Friday, 21 February 2025

Satan is On: TV Shows, we here see how wrong and demoniac our media is at the moment and for long: they claimed a computer image they made was God, like perhaps this is worse than statues! They mock God themselves and there is no fall or anything that happens there as a consequence. Only Oprah got something, as for what they say, so not the producers of that show, not the computer experts who made those images and sayings, not the presenter who either had the idea or went with it and so on. We know they are all usurpers and, so far, they either have not studied the things we say for so long or even write (cariocas delete almost all our blogs, though, as said many times), have not learned from being inside of us, or they don't care. Our Solution includes brainwashing with he basics so that at least God's people don't get injured anymore with the co-existence with the satanic/demoniac. I do believe Jesus might be (finally) giving up on having so much tolerance with the naturally cursed, so much tolerance with those who once chose the devil on a voluntary basis, having all freedom and I have asked him to have way less tolerance with those who didn't have a totally free choice, so who were bugged then brainwashed and only then approached by the hell's creatures because we, Twins of God, have lectured them enough, have shown them way more than enough and so on: now they are sick of knowing they are brainwashed, their actions are not their choice and they also know what they can do in the reduced space of mind that is left for them to prove they want Our God not the devil (therefore none of his creatures either, such as Baal or macumba gods). Those with head space can act immediately and are not doing so for extremely long, like the carioca men, mulattos, all they have to do in life is getting out of my head for us to have a chance. We have then asked Jesus to stop having so much tolerance with Rio or cariocas, with 'Obama'. He says that they make the sign of the cross several times and have the statue. We argued that Our God is against statues of any kind, including his and we know them to be harmful plus we have even proven they contain sin also inside and were built by the demoniac with the intentions of having people sinning, not by those who are being given the chances but by the top of Al Qaeda, who raised and accompanied us, also our thinking, during the term of our lives this far, so why do they deserve more tolerance, like that is a satanic way of saying they care about Jesus, therefore also about God, since they are acknowledging his existence and wanting to make of it something remarkable in the ways of satan, but who ordered the design of it and the construction of it was the top of Al Qaeda, not them. Jesus then says that the people and place still think they are revering him, acknowledging his existence and superiority and have never been told that that is the wrongest thing to do after not believing or acknowledging or attacking/injuring. Our blog posts are not reaching people since cariocas delete them. I then argued that God's people should not be martyred or attacked or injured and that tolerance of his, that will of including also them, is destroying our human bodies, our turns, is taking away our power and energy, therefore wasting and destroying our resources, while those could be employed to more perfectly save God's people, those who really chose Our God, that God used to simply destroy civilizations if they did too wrong, as the cariocas have done and are doing. I also argued that we are the twins of God and I had chosen the destruction via tsunami of Rio and the extermination of all those inside of it already in 2001, that 'Alexandre Magno de Andrade', different from me, loved them and had also judged and also determined that they should be exterminated via tsunami, therefore 2 humans, a male and a female, one with horror of them and another with extreme love for them, and therefore we should be heard. The story then comes, that the Edmandos are not out of it and we, God's people, need them out for us to be fully restored and I had said, in 2001, that God's people/Christians had to be warned to have an opportunity of moving out before it happens. I then asked Jesus to help with that, that we get a space in their press and so on. Anyway, as for this one, how could they have any more sin, any more blasphemy in them and still out of their mouths and displayed in the actions of their bodies therefore: they say 'it is God, everybody, give it up for the Lord' when the computer image appears. Well, they are sure that is not God, first of all, and that is enough for them to be in sin, since saying lies is sinning, but they still make others believe, with what they state, that Our God is comparable or passive of being equated with what the hands of humans produced and is most closely related to machines than living entities or humans (when Jesus appeared as a human). That is blasphemy in highest degree and that blasphemy is being applauded by all those who were part of it, so that they are all being blasphemious, like the audience could have booed them, showing repulsion, if nothing else. They also claim that that voice belongs to Our God and therefore Our God sounds just like the devil: a voice that is scary, deep in the throat and so on, also a masculine voice, therefore a he, yet we have already told human kind Our God has got a wife and the Goddess, His wife, just like human women in relation to human men, is more powerful, has even more supernatural powers. Even though Our God is the only one who cares about us, we should at least acknowledge his wife by now. That is then another count of blasphemy or aggravation. The presenter still says 'God stops by once in a while. He is a fan': How dare he? God is surely