Tuesday, 4 February 2025

USA is, for Long, God's People: Proof

How do we prove God has chosen a nation, therefore blesses a people more than the other peoples in the world? Through listing the amount of contributions of that people and nation to the world, meaningful ones, so advances that represent enormous progress because the entire human kind agrees those things are meaningful and positive. Through this line of reasoning, we can easily prove the Israeli stopped being God's people long long time ago, so at most by the time of Jesus, since they did what they did.

God's people is our America, please: We used Co-pilot to determine the year and Country of origin of all the most meaningful contributions we find in the world and the result was that USA tops the list, being, by far, the champion in those regards, then comes Germany (X-ray, Cesaerean section, ozonizer, truck, printing press) are two of those), following us from very far, then comes England (CT scan, train, subway, vitamins and water filter), following those from close, and there is like two findings for Australia (Centrelink and Medicare: not something the world had the opportunity of appreciating yet, but, after 'Trump' complies with our demands, during Marcia Hope, they certainly will), one finding (space travel) for the Soviet Union, one finding for Sweden (plastic bags), one finding for Italy (glasses), one for Norway (balaclava), one for Georgia (wine) and one finding for France (photographic camera).

USA: computer (1940), nuclear energy (1942), MKULTRA (1953: humans becoming God, so being able to manage weather, heal mental illnesses through devices in the head, manage the spirit through mental manipulation and others), automatic car gears (1939), mobile phone (1973), heaters (1883), anaesthetics (1846), pen with ink cartridge (1884), pesticide (19th century), water sprinklers (1871), comodo dragon (best internet browser, 2010), airconditioning (1902), firewalls (1988), autopilot for airplanes (1912), autopilot for cars (1925), hydroponic techniques (modern ones, 1920-1930), solar power (1954), condoms (1839), depoprovera/injectable and longest lasting contraceptive for women (1954), flu vacine (1940), airplane that can carry many passengers (1914), invisible submarine (1776), liquid paper (1956), runners (shoes for running, 1892), synthetic snow jackets (1970s) and many others.

Other signs are there: According to Co-pilot, places in the world where largest amount of healing of the body and brains via spiritual contacts/interventions are USA, Brazil and Africa. I wanted to consider only those healing cases that are confirmed by science but, unfortunately, science is not yet doing a good job there. They really need us, the Twins of God, so after we get 'Trump' doing what we asked him and making 'Elon' do what we want him to do, to organize science and things in this world that could matter for those areas of human interest. I would think that the largest amount of proven cases (so confirmed by science) is in the USA too. That is one of the supernatural powers attributed to Jesus, so that would have to mean something special.

I remember having read somewhere that who really came up with the idea of United Nations (UN) was the USA too, that after the WWII, even though Co-pilot does not have this information. Besides, I believe the ICC has to also have been created or proposed or imagined by the USA. The people of the USA are still blessed with democracy, capitalism and signature of the UN agreement on basic human rights, such as freedom and equality. Brazil however has got the largest amount of democracy in the world and is also capitalist and also signs for the UN agreement on basic human rights, so that the people of Brazil are also blessed to an extreme in those regards. The USA is a member of the United Nations. So is Brazil. That is a real blessing for their peoples. Brazil is still part of the ICC but the USA withdrew in 2002 ('George Bush').

We don't know the amount of usurpation in the USA yet and we will only find out that after 'Trump' complies with our demands (e-mail) and we have Marcia Hope. I think I am sure we can prove that, if the USA is like Australia and therefore mostly/totally satanized (usurpation), since it became such, it experienced high levels of decrease in its contributions of meaning to human kind, so that God DOES NOT bless geography but the actual people, as the satanic bible says ('chosen people'). The USA was the only place in the world where the people would say, May God Bless America, every day of their lives and where they would use 'gosh' instead of God when saying things that are not holy or associated with holyness: that has to count a lot, since that is part of praising/respecting/honoring Our God and they did that as a people, not only individually. We must also remember that usurpers frequently steal creations from Christians and put their names on those, sometimes releasing the invention or contribution (as in the case of the arts) decades after the usurpation of the ID, so that, if any meaningful contribution came from the 'era of the usurpers', that would have to be because of the Christians, not because of themselves, since God really wouldn't bless a person who did such a thing. The USA remains on statistics as the Country that most generates wealth on earth, so that should point at most of the people there being originals, however, the national debt they have is extraordinary, highest in the world as well, about 30.89 trillion. In this case, I cannot produce a solid inference from this. The USA has got largest amount of Christians in the world, according to Co-pilot (230 million), which means that, if there are mostly usurpers, their choices were mostly Christianity, which then kept the USA as most blessed by Our Lord, even because there are usurpers everywhere on earth (largest concentration in the world would be in Australia, according to the marginal, since that is the entire population).

We believe we here have proven that the USA is God's people nowadays and therefore we have proven that the language of God is now English, American version, therefore say Jesus and God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and not any other name. May God bless!

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