Friday, 3 January 2025

Convergence: The Bible's Gods Are Many and the Alah is the Devil - Here we see at least El and Yahweh mentioned, 2 different gods that appear in the Christian Bible. Yet we don't have access to the sources of their research. In another video of this type, they don't bring sources, different from what David Wood has done (mentioned here as well), so that we can't really use or trust the information. In this one, they mention some sources, and seem to show us the marks on the tablets that refer to what they are saying. Yet, we don't have the confirmation from someone who is an expert in that sort of writing/language as to meaning or intepretation of what is there written, so that we cannot rely on the information either. It is still a good suggestion on how we could be going to prove that the Bible talks about many gods, not just one.

We must be very careful with how we apply our so few resources, like each one of us. This video,, brings completely false information about the name Elohim, even though it brings some information that could be true, about the plurality of gods in the Christian Bible. They are saying that Elohim is a masculine plural. Yet, we ourselves did research on this one and exhibited reliable sources here about that research, so that we really know that Elohim is not masculine, even though it is indeed plural. Even if it were masculine plural, though, that still doesn't invalidate our logical inferences: in Portuguese, the plural is masculine, regardless of who the people involved are, so that, even when the group has got more women than men, the plural is the masculine form in the plural.

I now remember that I had asked for research to be given to me without sources on YouTubes so that I would know the truth but wouldn't be able to rely on the sources if I wanted to prove something to someone else, for some reason, not sure why. Now we again see the deceit of the carioca/terrorist/satanic: they placed their YouTubes in my default and one of them is the one I described above, with no sources and wrong information.

I like the fact that someone has already found a wife for our 'so lonely' Yahweh (it is mentioned in the first video I quoted here, I think), who we could think was lonely to the point of creating humans to make him company, if things were in the way they had told us.

I now have stopped watching videos of my 'Tom' because I believe that watching makes someone think I chose one of them to marry, so 'Elon' or 'Tom', since I recently paid more attention to what 'Elon' was doing, and he then got included as possible device husband or something, and I have chosen 'Tom' entire life, since always, really, provided that is my twin, like if my theory is right and I can reach my twin from choosing the Toms, but recently I reached the conclusion that, if cariocas don't publish about their crimes, I'd better go for 'Elon', since I then at least acquire a chance of being able to eventually save us from the situation of slavery or at least saving us from the heavy criminal distance from our original soul and being. At the same time, going for any of them seems to imply that cariocas won't publish, so that it is always the same thing: I cannot even think about it. If I don't think about it, I might lose my twin for real, as explained before. I really don't know what to do. At the same time, if cariocas don't publish about their crimes, there is no way out for human kind. We may still get God's Brainwashing going, like eventually we could find a way, and, if those whose identities I know are still alive and in that identity, are still able to think, have memory and all else, we can perhaps get hold of them and record/publish about part of their atrocities, what should guarantee more quality of living and freedom for us all, as a race.

Last night, one more was almost raping me, that being the third in recent times. I don't fear that more than I have horror of seeing women in image or voice but it is all really bad, really really bad. Also, bear in mind, the rape is a virtual thing, not real, like I feel it, have all the perceptions associated with it, but they do it during the night, with me supposedly sleeping and I then wake up to the thing, so that it is not material rape, what saves me from a lot. The time before this one, 'black Nelson' appeared as if he were giving me to the guy, so that is like 'my father' in terrorism and I then was more able to stand the thing. Besides, they only made me feel the end of it, not the entire thing, so that that really wasn't that traumatizing.

