Sunday, 9 February 2025

Last Words of Satanists People like David Hume, Voltaire, Sir Francis Newport and Thomas Paine were satanists and here you see their last words. It seems that a few even mentioned God by the time of death.

Another video of the same type: Here we learn that Septimus was considered an atheist. Yet, our conclusion was that his life was usurped and he was, more than likely, a Christian. The replacement is satanic, Ball adorer, in our best evaluation. Because of that, he teaches a few members of his empire, Roman officers, satanism/Baal adoration, and some of those move to Saudi Arabia, which is when we end up with the satanists 'Osama' found there, so the creatures. It is missing working out how the men from Mozambique (for some reason we believe that is where they are from), one who got usurpation through invading the ship of ex-slaves that was leaving Rio, and the other who got the head device from the usurpation of a German researcher's existence, who returned to Mozambique by ship back then because they were originally from there, ended up in Saudi Arabia to learn satanism from the people who descended from the officers from Septimus' army. We then theorize they usurped the existence of two Saudi Arabian men who were travelling or living in Mozambique, even though we cannot make sense of the language thing, like how could they then learn Arabic and move to Saudi Arabia. May God bless!

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