Friday, 14 February 2025

Competition: Baal Lost Again and Again One more proof that came to human kind through Elijah: he asked the managers of human kind of that time to put the 400 prophets of Asherah (goddess) and the 450 prophets of Baal (all men) on a mountain on a certain date and time. On that date and time, they were all there, including him. He then said, 'How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal, follow him'. 'I alone am left for prophet of the Lord but Baal's prophets are 450 men'. He then asks Baal's prophets to bring 2 bulls and choose one then dice it into pieces and put it over wood with no fire under it. He then instructs them to call on the name of their lord and do the things that they say must be done to make their lord do something they want done and they all do that for more than one day. They reach the height of doing the best sacrifice for Baal, which included cutting themselves with knives and daggers to the point of having blood flowing, they say there will be fire by the evening and nothing. He then asks for them to cut the other bull into pieces, lay it over wood and put no fire under it. He says 'I will prepare the other bull'. He then picks 12 stones to mean 12 tribes of sons of Jacob and the Lord had said Israel would be the name of those 12 tribes. He then built an altar with the stones in the name of the Lord. He then made a trench be built around the altar and the altar had been built around the wood where the pieces of the bull had been laid, which had no fire under it. Then he asked for them to pour 4 buckets of water over the meat and the wood three times. Then he asked them to fill the trench with water, so all around the altar. Then Elijah said, 'God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel' show that I am your prophet and you are the only Lord. Fire feel from the sky and consumed the sacrifice, the wood and the water. That is when people all feel on their knees and praised Our God for He is the only true Lord.

They also tell the story of the droughts: Baal adorers used to say that Baal controlled the rain and that would be a good reason to adore it and Israel was full of those, peak in numbers, they say. Elijah then showed that who controls the weather is Our God instead: he prophesized that Israel would endure 3 1/2 years of drought given by Our Lord and there would be nothing Baal adorers could do to change that (like they could try whatever practice they believed Baal liked, so orgies of any type, mutilations, human bleeding of any type, human sacrifices, whatever: nothing would change that). Israel then endured exactly 3 1/2 years of drought and the highest manager of the people asked to speak to Elijah to finally get advice on what to do (and obviously finally follow it), therefore they accepted that Elijah should be their leader instead of whoever they had chosen or accepted as a leader for themselves.

Here we learn a few other things that Baal adorers do, as for their book: ritual prostitution, stealing, murdering, committing adultery and swearing falsely. We also learn that Baal's figure sometimes appears with a helmet from which two bull's horns protude (so clearly associating it with the devil), a club/mace (so aggression/physical violence that destroys/impairs/disables the body and the mind) on one hand and fire on the other (they say spear adorned with leaves but I am sure it is fire instead: burn humans alive). They also say that sometimes Baal appears riding a bull (humans don't think riding bulls is pleasant or useful, they choose horses and camels instead, so that is saying Baal has most irrational choices in terms of transport and simply wants to make sure there are horns also on the animal, so that he makes sure we understand he is really really associated with the devil).

We believe it was the goddess, Our God's wife, who changed one of the angels of Our God into the devil, in order for the Elohim to have fewer people living in the Elohim Planet, as explained before, and all these creatures are created by the devil, who manages and created hell, and he was one day the angel of God, so that he does his best for humans to understand that those creatures shouldn't be followed (so most repulsive, clearly with least amount of wisdom, for we all think the animal is less capable than us, has less discernment, is way less capable of evolution and Baal has the head of an animal, etc.). Yet, the choice is with us, individual choice, since Our God made things be like that: we all should evolve individually, apart from when He allows us to come with one soul, which should happen only in the end of the process of spiritual development, when we already have our God's partner with us in the spiritual world (yin and yang, all that we talked about before).

They say even Baal had a wife, however his wife is called Virgin Anath, which makes us immediately see the opposition between it and God (so, if you want to be with God, you cannot ever be with Baal): Our God wants the body of the husband to belong to the wife and the body of the wife to belong to the husband, so that it is definitely about sex and enjoying it. The spouse of Baal remains untouched, perhaps sister to make that even clearer, since we usually assume a sister should not have sex with her brother (we will fix that: when the twins are identical and of opposite gender, there is a high chance they asked Jesus to come as one, with one soul, to earth or Jesus offered, and, in that case, they should be a couple, so husband and wife). Indeed, Baal is told to have affairs, so clearly having sex with others once more, not the spouse. Remember here that, for Our God, it is extremely important that the wife be sexually happy in the marriage, not necessarily the husband, but definitely the wife (the passage where He allows the woman to escape with the best friend of the husband because she is sexually unhappy, so no need not even to tell the husband).

They also say Baal is about sensuality, so uninvited sexual provocation: if it is between a husband and a wife, they should not need to be provoked, for the carnal union is a necessity to reach the Holy Ghost together and therefore learning about how to synchronize with it, so how to be in the right spirit to enter the Collective Unconscious of the most blessed or developed in highest levels, the mass of knowledge from God/wisdom. For Our God, there should be no other sex: if a man and a woman chose, at their own free will (individuality is very important for Our Lord, respecting the individual soul, therefore the individual development levels), to have sex, they have already married in the eyes of Our God.

