Monday, 13 January 2025

Jesus is not God These people seem to be saying they won't give us a chance, in what comes to those regards, like they seem to blindly believe Jesus is God and the creator of heavens and earth. I have already proven here that that cannot be true, like the Holy Trinity, as many from Science have said before me, is not an actual thing and the own Bible, even being a satanic book, confirms that in several passages, those being more numerous that the ones where people may think the trinity is a possibility. One must notice that we want to release human kind from slavery imposed by the devil and satan and impose just four rules, instead of 10 commandments, so that we can all live peacefully and happily on earth, not only the 'chosen 144,000', with me not believing not even that they reach that figure, like they seem to be way fewer than those. It is still up to the person if they want to believe Our God or not, yet, if we don't all convert and believe Our God, He won't show His face again to us, so that He will keep on speaking to us through the Holy Ghost.

According to 'Anthony', from the Community Church, of the Asians, which I also attended for a time, simply being in the presence of God, seeing Him, is being in paradise, like he believes that paradise is being in His presence after death, so that this is what he hopes to achieve with his human life. I do think the awareness and contact with the Holy Ghost on those occasions I here described is something really blissful and never to be forgotten. I also think I am sure we exist like that in paradise or in the Elohim Planet, like all the time like that.

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