Sunday, 2 February 2025

Exorcism: Modern Version

I got a very important token from Our God yesterday, during mass, so that my half was either thinking of me or watching what I am doing: I was asked by the violator/torturer from Rio, male, why I wouldn't be able to exorcise them, since God gave me a few blessings today before the church, when the token came, and I then even sang a song that implied we are here to desatanize human kind and they are all possessed by the devil through the mechanical bug. God then sent me the answer through the Holy Ghost: just like I learned in the ISTA, security course I did, we can only employ a strenght of attack that is proportional to the attack/threat received, so that God sent Jesus when the devil attacked us via spiritual possession, and God sent us when the devil attacks via mechanical possession, since, back then, Jesus solved things by expelling the demon from people and now we will solve things by doing brainwashing via bug, so by doing the same the devil is doing to get his followers. God then also said that the devil cannot take our soul from us while we are alive, only after we die, but,since he is incarnated, he wants to have things in the same way he has in hell, so everyone tormented, suffering, being injured, having pain and having him as the lord of them all, and he then wants to have the souls in hell in the same way, but God doesn't allow that and it is Jesus who judges if we go to hell or heavens (and heavens is composed of several levels of progression and there are only those two after death), not the devil, so that he can do at most what he did, which is pretending the souls are in hell, a sort of reserving them for hell, and making us live in hell while still alive. May God bless!

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