7 foot plus giants from India. They are not blacks, nothing like the black Africans. Tanned skin, not even mulatto. Actual pictures as well says 'last of the giants', 1890. It looks like an actual picture. Giants from India. They don't say anything, not even year. These men look really normal in their proportions of the body and all else, like the previous ones we presented here, and they are even beautiful: the muscles and all else look very human and real, so that this must really have been true.
The satanic once more: They would then be hiding information from all of us, like that is what the satanic most do (remember the ETs, spaceship, healing for herpes and all else), but they also deceive, the misinformation campaign. We, God's people, also think like the people in this video say the others did: everyone has the right to have access to information, like all information of human kind should definitely be available for free online, in a way that is easy to browse and so on. We will replace intelligence agencies with information agencies, so that the entire human kind can benefit from it. We need to grow as a race, as a one-people thing, like we compete for the love of God individually, as a physical type, as a professional type and so on, which means we compete in terms of spiritual evolution and compliance, beauty of praise (beauty here meaning depth, interiorization or 'skinization' of feeling of praise or wonder), beauty of acts (beauty here meaning amount of positive impact on the race (human), complexity, intellectual depth) and so on, but we all fight against one force, which is God and God only. The devil will exist only for as long as we don't choose God, him being God's creation too in a sense, originally an angel of God.
I got interested in the giants because the bible the satanic/Baal adorers put together talks about giants being the result of the marriage between 'the watchers', who would be the 'sons of God', and human women. We learned that Jesus is the only son of God, so that frontally opposes the New Testament claims, which is expected, since the bible is not the word of God, only rarely coinciding with it, it was written by the satanic, those who most oppose the direction of the things and entities that belong to God. The first thing that occurred to me was that a human woman could not give birth or be pregnant of such a creature, like her body would not have capacity for carrying something that big inside of it. Yet, upon investigating things deeper, the images above do look like real pictures and we then assume those 'monsters' were born from humans who were much smaller than them. If the world were in the hands of God's people, so now that would be us, we would obviously take as much as we can from the experience and make the entire human kind benefit from the learning/research, so that we would have worried, more than anything else, about the basics, like who are their parents, how big are those, and, if the theory is correct, so that they are of normal size, how did they fit inside of the belly and all else? proves to us that the giants could indeed have been born from women who had normal height, like, in one of these cases, they say the guy had the same height as the mother at the age of 8 years old, so that he must have been born in normal size, which then makes the claim that giants were born from normal women something more plausible. The giants on this YouTube are mostly deformed but the previous ones had even very beautiful bodies. There are two particular pictures I am after, which I saw yesterday, of these enormous but beautifully shaped men having kids over their shoulders in India, so, once more, stating that these giants are really sweet most of the time or all the time even though they could easily smash us, command the entire human kind in some of the ways of Al Qaeda, so through physical violence. I wonder how the giants can marry normal-height women, as we see in this video, like their sexual apparatus must be really big, enormous, so how does that work? I am really curious about these things, to be sincere. I also wonder about amount of food and place of sleep for these enormous ones or even for the others, like do they eat an entire cow each time they have beef or something? They seem to imply that they eat like us, same amount, so how does that work in Biology, please? Our theories must be all wrong also there, so in the most basics, which is what we keep on seeing and I keep on telling you, that we will only have true knowledge once we all convert for real and are doing God's Brainwashing and all else, like it is all crap or mostly crap, like we seem to be able to destroy the most basic claims in science each and every time very easily, so that, once more, only with Our God, a world of God, can we stop wasting the so precious opportunity of incarnating, of experiencing life from a human perspective. Notice that even God felt the need of doing that, so that it has to be a worthy experience. Remember the braing thing, of the Indian researcher? People with no brains having highest IQs and performing better at the school. What does that mean if not that our science is all wrong? Have they not said they confirmed biblical parts? Don't they keep on changing Jesus' face, claiming each time they have rebuild it with science? Remember the story about Jesus' thomb? It is all so absurdly false and considered by them as absolute truth. That is the only thing you will ever get in a word without Our God, without pure heart and clean soul and all that jazz: whatever is not with Him is satanic/demoniac, as said now a few times.
According to 'Braganca', giants are the only type of people he fears, that being because his hands cannot reach their necks and therefore kill them. Al Qaeda would then have found a way of killing also the giants, not only the ETs, since one of the images we showed here states 'last of the giants', the really really big ones, as we see there, much taller and wider than those we see in the last paragraph.