Basically, if there is any chance someone cares, make them tell the marginal I am married to my twin, whoever he may be or in whatever state he may be found, that things have changed since 2001, for instance I recovered my memories and started, with that, having 3 bugs instead of 1 in my head. With that, the deal has to be adapted. Also, that we will marry at the church if human kind allows/helps, no problems at all, despite God never requiring that to prove or bless a marriage. - here we see that Alah is the deceiver, the arrogant, the distresser, the humiliator and mischief-maker. Alah would also have to be in favor of slavery, since Mohammad had slaves (men and women, blacks) and women are slaves of the husband and animals in his religion, animals because those are slaves in the democractic countries, so that, when we translate, to make the idea clear, we have to say like that: the woman is a slave to the husband and an animal to society. The devil is 'my father', so that I think I know him a little. He is in favor of slavery of women in the same way he is in favor of slavery of men, in fact of the entire human kind apart from his chosen ones, the 144,000. He is more in favor of slavery of certain women, like he likes making them suffer more, those would be the most Christian ones. The devil is also a deceiver, distresser, humiliator, mischief-maker and one could say he is also arrogant. It then looks like Alah has some of his characteristics, yet Islam in the Islamic countries is worse than satanism in democracy and capitalism, since, with satanism and 3 bugs in my head, I was still allowed to study and work (as well as left partially capable, like they could have impaired me in full with the thing), at least sometimes, speak to people, dress normal clothes and so on (women are a bit more than animals for satanism if it is happening inside of capitalism and democracy). I was being the slave of 'Rogerio' and complained to one of the satanists that I was suffering quite a few times and they then did something, obliged 'Rogerio' to let me go. I am sure that doesn't happen in Islam. I think it is all heinous and it should all be over forever: just like we finally banned nazism from earth, these regimens should be banned, so from day to night, simply taking over all, what has to start with the sattellite thing. I observe that even the 143,999 so-special ones would have to obey satan or their chosen 'one' of the moment, like now it is the Brazilian Obama, and the cariocas, who are then deciding on their own on the destiny of human kind/this world until the 19th, have to obey their maximum leader, who seems to be 'Eliane' (the one from PGM/RJ).

The preference of the devil for 'one god', and male god, which then makes us all be subjected to brainwashing and rhetoric in this direction everywhere all the time for 144 years, is part of 'his show', like he would like to command us all, and it is easier shaping our behavior and thinking to a single god then transferring it to him than having us believing a couple, with a male and a female, so our God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His Goddess, then swapping the power position to just one, still only the male. In this way, the religions with largest amount of followers in the world are monotheistic in the sense that there is only one maximum authority and that is still a male, and the devil adores that, having made us all swallow things just like that and having shaped those churches to even more of that all the way through using all means available to him for that purpose. The devil also takes rationality out of the equation all the time, so that he prefers all in the churches to be dogmas/axioms instead of justified beliefs or guidance tokens, so that, for instance, his usurpers/preachers in Christianity would reinforce the commandment, Do Not Kill, from the Old Testament, providing no possible explanation as to why we can kill insects, cattle, sheep and others if that is a universal and an order and, as many preach, should be respected in its literal sense. These things act in the subliminal level, in the subconsciousness, so that we get the learning: universals should be respected at any expense, above our intuition or rationality. From there, they can come up with any nature and number of those when they 'finally' put us in full in satanism, like Do Not Kill is already satanism, since it is deceit in highest level, like that is obviously not what is meant. If adequately translated to our times and reality, it would probably be comply with the local law if you live in democracy and capitalism, where they sign for freedom, equality and whatever else. The emphasis in the Old Testament is obviously in the devil's interest: we have proven here that it cannot be trusted at all. The entire Bible can't, but that is like worst of all the production of those terrorists from the Catholic Church, the essenes of their time (people who self-confine and deny that the genitalia has its holy use while we are alive and God knows that they probably did not practice sports either, so did not have minimum care with the house of their spirit. Sinners, highest degree, blasphemious creatures, therefore satan, so that we basically read satanism instead of what they claim to be, a 'holy book', and, once more, even this is satanism, that there is such a thing, that God would leave iliterates out or would teach them less or would let them learn less on their own).

