Friday, 14 February 2025

Competition: Baal Lost brings what God's People did to prove that Baal doesn't do anything for his people: it is a pathetic creature who, as far as we can see, just sits at a throne and demands human sacrifices plus tells human kind to do the wrongest thing as possible to themselves. It is also a very ugly one, exactly like the images they put on this website: remember, if you follow a deity, the most you can achieve is looking like them and being what they are. As you saw on the previous post, Baal is associated with a bull and a minotaur, so that the most you will get is becoming a bull or a minotaur, perhaps what you see in this video, so a mix between that and a beastoid. The most you will do is, as for all we have access to in what regards Baal, sitting in a throne and give irrational and destructive orders. Our God makes sure you have access to the largest amount of information/knowledge/wisdom of true nature whenever He or His representatives/messengers are on earth and the only way He will condemn you to hell, therefore to deep suffering and pain 24/7 after death, is if you do know what you are doing in full, that is not what He told you He wants through His messengers (one or a couple for each generation), yet you insist in doing that instead of repenting sincerely at most at that stage (when you know what is involved in that in full), turning to Him at most then, thus doing all things we have been saying here for long, and so on.

One of the main differences between Our God and your Baal is that Our God delights in our uniqueness, our individuality: He cares a lot about every single tiniest detail of your existence/your self as well as every single tiniest detail of the world we live in and of the human race. Baal wants you to have no name ('a horse with no name', 'Rogerio's' song is the mood here), no face of your own, to be one more figure (3rd on the usurpation of individual existence X, for instance), to have our heavens' allowances limited to whatever he determines (can have the logical part of the brain, but not memory, can have their own sexuality but not intelligence of their own, can have intelligence but not sexuality, can have skills in selling but not in teaching or other areas, can have skills only in one area of human knowledge, can think with part of the brain but cannot do physical activity, has to be fat and deformed and flacid (when Our God gave you a beautiful body and put in you passion for physical activity and sports), can only hear or appreciate demoniac music (rap, hip hop, metal: Al Qaeda doesn't let the other singers/composers not even exist, who would say compose, play, sing and be heard) and so on), to have you forced to do things in his ways (bisexuality, promiscuity, betrayal) and thinking in the way he thinks you have to think (formatted to his logic), to mention only a few things. Please notice that 'Elijah', if he was ever a prophet of Our God (Our God claims to be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, at most the God of Moses, as for Jesus, if and only if the satanic didn't lie there but I personally believe Jesus would have said the same, so God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob only), would have had his story satanized as well by the ressurected/Baal adorers/devil's followers/satanic/terrorists of that time. May God bless!

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