not in him, who doesn't talk about us, Twins of God, or our situation or what we want to talk about and present to human kind or do our best to present to human kind for now about 60 years, yet I have myself e-mailed these TV/media people for ages, maybe not his particular program, but, since the idea came out of my head (what they did there) and Oprah (one of her multiples or usurpers, with me not sure which one, not having studied her case to such a depth) at least has been in it since long ago, and therefore had the obligation of accompanying all we think, do or feel, if nothing else, therefore of knowing, he does know of all in enough length and does not use what is available to him so easily to at least broadcast all. God DOES NOT 'stop by once a while': He gets information about all of us every fraction of second of our lives through Jesus who gets this information about all of us through the Holy Ghost, which lives inside of us. God is a fan of a show that does not talk about us or our situation or about the message of God Our Lord we brought to human kind not even for a fraction of second all the years we have been on Earth so far doing that part, which is then since at least 2002? No way. What makes him even think he is such, literally for God's sake? A count of blasphemy again, please. 'Can I help you Lord?' God does not need our help, Jesus does not need our help. We need their help instead. Blasphemy again. You don't speak like that with Our God, have mercy. He still says, 'I am kinda in the middle of talking with somebody important': he can judge who is important in the eyes of God himself? Is he Jesus or a messenger of God (we don't judge in a final manner, though, only Jesus)? If he had respect for Our God, would he think there is something on Earth that is more important than Him and therefore that He can wait? Huge blasphemy again, please. The computer voice answers, therefore confirms he thinks he is Our God, and he says 'I know, Stephen, I am a huge fan': blasphemy for having said he is Our God and blasphemy for having transmitted a totally satanic message and claiming that came from Our God, that Our God has human behavior and manners and is a fan of someone, not only that, but 'huge' one. Being a fan means not thinking, just following someone, adoring them as if they were Our God, therefore is blasphemious behavior/spiritual choice. Our God is, above all, God of Wisdom and individual spiritual progress, therefore He is radically against everything and anything that impairs judgement, so drinking alcohol in excess, doing drugs or being fan of someone, on top of the aspect of adoration, which can only be given to Our God himself. That Oprah is a big fan of Our God is not as bad as the fact that she is acknowledging the computer voice and image as Our God, which is horrendous blasphemy and definitely proves she does not have slightest connection with Our God, having never had a single true experience of communication with God or even with Jesus, therefore doesn't know the difference. That Our God would be full of joy if Oprah took him to be a computer or have the voice they put in it as if it were Him: perhaps full of rage instead? Were this world and race not entirely possessed by the devil, even us so far, like less but also, the studio and them would probably suffer the consequences of that rage, but Jesus holds human kind so far in his arms and is using us to change things in our favor again, this time to fix all and everyone for good, so that that was also tolerated, even though not forgiven. Our God has a plan for us and we have already passed the solution to human kind, how things can be. There are only two things: either Our God or the devil. If you don't choose the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, father of Jesus, and the ways of Jesus His son, you are with the devil, regardless of the name you yourself put on that, so atheist, macumba, voodoo, Baal adorer, Gnostic and whatever else. There are only two realms: heavens and hell. If you don't choose us, therefore our ways, you should go to hell. 'I can't wait to tell Jesus': Jesus lives inside of us through the Holy Ghost, so that nothing needs to be told in what regards humans and everything is known by him in a depth that no human being will ever experience whilst alive. Blasphemy again. 'Oprah' says that wellness means all things in balance and God, this time, makes her fall: she is more believed as a creature of God than the other presenter and seeks God more than him, so that she was punished this time. Wellness does not mean all things in balance, since then a sinner may believe they are right: evil balanced with good, therefore they do good as well as evil. For Our God, words do matter quite a lot: wellness is being with Our God, going on the ways of Jesus, on the ways we go too at most after we meet again in energy through my head, which not necessarily mean all things in balance, since good should take all the scale, no evil at all. The show and its audience confirmed the authority given to 'Oprah' by human kind (the reach and power of the media) and therefore she was charged more than anyone else on that particular occasion. Also notice that even if the devil did it, so if one of his creatures used her bug to make her fall from her pedestal, basically, he is an instrument of Our God, Our God created him originally as an angel and the Goddess, His wife, made him become the devil in order to delay or stop the spiritual progress of human kind toward heaven or the Elohim Paradise, since she does not want it to become overcrowded and she apparently prefers other beings, from another planet they administer, like, were it only her deciding, we wouldn't be on the equation at all. May God bless!

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