We were content with this contribution but we then realized that is the Al Qaeda Leinha's story: idol worshipping did not, by any means, start with wood-carved idols made from the backyard of people. It started with the temples imposing them to us, so the Catholic Church, for instance, having those inside of their premises. I then remembered something I studied as I was growing up in Brazil: the phenomenon of the 'santo do pau oco' ('hollow saint'). Basically, drug dealers/Al Qaeda/satanic/the ressurected/terrorists/Baal adorers from that time used to stash drugs in the hollow part of the statues of the saints/sacred images so that those could be sent from one Country to another by ship without anyone knowing what was going on and still believing that was something holy. We can also imagine money, proceeds of crime, changing hands like that, like nowadays it is Western Union but before it was that, like the main 'the way'. Some priests would also hide drugs there and sell those to whoever or even give/use after taking the bit to be given/sold out of the hole. We notice here that ALSO Al Qaeda has only single men involved in all that is planning or management of things (some changed into transgenders this time, only innovation), which must mean that women would not accept it or would make society find out at a certain stage or more quickly. We then observe that there is yet another good reason for all these satanic books, which the satanic made us call holy, to have been written/elaborated by only single men.
I now also believe Christ, the Redeemer, in Rio, is a monument of scoff; hollow inside. I think I remember having seen somewhere that there is an entry to the inside of the monumental statue. It is indeed to perplex that a society that is so much into horrible sin, atrocious, lover of macumba, therefore of doing evil to people, voodoo-like stuff, Baal adorer, with the temple there for ages, would make that statue thinking of praising Christ, out of having a pure heart, a clean soul but no discerment, like perhaps never having opened the bible or being told about how much of a sin building or having an image of something from heavens or hell is and that therefore building such a monstrosity and having it up high would be attracting curses from Our God. That statue was put there in October of 1931, according to Co-pilot, which probably means the satanic were in the government in Rio, whoever decides on that, back then.
Inside of it, the satanic may have any number of things, since it is enormous, so say Baal temples, where people get burnt alive, as well as drugs storage as well as distribution of those. I also remember that people who climb/hike their way up can get a lift with the 'sugar loaf' (probably means 'cocaine', since I think drug addicts call cocaine sugar, so that that is yet another scoff at the Christians and is there, used informally to refer to the cable car everywhere, including marketing and online material, to tell the drug addict or trader that that is a source, like people come back stashed/the filling of the loaf is them and it is then made of cocaine. Just like they did with Carandiru, they seem to have come up with another mountain with yet another cable car, which they also call sugar loaf, like that is the information in Co-pilot, that sugar loaf is another one) or cable car for free, so that the government of Rio, still these days, motivates people to get to the top via nature, where there is no camera to record their faces before they start the journey and nobody to supervise what is going on or take care of those climbing/hiking so that anyone who is a target can end up losing life and getting replaced on the way or at the top, inside of the Baal centre/supermarket. I then imagine some sort of code word/password being used to open the door of such a thing, just like it apparently is what Leinha told me about the gates between the Baal temple interior in Rio and its entrance. When we notice that the actual/original Church of Christ was on open air, we realize that all churches that have been built on earth have the purpose of serving these demons of crime, devil's servants/creatures. Sinagogues already existed, so that, even though I haven't ever been to one, I imagine those do not have idols or crosses (even because they reject Christ). I have told the cariocas, when their time came, to put down, destroy, all their statues, including the Redeemer, among some other things (I cannot remember because it does come from the Holy Ghost, as for those).
Here is what Co-pilot says: "Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro is indeed hollow. The statue, which stands at 30 meters (98 feet) tall with an additional 8-meter (26-foot) pedestal, is made of reinforced concrete and covered in soapstone. The interior of the statue is hollow, allowing for maintenance access. The hollow structure helps reduce the weight of the statue while maintaining its structural integrity. It's a remarkable piece of engineering and an iconic symbol of Brazil."