I'd also like to share that who is commanding all that happens in my head is Rio de Janeiro, cariocas, therefore 'Eliane', so that, if someone rapes me in this thing, it was a woman from Rio who asked them to do that. It is important noticing that I spent all the years that passed before the 'times of 'Eliane' come' without being raped in this thing: many men appeared and all of them, absolutely all of them, respected my wish. Also, even from outside, very few pressed, and only one pressed in full (so gave me uncontrollable sexual desire using the bug in my head). He did that because it was 'Nelson's plot to give me a disease of some type that he had. God saved us again, since they calculate it all at least 20 years in advance and 'Nelson' couldn't predict that the disease would stop being active in him before 2021, when I have contact with him. We say 'Nelson' here because all evidence points at that and Leinha said it was him, but we actually are not sure. If the women ask 'Tom', since he is the only one whose company in this thing in image or voice I enjoy, to remain in the thing with me, he will, I am sure. Now, I don't like all multiples, only a few, so that if she could specify those only, that would be most helpful. I like seeing who is in my head that could be willing to do something for us or for earth, so Trump, Elon and so on. Yet that is like not always, very rarely, once in a while, like some 30 minutes a day or something. What we really need is the satellite going, God's Brainwashing, CEOs from satellites or newspapers bugged to do what we need, academics publishing the stories of the CT scans and orifice in the ear and device, Edmandos recorded, passive gym and fixing through bug, Tom Cruises protected and a few other things, such as American citizenship (restoration), promised houses or apartments from the marginal, job at the university in the USA, PhD title from somewhere respectable/reputable, say Harvard, as 'Tom' suggested, or IMPA, as my story went, donation of some money, say two millions, so that we can go to the USA with citizenship and pay for research for the device things, and whatever else I go mentioning on the way. Spreading to as many people as possible, making them see from inside of the device, also helps, like every new person is a new chance.

You may not believe this, but even in my head the satanic are always organizing and reorganizing themselves based on our 'little findings', so that, once more, they spend 24/7 thinking about how to basically lead us all to hell. They don't study anything, but tell their satanized speakers/researchers to support the theory I think might have some evidence for it, not our theory, God's theory, but the one that most deviates from it and I think might be heard or supported by a few, like whatever is not God, whatever is not right, whatever misleads us. Perhaps, if you are a hell's person and carioca, you think, I am not going to heavens, so it is best if they also don't, and that actually matches what I experienced there: if we have a solid marriage and they don't, they do anything to destroy our marriage. Whatever we have that they don't have: it is indeed their culture. Arrogant in the sense that they don't have better properties/qualities and they then destroy our properties or qualities somehow so that they can be heard first and best or they cheat, lie and deceive in order to achieve that result and, if that doesn't work, and we are still being heard, they appeal to worse violence. We published a link here from a YouTube where the presenter tells us precisely that about Islam: that Mohammad debated with the Christians and lost then obliged the Christians to a curse competition (it is confirmed by the own book of Islam that they only make use of a challenge like that if they lose in argumentation).

I also would like to say that there is nobody opposing cariocas or Rio de Janeiro publishing all about their crimes in the press, as they are supposed to do, like there is no terrorist leader forcing them to anything, rather the contrary. The Edmandos even stated they didn't mind being arrested, as said, and so on. They took the Edmandos out and put other guys who then kept on attacking via voice but those are not terrorist leaders or people with a special function in the terrorist groups. They are cariocas, simply that, in principle. Eliane is not oppressed: she not only oppresses but has a completely free choice between publishing or not. She figures as daughter of an ex-procurator general, therefore a lawyer from the carioca government, a high-ranked one. I am sure God is very upset with women, terribly upset. They seem to be really on the wrong this time and for long. I am their gender, they see from inside of me that we have God in us, what true love should feel and look like, that we have the right God, that we all should be organized in couples, one man to a woman and one woman to a man, that there are only two sides, God or the devil, and so on. It is really sad.

