in Angola, it can only that Al Qaeda gave them the money somehow (probably for him to sell drugs from them there or similar crime) and they simply claimed it came from the pact and the serpent, even though they wouldn't be lying if saying it came from the devil or one of his creatures. He then talks about this person receiving a 'passe' on top and that is something they do in macumba in Rio, coinciding with my idea, which is that this sort of thing came from the negros from Africa when they were slaves or something in Rio, just like 'feijoada': I can't conform with eating that, like it is basically horrible meat with black beans (and those are highly unhealthy because they inflate our digestive system with gas). In my head, the negros from senzalas used to feed from the leftovers from their owners and that meat wasn't ever used in the house of the owners, so that they found ways of being creative and eating something that were tasty even so. That they did that is fine, just like macumba, like a way of imagining you are returning the harm received and a way of changing what is heinous (being given the leftovers, as if you were an animal) into something less worse and even tasty, but that they then manage to convince white people from Rio that that is a good and chic culinary option and they accept that until nowadays, that is preposterous, quite sincerely. He then talks about things that seem to be fantastic and demoniac, such as a man being able to become invisible, that he watched that on TV and the TV channel, apparently TV Bem, claims the images came from CCTV circuits: according to him, the man would have made a 'trabalho de macumba' (so a macumba job) and he then incorporated into the spirit, when he would have become invisible. Leinha told me about this one. I now vaguely remember. He then claims that the house where this spirit fell, and he knows he did because the leaves moved as he was passing, was the house of a believer. According to him, the people of Angola are way superior to Brazilian people in spiritual terms because the Brazilians would see the man and think the guy is naked then he is at most a mental but the people from Angola would know better: they then waited for the guy to materialize and, as soon as they saw the naked man in front of them, they stoned the guy to death. He appeared in my head as I started seeing his pictures online and I then asked him if the guy bled on TV as he died like that and he said he did, so that I don't have doubts on this one: it was an actual man. I am sure this man was bugged, brainwashed and was put there to be terminated by Al Qaeda in top humiliation, so perhaps the most Christian they had or something, the ways of satan. I am glad that was on national TV there, since we can put that on the list of worst horrors perpetrated by the satanic during the Empire of Al Qaeda and show that during Marcia Hope. Al Qaeda then must have moved the leaves via satellite and created any other effect he saw on TV that seemed to be what he described in the same way. I think Leinha said they put the man there from opening the door, so that this supposed believer is also an Al Qaeda, then together with his entire house. He uses one of the satanic sentences we most condemn in what comes to speech: 'blood of Jesus' (has power). Here we have even more evidence in the direction of it being satanic, yeah? Let's praise the Lord, please. He says Angola was full of witchery before we go there to spread Christianity, basically. He also talks about an American who would be around there praying and would have visited their market. Leinha also conversed with me about this one, so consulted. She would have asked what the people there could be offering in a market if the only thing they had was witchery. I then gave the idea of selling witchery like that. Perhaps she also asked about what the guy from this market could be doing to prove that witchery worked or similar thing, and the guy from the market then turns to the American and tells him not to say the name Jesus to him at any expense, which, according to 'Uziel', is what then makes the American not be able to say Jesus' name after that. The American is then bugged and Al Qaeda made him not be able to say Jesus' name after that. We observe that these people are white and went all the way to Africa to try to spread the good news to them, so to try to convert them and include them in heavens after that, so that is what repeats over and over in history: whites bothering about blacks and ending up destroyed. It was just during that period of slavery of the Europeans that the whites did something really wrong to them and that, according to Al Qaeda information (our information so far), was 400 years. Once more, women are in legal slavery in the Islamic countries for 1,500 years and, if human kind thinks there is no reason to apologize to women, to compensate them somehow so far, then there was not even a reason to ever apologize to negros for that. We also know whites have been in slavery in the past too, like during the entire Old and New Testament there is slavery where God's people go and sometimes they are in slavery too and that slavery is always against whites, since those places were of white people. That seems to be thousands of years, so that 400 years is nothing, quite sincerely. We are in slavery where the laws forbid such a thing for almost 60 years and I endure torture via voice and image 16/7 for 3 years and 24/7 for 3 months, on top of mutilation, rape, castration, destruction of organs and bones, deformation of teeth and all else. I am brutally attacked by cariocas in such a way and everyone else knows I am from being inside of me in terms of authorities and press, yet I am not ever not even thinking of imposing death or mutilation or rape or anything that has been done to me to those who did that or let that happen to me, so that I don't really see why negros can do or should do such a thing to whites anywhere on Earth in any hypothesis. He then talks about a naked guy falling from the skies next to midnight over a negro broom that was weird as he was arriving at his bus stop while singing a song that he likes and that seems to connect to heavenly things in a strong manner. Leinha told me also about this one, so that I am absolutely sure this was all Al Qaeda: I can see, just because he sang a bit of the song in the video, that he 'takes off' while singing, like he relaxes or something, which does mean he would like to be connected to Our God, to be a person of light spirit and Leinha obviously doesn't like that, specially coming from negros, who form the strongest support base of Al Qaeda (the mercenaries from Rio). Somehow they did also that. Now working out the how is the problem. I can see he didn't touch the guy this time. Oh, forgot, just like I have horror of seeing women, specially naked, he has horror of seeing men, specially naked, like she said just naked, if I remember well, like, for him, that is one of the worst things he can see in terms of haunting figures. I can see them if they are my friends or relatives or something, but I certainly prefer having contact with men. He must be the same style as me in those regards, so that he prefers women but Al Qaeda forces people to homosexuality, bisexuality and promiscuity, so that she was not happy with that, specially because he was a negro. We then imagine this one was all made via satellite, even because he never tried to touch the guy or the broom, he simply ran away. Perhaps Leinha consulted me on possible reactions and she then must have moved him, so that he wouldn't try to touch the figure and therefore find out it was virtual. May God bless!

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