Monday, 27 January 2025

There Is Only God, this professor makes one point: that we need God to make sure we all have altruistic feelings and morality. That, if we don't have the figure of the higher authority, we don't have where to ground those claims on morality and altruism, so that those are necessary for life in society. 'Nathaniel' says that humans are naturally altruistic and moral and the professor says that it may be so but at least sometimes we get people like 'Hitler'/the satanic (since we have proven Hitler was usurped and was, as for all evidence, actually a very good person), who don't care about how they get to feel good in society, so that they can appeal to homicide and usurpation of assets. It is then implied that, with God, so, if the usurpers were believers instead of satanic, that wouldn't have happened, and only with Him that wouldn't have happened. Of course, we must also talk about the love for wisdom, for true knowledge/information, so that perhaps that comes first, so making sure that all humans are set up to the same direction, which is achieving maximum development also of the spirit while on earth in the human shape. Our God gives us a few things but the main thing is wisdom, as we have been proving our entire lives, but mostly in the last segment of life, so last year, when we were closer to God because of being together somehow, me and him. He is the only God we KNOW gives us wisdom, therefore the pursuit for knowledge and information of true nature should logically lead to believing or following Him. May God bless!

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