This guy is perfect in what he says, really aligned with us, Twins of God, in this, seems to be connected to the Holy Ghost: That would be Leinha organizing all this and things are exactly what he says in their heads, I am sure. He then explains that Baal adorers believe freedom is getting rid of Our God, as we see in Scientology, again coinciding with what I told you before: it was the satanic/Baal adorers/Al Qaedas who wrote the book of Scientology that talks about eliminating God's Brainwashing (so the man and associates who usurped the existence of the original David Miscavidge and Hubbard), basically, so getting rid of the original soul and we know, on top, inserting a mechanical/satanic soul in place. I am glad NYC did not let them install the temple of Baal there, not even with all satanization they would have gone through, like they must be all usurpers by now, as they say it is the case with Australia. He talks about wortshippers of Baal getting power, wealth and freedom through the creature's adoration and that coincides with what we see in the satanic system's outcomes, just that freedom is not really what it is about: since the devil cannot take the soul with us alive and can only take it after Jesus judges us and authorizes, he enslaves us through the bug, satan's 666, so that he can insert all the hell's things through his mechanical soul and therefore keeps us in hell while alive, as explained before, so burning 24/7 in the flames of hell while on earth. As said before, 'Braganca', 'my''father', is the incarnated devil, so that he tries to exist on earth as he existed in hell, therefore with everyone on earth tormented, enduring turbulences and suffering that is impossible to be described 24/7, therefore without any interruption. We concluded that there is no way out of hell, the soul is simply destroyed and you do not incarnate again after all that suffering, so that it is just a matter of how long you will exist for under that horrible torment, which must depend on how severe your sins were or something while on earth. The devil hopes to make you sin as much as possible while you are on earth, so that he can get your soul after death and satan, one of the devil's creatures/his creation, thinks, as always, that God should be deceived, so that you can be made believe you chose at your own free will to sin like that, when you will unavoidably end up in hell, as the devil so much wants, so that 'Nelson' is simply, and all the time, proving his love for the devil by inserting the bug and administering all with Leinha. Once more, this is the Final Battle and there are two possible choices: it is either Our God or the devil, therefore either heavens or hell. Our plan makes it easier for everyone if you agree that the logical/right choice is Our God, please. Leinha talked to me exactly about all things this well informed man told us about in this YouTube, like she described exactly what he said in the way he said as being the things that would happen in the future, so even that, if they rejected the idea of the temple, that she would simply make a portal. He says Isis (even though biblegateway says the current Christian bible/satanic bible says that it was Jehu in 2 Kings 10:28 instead of Isis and they don't give the name of Jehu's wife, so that we don't know if it was Isis, his wife, who ran that war or not and, in principle, we are obliged to assume it was a man, Jehu, instead) destroyed the temple of Baal in Israel and, since then, the satanic move a war against Isis (that would then be against Jehu then): I imagine Isis was a true woman, so not a transgender, and that makes perfect sense with all we know, write about here and see so far, isn't it? May God bless!
