I found this on https://duckrabbits.wordpress.com/2013/05/29/shalim-the-lost-god-of-peace/: "Shalim was the god of dusk, twin brother of Shahar, the god of dawn, both attributed to the planet Venus, the morning and evening star (seems they hadn’t yet discovered that these were the same celestial body). Since Shalim represented the completion of the day, his name become synonymous with completion, wholeness, rest, and of course peace. This also associated him with death and the netherworld, giving us a glimpse into the attitude the Canaanites had regarding death: a peaceful completion of life. Tragically the entire Canaanite religion was all but lost to history, only partially preserved in the clay tablets found at Ugarit, but its gods are preserved in the Semitic languages still used today." If this is all correct, I would like to say the satanic brainwash us even by making satanic things disguised as philosophy enter our minds during classes and in academic material in general (such as papers, books and others): this thing of morning and evening star is repeated all the time in logic/Philosophy of Language. I can accept this demon, who is then a male, as a god of death: it looks compatible with what happens there, in that area.
https://christiananswers.net/dictionary/shalimlandof.html also brings something about this demon: "Also known as Shalem, Šalām, Salam, Salem, and Salim." Demon "of dusk, dawn and the netherworld (world under the surface of Earth, so hell)". Therefore, according to this site, he has nothing to do with peace, not even slightly.
This is one more satanic deceit of huge proportions, once more here using the Hebrew language. To learn the true meaning of the word, you've gotta do what we did here before several times: so go for the Hebrew hieroglyphs, then search for those using Google Search to see if you are able to locate what should be six meanings for the word. I am thinking demon of hell make a lot of sense and so does demon of death or even demon of conflict but I am not very inspired here, please try to work on this one yourself until I can come back to it.
Shalim in Hebrew is שָׁלֵם, according to Co-pilot. יְרוּשָׁלַיִם is Jerusalem (Co-pilot). Indeed, it seems that the same symbols are found in both words, just that Jerusalem has got 3 others, which we would think mean city in English. The most common translation of shalim in the bible seems to be 'perfect' (16x) and the second most common translation is 'whole' (4x), as for https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h8003/kjv/wlc/0-1/. עיר means city according to https://www.doitinhebrew.com/Translate/Default.aspx?txt=Jerusalem&kb=US+US&l1=en&l2=iw&s=1, which means that what is written there is not city. City in Hebrew, according to Google Translate, is עִיר
"The name "Jerusalem" was already in use before the Israelites moved there. The city was originally known as Salem or Urusalimum. The name "Jerusalem" itself is believed to have evolved from these earlier names. When the Israelites arrived, they adopted the existing name, which was easily transliterated into Hebrew as Yerushalayim" comes from Co-pilot.
We then de-satanize the information on Co-pilot by trying the query in yet another way and getting the following response: "The name "Urusalimum" is an ancient name for Jerusalem, mentioned in Egyptian texts from the 19th century B.C. The etymology of the name is not entirely certain, but it is believed to be of Semitic origin. Modern scholars suggest that it means "founded by the god Shalem," who was a deity of the Amorites".
Apparently, Genesis brings the word 'shalim' and it refers to the expression 'king of shalim' (https://biblehub.com/genesis/14-18.htm), therefore 'marcia of rogerio', as for 'Murillo', which means King of the demon, yeah? As we said, the holy books are all satanic and there should never have been such a thing: no book can be holy, just for starters, but if you adore a God, that should be a God of here and now, not from the past. A God cannot be made of theories: the only reason you would have to accept complying not only with the human laws and rules but also with supernatural ones, from Our God, and following His instruction, on top of the human management instructions, is obviously that the God helps somehow, makes your life easier or your progress more likely or quicker.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D7%99%D7%A8%D7%94 says that the word they had translated as 'city', in the video we quoted here, actually connects to 'to show the way', 'direct' or 'throw', so that it is my best guess now that Jerusalem means 'to show the way to shalim' or the way to the manager of hell. I think you need to see the manager of hell if you are in hell and want to learn how you can get out or improve your situation, so that there is probably nothing holy about being or living in that area of the world, which does coincide with my impression, like I don't see much attractive there apart from the things Christ would have done and lived. It probably also means that the people there have done a 'hell' lot wrong in life or past lives, like maybe those would incarnate there or something, like maybe there is a geography of the spirit as well, like that marks the departure spiritual progress level for the person in the current human body/shape/incarnation. It does seem like Our God marked us biologically (Lombroso) somehow related to our most likely biography if we do not succeed in advancing in spiritual levels while on earth during that incarnation, so that Our God helps us know about our past lives and where we are at if we simply listen to the sounds of what seems to be nature in this world maybe because we lose memory when we incarnate and we can remember at most one basic thing when we are in the last incarnations as humans, so getting ready to be in the Elohim Planet (unconsciously, and here is when we can use Jung's theory a little, Collective Unconscious, we a sort of know that, since lots of people would have played with the 'fish' on hand thing as they grew up: that there is such a thing as last incarnation).
By the way, there aren't many languages that sound as repulsive as Arabic to my ears and Hebrew seems to be somehow related to it, so perhaps Our God marks our spiritual development level also like that: I started some research about skills that come associated with the language we use to communicate and also characteristics of the people who grow up speaking a certain language, so characteristics that seem to be added/given to the person by the way they communicate, so by the difficulties and peculiarities of each language, so things like occlusion, articulation and breath placement. I now believe Our God puts us with the language that most sychronizes with the vibes of our soul, therefore with our spiritual level, so that we fight together with those who have the same difficulties and peculiarities, just like we do in human kind in general, like we put disabled with disabled and make of that a competition, then women with women and men with men, we also give levels for boxers, for instance, and do not let them fight with people from higher or lower levels, things like that is what I think made Our God organize us in this so special way, like we all prefer, in research, which is the most important thing for our spiritual progress, to work with people who understand the way we communicate, as a first thing, then, if possible, with those who look alike, as a second thing, or perhaps those who grew up in the same sort of place or belong to the same subpeople, like we are all one people for Our God, human kind, but we have different groupings, so people who are native from a certain Country is what I mean here. What happens if we decide to ignore all that and do our own thing, as Al Qaeda has done? It is like cheating at school, so time to work will come and you will be in deficit, so you won't be able to produce independently like everyone else or you will never be able to have an original idea that counts or you will be demotivated since you little understand or understand nothing of what is going on or what is required for your job/function. I do believe Our God makes sure our judgement is fair, so that, when Christ's time comes, by the end of our human experience, if we are in heavens, we will be seen just like the lazy/rebel student/the devil or worse, like it will mostly depend on our deeds and, if there isn't any because we made use of slaves, we could be downgraded and go straight to hell or something, which means, according to our joint studies, so of our coupleship, the Twins of God, and the satanic, that we will endure torments and suffering for a long time and we then be destroyed, like we won't have anymore opportunities of coming to Earth and fixing our relationship with the corporeal matter and we will also never see heavens or the Elohim Planet or Our God and His Goddess. May God bless!
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