The video says that we appease Baal with human sacrifice, so that Baal's followers would have to understand (again, a little touch of our devil, who never really wanted to draw people away from Our God) that Baal is a figure full of hate/anger, which needs to be continuously appeased, like there is never anything to say Baal was not even slightly provoked or disrespected, so that it is all gratuitous, as in Al Qaeda/terrorism/satanism in general. If it were with me, I would have burnt the own Baal alive upon first time I thought someone believed that should be obeyed, but the I would also have shot 'Hitler' on first time I hear that we should kill Jews because they have dark eyes because he also had those (the first picture I saw of the usurper is the one I believe in). Even though everyone says that Baal demands human sacrifice, I don't really see any evidence on any communication coming from this static figure sitting in a throne, so that I would always assume it is insanity of those claiming that, just like I would assume it was when the 'blue blooded' people started with that story of God having chosen them, so in secrecy, telling nobody else, to be their leaders and with them all wondering, at every single second of the lives of those bastards, what on earth made them be taken to be any wiser than the people who were clearly useful to society among them. Our God is very rational: in the time of Elijah, He made all these demonstrations that were public about His powers and gifts to His chosen prophets. Nowadays, He uses wisdom, sometimes art (the other day He sent us a song with heavenly rhythm, which seemed to touch the soul, one involving desatanizing human kind: it was just 2 lines, yet we seemed to be able to all sing it together forever and that appeased the spirit of the damned immediately (now I cannot even remember it well, since it came from Our God, not from my mind). I composed more than 100 songs when 'Tom Cruise' appeared in my head at the Maze and I told 'Trevor' I would, so that was a prophecy that God sent to prove to the condemned/naturally cursed so that they could see God in us and obey/bend. We notice that it is perhaps the case that human kind will never hear not even one of those songs (even though I did ask the satanic to keep them in a safe place while I were suffering my crucification through their hands (which happens from inside, they nail/pierce/stab my brain/soul every day with their voices and images 16/7 for 3 years in a row, 24/7 for 3 months and 33 is the age of Christ but it is not over yet), like perhaps they will never be in the radio or anywhere else that is freely available and public, so available to all, yet the cursed saw them all. I said I would get the message of God for human kind and it would be delivered in three days if the satanic did certain things and I wrote an entire book of 200 pages in English 4 hours per day in a non-stopping basis, so without ever stopping to think about anything I was writing or checking, containing His message: because the satanic were my partners, not my twin, it is a bit badly written, I believe, even though who got the copy was 'Cameron Plant', like the satanic destroyed the original, in English (that was then yet another prophecy being fulfilled). Yet, it is certainly the message of Jesus (not of God) to human kind at that time. I instructed the devil on what I wanted, professionally speaking, since he gave me only one choice, and I chose research/science. He then asked how could a woman who didn't have much study and didn't have much memory enter science/research: I then told him to do exactly what he did, so have a top researcher writing a book summarizing all that they know from studying their very reduced area of interest and teach me privately and both of them did that, so 'Graham Priest' and 'Sever Dragomir'. I then had one new result and one striking result (I actually got the result from 'Hyde's' classes, so that, in Logic, the method I suggested did not really work as expected, but I then blame the book or the way we studied), the striking result being with 'Sever', on S-convexity (less than 6 months of him studying his book with me, now he really really wanted me to learn and really really wanted to be helped by me and saw in me someone who could help him, like he did seem to have a bit of God in him). I also instructed the satanic to get something related to Small Worlds, Watts' research, something still starting, and do things exactly in the way they did with 'Asha' and 'Kathy', and I did have a striking result (new graph for Graph Theory) and the predicted result (finding some wrong constraints) in less than 6 months. I suppose that is also a sort of prophecy, right? To prove that God is for us in other ways, the satanic planned to give me herpes by forcing me to sex with an infected male, who had both oral and genital herpes, at a certain height, and that was probably to make me sexually harmful and useless in those regards to my twin, since they would have predicted I would wish for being with nobody else after I recovered my memories and had direct contact with him through the bug. Things went like they planned, but Our Lord had made the virus be inactive in the body of the male, so that I carry it but it does not manifest itself so far and the male said it was inactive in his body at that height too, like after the contamination. The satanic, despite knowing 'my' 'story', and therefore that I had to wait patiently for this time to come, by 'this' here we mean when Forever Young were over, induced me to suicide once more and to do that through the car and gas. It wasn't my time and God was with us, so that the fire consumed the runners 'Lea Maria's love' had given us and the jacket someone who loved us put there for us to buy for only 10 dollars, but did not even touch us otherwise, like apart from hair and eyelashes. The car exploded and therefore was fully gone. My head was used to a sort of plan that, two possibilities: staying in the car or not. Yet, if the satanic can say that part was planned ahead by me through he brain and they always follow what I plan until the time of the tsunami against Rio, there was no way anyone would know, since they go with my head and I never stopped to think about it, that the jacked and runners would stop the fire from injuring my skin or me in any sense, like it covered my entire body. I am sure 'Lea Maria' never bought those runners calculating they would face fire, even because the thought of the fire came to my mind when I was already back to Australia. I also never planned anything about the jacket and had no idea it could do that) like we came with the allowance to channel superior wisdom/Holy Ghost, able to go through all this maze created by terror, even in our own (and only) brain and instincts/feelings. That is because He believes society has changed: back then, most were ignorant, could not read or write. Nowadays, most are literate where He shows His graces. May God bless!

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