Friday, 14 February 2025
More Understanding on Baal, the Demon Al Qaeda Members Adore So here we get a couple of tokens on what Baal likes and therefore on what an adorer of such an ugly and absurd creature from hell should be doing to show they respect or follow it (please remember what we said before: if you follow a certain deity, the best you are ever going to look like is how they look like, so, in this case, you will become a bull, I understand). 'Tristan Erwin' says that followers of Baal must offer blood sacrifices periodically and those are children only even though he refers to a bull symbolizing Baal and talks about minotaurs burning people in general inside, which should then imply that Baal also takes human sacrifices in general, which is what I know, as for Al Qaeda practices. The most interesting thing he says is that there are people who have built a mechanical Baal, which then moves hands to get the child and put inside of its mouth so that it falls to the stomach and burns alive there. That is exactly what Leinha told me in the remote past, I now remember, so that he appeared in my head and I asked him where he saw such a thing, like I am sure it is in no book and nowhere to be found. He then seems to have said Rio de Janeiro. The image appearing in my head when she talked about that, so the one inserted by Al Qaeda, looked very similar to even though it was way better, like made of some metal, even in shape and all else. I then imagine a place where 'Nelson' can land his Macquarie spaceship and they can then unload it, like to then use the kids they abduct or something. 'Tristan' makes us understand that the more the child screams the better Baal adorers feel, so that I now imagine they don't go on phase out at all through the ordeal, however must die during the fall, like I can't be sure, can image variations, such as a system of slides inside of the throat and onward for the child to arrive alive at the end, where it is going to feed the fire. The figure in the church of the devil in the USA, to me, is also Baal. I also observe that I always found it weird that Australia, Sydney, would have that enormous bull inside of a shopping center in the CBD. That was certainly put it there by Al Qaeda, in my humblest, a huge idol made of solid and good metal. As another point, the bulls thing, in Spain, which I always found absurd, is probably their invention too, since it is part of terrifying people, inflicting pain, loss, injury and suffering. There is way more to Baal, as said before, but, as also observed, we can only get to know things for real if we desatanize human kind and this world, and the first step should be our God's Brainwashing. We need however to get Rio de Janeiro to simply authorize publication of the crimes, like today yet another couple of people I wrote to appeared in my head immediately asking the cariocas about what to do. I keep on suffering and having my only body and head tormented and ruined and physically destroyed and injured, also ruined in other levels of existence, what now goes on for about 60 years of our lives, mine and twin's. It is 3 years of 16/7 torture via voice and image and 3 months plus of 24/7 torture via voice and image. I did expect more from human kind, quite sincerely. As said before, Moloch and Baal should be the same thing, despite images sometimes being slightly different, Moloch is the biblical name for Baal, in my humblest. I think he mentions a minotaur as well, so that we can assume that is also Baal. He talks about Baal having sex with his own mother to improve whatever and indeed I do believe 'Nelson' and 'Bradley' both had sex with 'their mothers', like the 'women' (at least 'Lea Maria' is transgender, not sure about 'Val') playing their mother in the usurpation. Besides, we observed from close 'Bradley' having sex with little children he enslaved and still forcing them to share house with him for a time, which we think we are sure is followed by giving that child as a sacrifice to Baal. It is weird, in the case of 'Bradley', since he keeps this NIV bible at home at all times. Yet I never saw him referring to it in any sense or even opening it in front of me, despite me trying to converse about it a few times and him having very few books at home, less than 10, so that I do think that is just to pretend he is not a Baal adorer himself. I believe the horns appearing in the YouTube describing the UFO events in Varginha, which I put on a blog post in the blog Crime here, were attained by injecting some product in the space between the skin and the skull of the child and then shaping that product into horns or inverted cones, about 3, as for first YouTube on that I watched, and 2 as for the last one, which is the only blog post that Al Qaeda/cariocas did not mess up with so far involving those incidents. They worry about satanizing the kid before giving it to Baal, so that we expected to find reference to that in this YouTube, but we didn't. The name they use might be Temple of Satan Brazil, since Co-pilot said they have this one in both Sao Paulo and Rio and I do believe 'Nelson' is satan, even though he never said that and Leinha talks at most about a ceremony made on both sides of something, which I took to be life and death, so that some hell's creature would possess the body of someone by birth and I believe that is 'Nelson' and the ceremony took place in India. talks about the first satanic temple of Brazil and it seems that his video refers to 2024, so that officially little or nothing is known about it even though Co-pilot seems to know that for sure they have such in Rio and Sao Paulo, Leinha told me that more than 30 years ago, and 'Tristan' says he has been there himself, so in the one in Rio. They would never let news about such a place be online or available anywhere public just because it is still illegal in Brazil to kill people, specially against their will, and also to enslave/kidnap/steal them plus I am sure burning them alive is aggravation in penalty. Even though they command everything and full dominate compliance authorities, there is always the danger that someone records and exposes them even if online only in channels like YouTube, which are well watched.
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