Even though we have proven that giants exist and existed, we have no reasons to believe in anything apart from the opposite to the satanic's claims: God 'spies' on us through the Holy Ghost, which is always inside of us, so that God does not need any watchers and God would not be the wisest if He used people in an unwise way, specially His sons, so that it is really not possible that the sons of God were watchers, like that was their function in paradise, even if God had sons back then. It cannot be true that human kind originates from the Jewish as a whole, so that, already back then, there was a lot of human variety on earth, and, if it were ever possible that the sons of God would fall in love with physicality, we know, from accompanying the images we have of the Jews, and they did not even practice sports or physically conditioned the body, as far as we know, that they would then fall in love with women from another people, not really Jewish. Saying that the sons of God 'fell in love' with human women is however blasphemy, specially if this 'falling in love' connects to simple physicality: God is the wisest, so that His sons would have to have more wisdom than the normal men, wisdom that is therefore above the highest level of wisdom of humans, and that means that they could never go for only physicality. We tend to marry similar creatures and, if God is the wisest, as we must believe and feel He is if we belong to Him, His sons, even if it were possible that He procreated with humans, as they could think was the case with Mary (even though the own satanic make it clear that God and Mary never had sex and she never actually saw God, at most having spoken to an angel of God), would have to have at least more wisdom than the human with highest level of wisdom, which has to mean that they would have to marry similar creatures, never inferior or too inferior, because that is what the wisest here do, like the original Simone de Beauvoir and the original Jean Paul Sartre were both philosophers with really deep thinking (after Al Qaeda takes over, like replaces them, they split, live apart, betray and all else, but that is not them, as explained before, it is just 'their ID' that is being associated with usurpers/the satanic/terrorists): humans do not have their powers or levels of wisdom and therefore would be their inferiors, so that it is not really possible that a true god, and Our God is a true god, or the sons of this God, who, for the same reasoning, should only come from His Goddess, would marry a human, even though it is possible that, on the grounds of experiencing human life as human, God would find a way of generating a son without having sex with the human, still containing her genes in him, in case his son would indeed not marry any human, so that the kisses in the mouth between Madaglene and Christ never really happened, if she was ever with them, but, as we said before, we don't really believe she was. If she was, she was with a crowd, since we have now also proven that Jesus never had 12 apostles, like lots of people were his followers, like we nowadays see on good Facebook pages or YouTube people, so that he never had apostles, he had followers, 12 is satanic number, and the satanic invented all that when literally creating the holy books (all those of the Abrahamic religions being a small example). That is then the reason as to why everyone doubts those books to belong to true followers of Our Christ: superficial information, no localization (time, date, full name of the author, who they are in the life of Christ, how the facts became known by them and so on) and frequently weird information, such as the 144,000 thing from Revelation. In conclusion, that is definitely not true: there were no sons of God that human kind got to know about apart from Jesus and nobody else, apart from Mary, being a human being had the 'honor' of generating a kid from God, even because He does have a wife, as explained now a few times.
Giants in America:
So, these giants seem to be kindest creatures, like the ETs Al Qaeda exterminated, but they don't seem to have any type of special wisdom, and therefore they are not possible gods or sons of God or anything like that, like at most they are kids of God like we all are and so on. Their contributions to human kind are mediocre to none, so that they definitely do not hold any special connection to Our God, which does have to be a condition for us to protect people or treat them as special, if we are rational, as a race, and I do believe we should be, even though, so far, and for extremely long, we are not really displaying signs of rationality in all that really really matters, still the opposite, like not only everyone on earth lets the satanic do what they do to us, Twins of God, now for almost 60 years, which is like crucifying me 24/7 from inside and outside, entire life, but they threatened with killing my him yesterday, I think it was 27th of February the date they marked for the death of my him, like they put that on a YouTube and that is the way they communicate with me, so that I am sure. There is only God! Once more, Jesus intervened back then and that is the only reason those people there didn't get the worst from Our God, like he asked God to forgive. Notice however that he said 'forgive, father, because they don't know what they are doing', so that knowledge and awareness means that we can choose to not forgive, which is definitely what we are doing.
Giants in Japan: We understand they say these giants were born from normal-height man and woman, so that we can't really understand what is going on and, because the devil says the only people he fears are those taller than him, we conclude Al Qaeda killed many giants and hid any trace of information about them from us, like scientific information, doing the same with the ETs, whose intelligence they may fear even because we concluded that Our God is an Elohim (we also observed the other day that Elohim is 'elo'+'him' and 'elo' means link in Portuguese, so that it makes perfect sense with what we have, a connection with heavens that is a he. We then theorized that yet another planet would have an Eloher, so that the face of God they see is that of the wife of Our God this time and that must finally be a species/race she wanted to join them in paradise instead. Notice that that is what 'Al Qaeda' does with the words: remember 'Alanal' from 'Braganca'? That really came from them thinking of anal sex and implying 'Braganca' would do men therefore. I believe who created that theory, exposed in a famous book by a couple of 'scientists', a book on their 'research' in sexology, which states that men feel greatest pleasure with anal penetration was also the satanic (so that the life of the actual researchers would have been usurped and they would have used their charisma/status/IDs and all else to brainwash society, specially men, with the satanic values/tastes. This book was called 'the Hite report', as far as I can remember, but now Wikipedia says that Hite was not married to 'another' 'researcher' and this book is by her and about women's pleasure instead (Shere Hite, as described by the satanic now, also in terms of pictures, would also be easily proven to have been usurped, like pictures are extremely different at least sometimes). As Said, Al Qaeda can do that any time with any type, size or nature of information/scientific knowledge, so, once more, Our God teaches us that we do need Him and drop all other possible gods or idols, on top of doing all things we have been talking about). May God bless!
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