Monday, 3 February 2025

Bible: More Argumentation as for It Having Been Written by the Satanic, Nina Livesay proves that all 6 letters supposedly written by the 'apostle' Paul (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonian) are 'pseudonymous and letters-in-form-only', so she produces good and credible evidence on 'these letters having not been written by their attributed authors and having been only superficially letters in structure'.

Once more, the book, nowadays considered to be the Christian bible, was never the words of Our God, at most accidentally, in very few places, coinciding with those. It was written and put together by the satanic, who are the same people running Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Russian League and so on, so the most harmful terrorist groups ever created. Al Qaeda is Baal adorers. May God bless!

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