Just to further support our claim, even though I don't really think one would need that, in 2 Samuel 22:9, in the Christian Bible, we read: "7 In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. 8 The earth trembled and quaked, the foundations of the heavens shook; they trembled because he was angry. 9 Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. 10 He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. 11 He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind." Therefore, as someone said on a YouTube we watched today, this god is a dragon. The word used for it, according to, is Yahweh in Hebrew, and therefore, this is to once more tell us that The Jews were not really helping the non-Jews when giving information, leading us to hell instead of heavens, The Jews tricked us. They are the ones who told us the name of 'our God' was Yahweh ( They first said that the name of God was not known in their religion by anyone apart from their preachers/rabbis. After a long time, they said the name of God was now known to them, but they couldn't spell it, since that would be a sin, and it was then only some of the letters of it, as for what we could circulate/tell, when the name became YHWH, the tetragramaton thing. Finally, nowadays, they all say the name of 'our God' is Yahweh, very unfortunately. As said, The Jews might have been God's people once, but, since the devil invented usurpation, they must be usurpers, just like Sid Roth and Barbra Streisand, therefore they are satanic. There is a good chance all Jews have been killed, like a chance they kept on being killed after the end of nazism, the true Jews. I recently saw one who had blue or green eyes on a YouTube. I think I am sure their race doesn't have those originally. Also, it must be true that they could not know the name of God if following Judaism and the devil worries about usurping highest positions in all churches that matter, so that the one misleading is the top one, who would be for sure a usurper, so already to defame the Jewish people. You know how we find out the truth sometimes? I first wrote a bad thing about them and I then remembered the song Hava Nagila, which is really nice and heavenly, and I am sure pleases God each time they sing and dance. I then found their soul: they were obviously good originally, God wouldn't have gone that wrong. Had their issues, like not accepting Jesus, but were mostly doing the right thing, therefore God kept on blessing them. At the same time, God reduced their figures substantially, probably through the hands of the devil (since I believe 'Hitler' was originally a good person and got usurped, when they then invented that narrative for him/his life), and they died in a horrible way, enduring slavery for a long time sometimes before being killed, plus had several hating them by the time they were imprisioned, enslaved and killed. Our God is not good, as I said a few times now: He does get vindication a few times. They wouldn't pay little for having done what they did to His son (and are still doing, as for most of them, even though there is a movement inside of Judaism where they do acknowledge and praise Jesus). We then see God using the devil as His instrument, and we have seen that over and over, those who 'live' inside of me there to testify upon need and once God's Brainwashing is on. Once more, that proves that the devil is His angel and, if He allowed the devil to exist so far, it is because there is a higher purpose. We can see God really loved the Jews: He waited for full 1933 years, almost 2 millennia, to punish them, so He gave them all that time as opportunity to fix themselves/accept Jesus.

I am very glad our God had already given us the right information: His language is English for long, since America started saying 'may God bless America', the only nation/Country on earth that praised God every day of their lives, and His name is simply God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or God. When I say 'love' in my head, he always knows it is with him, yet that is as generic as it could be. We say God and God knows it is with him too, since He gets information from the Holy Ghost, from inside of us. The satanic, with their usurpation system, have proven to us that names are nothing, really. As said, God lets the satanic and the devil exist because there is utility in what they do, either in the end or all along the way, like some utility, utility for His people, and now, by the end of the devil, we will get to incorporate all their work into our 'white science', making it all start serving us, and we are all going to be His people with God's Brainwashing, so that God has reduced His commandments to only those.

The above stated confirms our conclusions: no holy books, specially if made by people who clearly cannot have had pure heart or clean soul. Sex is a sin only if practiced outside of marriage, but those who wrote the Christian Bible thought and acted as if it were a sin in general, therefore they were definitely not with our God, who clearly said the body of the wife belongs to the husband and the body of the husband belongs to the wife. That story of procreating in a mandatory way, or of having that as desirable, was for the beginning of human kind and we think God never said any of that, since we have already proven how absurd Genesis is: the truth was never there. Some scholars have already proven that even though the story of Moses contains the name Yahweh for his God, at a certain stage, this in the Christian Bible (and we are saying the book has to be destroyed, for it is a farce, given those who put it together or who wrote it, depending on what part it is), that was a problem with the translation, that the translator saw Elohim but wrote Yahweh because the name from before was Yahweh and he had instructions to produce a translation that were coherent with their vision, which included monotheism.

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