I also now remember Leinha referring to slides inside of the Baal statue in Rio, so in the temple she told me about, so that the humans actually slide down to the 'fires of hell', so of the belly of Baal. I think Baal has almost always been a statue of the upper body of Baal with a fornace in place of the belly, which is concealed by the structure around it and has a door at the front of it, bottom, through which one gets to the fornace. By the way, I just had this idea: the Easter Island statues, since Leinha referred to them and therefore this can only be one more Al Qaeda crime (I noticed their number increased with time, yet the people Al Qaeda claims to have built those, the Rapa Nui, shouldn't be around anymore, even though Co-pilot says differently. I totally believe those figuring as Rapa Nui today are all Al Qaeda, just like the aboriginals from Brazil that were found. I do think Al Qaeda exterminates peoples and, after those are gone, they get advantages for them or stupid and weird things that they will advertise as great things of those peoples so that their usupers are respected as if they were those peoples, and so that Al Qaeda can have a series of usurpations for each ID also there, like they probably pick the least intellectually able among us, also least skilled and put there to pretend they are those. A process that is very similar to what they did to Australians native, like the devil tries to copy the works of Our God in his realm which wasn't supposed to be earth but has become it for a time because people were not yet going with Our God and His envoys were not being respected or even acknowledged): they could look heavy but be hollow and therefore easy to move, any chance? Perhaps they hide something important in them?
Since I guessed, Al Qaeda confirmed: the statues are hollow. They built them from within the earth and made them stick out. One for each one of their immortals, so that that must be the whole lot they've got so far and I think one of them reminds me a little of 'Our' 'Obama', like the top boss of Hezbollah. Each statue corresponds to one house or one hole, like for each one of them and the face of the statue probably means something, but I don't think she told me that and I had a look at those online and could only find this one that reminds me of 'Obama'. I believe they take their 'baby'/'child' and cook it inside plus eat. The entry must be through the sea, as the other one. That is then how behind we are in Science: our official information says these status were built between 13th and 16th century. Instead, they were built by them during our lifetime, so in the last 100 years. That is the amount of crime Al Qaeda perpetrates against our science, which is what I want you to notice for the zillionth time. I believe the statue means they became their Baal, since they are now all cannibals, live eternally and eat children. Since they also want to usurp the Elohim, we conclude that they thought like this: human kind would only adore something superior to them, they adore these gods, therefore if I become them, acquire their skills/power, I will last forever and deserve their adoration, like then they would stop attacking and forcing us to the adoration part because they would 'finally' deserve it. I think that explains why they don't care about what is done on the surface of the earth, yet, I tell you, nothing that human kind can build with their hands will ever be perfect or like Our God's things, so that, just to mention one thing, water may flood the place and they will all die, since I am not seeing a way out that be not the hole through the water. https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/easter-island-rapa-nui-and-its-famous-moai-statues shows the ones I think she referred to, like I think they showed me images in my head when she was talking about this one too. These are apparently 15, as for all I can count from seeing the picture. I cannot be sure the others also mean this, but these ones I think I am sure. I notice that they have a stone pedestal so that people cannot dig aroun this one even though there was a picture of one where they dug around that I also saw. Building something underneath earth must be very expensive and I cannot imagine how long it takes them, who helps them build or how much of our nation's moneys has gone into each one of them, but I know it would be a hell's lot, what explains our countries all full of internal and external debt. You see here, https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/easter-island-dance-show-by-local-performers-near-ahu-tahai-complex-easter-island-gm1609881046-530858637, the supposed Rapa Nui (this name would have some meaning, like Alanal, remember?) are all whites, yet the people from this island, aborigines, must have been dark, in my humblest, so that some people from our subraces (only one race for Our God, human, but we divide things) would have thought that they either couldn't do anything else or they loved doing that sort of thing so that they think they are happy in that way, like they can then be parasites and enjoy nature, still have a public that praises, watches and applauds them, makes images, think they are remarkable and all else. Perhaps if they lived their natural lives they would never be anything beyond mediocre is probably what they are thinking. I now remember that Leinha told me that perhaps one of them would like to have company and she was then referring to me and 'Dylan', I now think, like she would have reserved one for me too. May God bless!
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