Here I got my original words for this passage: (it is at the bottom of the page). We then understand that the authorities in hell, whoever they may be, have the power of destroying all that means your individuality, which means you may then lose your eternal life or have your permanent death through their hands.
I tried Co-pilot and got this upon asking "does the bible say that demons are fallen angels or that is inferred somehow, then how":
"Isaiah 14:12-15: This passage describes the fall of a being referred to as "Lucifer," who is often associated with Satan. It speaks of this being's pride and fall from heaven. Ezekiel 28:12-17: This passage addresses the "king of Tyre" but is often interpreted as a description of Satan's fall from grace due to his pride and rebellion. Revelation 12:7-9: This passage describes a war in heaven in which Michael and his angels fight against the dragon (interpreted as Satan) and his angels. The dragon and his angels are defeated and cast out of heaven to the earth. 2 Peter 2:4: This passage mentions that God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them into hell and delivered them into chains of darkness. Jude 1:6: This passage speaks of angels who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode, and are reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day." We then clearly see a plethora of creatures from hell: a dragon (interpreting that as satan simply means they invented that that was satan), king of tyre (again, interpreting as satan means inventing it is when it isn't, just like it was with the variety of gods in the bible, when they reduced that to one) and Lucifer. Yet, there is still satan and the devil in the bible, so that, just like the gods, which are plenty, the Elohim society, with us simply getting one that is kind to us or give us attention, we have plenty of actors from hell. I tried Co-pilot again for this one, and asked "does the bible mention a hierarchy between satan, the devil, lucifer, the dragon and the king of tyre or we could interpret them to be all authorities in hell". It answered: "Satan: Often depicted as the primary adversary of God and the ruler of evil forces. The Devil: Another name for Satan, often used to emphasize his role as a tempter and deceiver. Lucifer: A name derived from a passage in Isaiah 14:12-15, traditionally interpreted to refer to the fall of a once-glorious angel who becomes Satan. The Dragon: Symbolically represents Satan in the Book of Revelation (e.g., Revelation 12:9). The King of Tyre: Mentioned in Ezekiel 28:12-17, often interpreted allegorically to describe Satan's pride and fall from grace." We then understand that if satan means top authority in hell, they all are such, like after we slightly desatanize their rhetoric.
I did consult Kardec on this one and got that "only a part of the devils are in Hell; the rest of them are roving about in freedom, intermeddling with all that is going on upon the Earth, and gratifying themselves by doing evil" ( In the same paragraph, it says that the devils will exist on earth until the end of times. I disagree: I am sure we can exterminate all evil through God's Brainwashing, which should be about to happen. Yet, this part of the theory, regarding them existing until the end of times, is probably not supported by conversations with spirits that Kardec had and we have to remember here that Kardec's life was also usurped.
"They are thus, at once, the cause and the chastisers of the sins of their victims, and moreover – what human jurisprudence, imperfect though it be, would never sanction – the victim who succumbs, through weakness, to the temptation which these devils contrive to throw in his way for the express purpose of leading him astray, is punished as severely as the tempter who employs his or her superior cunning and clearness in inducing the unfortunate individual to do wrong; in fact, the victim of superior cunning and malignity is punished more severely than the tempter who misled that victim, for on quitting the Earth that individual is sent straight to Hell, from which he or she will never be let out for a single minute, and where the victim is made to suffer in its fires without a moment’s relaxation of that individual’s tortures, through all time as well as through all eternity." We then understand what I also heard from YouTube reports that a time ago I could still find: that the evil doers who became evil doers for following the rhetoric of the demons will be in hell without being left out for a single fraction of second, and will suffer in its fires, tortures for eternity. It then says that the demons themselves do not get punished. That I doubt, so that that part must have been added by the satanic after usurpation. We here observe that they say those who were cajoled by them would be paying and those that cajoled wouldn't but we, in democracy, believe those that cajole should pay higher instead. Besides, we have decided that those who are bugged in the head can easily win a case at the courts if they are able to prove brainwashing is what happened to them, what we should be able to get through God's Brainwashing and interviewing the puppeteers. There are possibilities with the potentiality of the brainwashing as well. We also talked about the change in system, so that, if the person gets arrested after confessing their crimes because they are now speaking truth, they should be in jail for at most one year, since we will then change the system through Marcia Hope and just get the perpetrators recorded as criminals, returned the original name, perhaps producing an apology to society, and brainwashed/brainedited to then be put back to society.
Basically, how can we do research and find out about hell? Obviously only contacting the dead, those who are or have been there. Who has studied life after death that we know about for longer and has left books for us to read? That was Kardec or Chico Xavier, as for what the satanic let us know, like there would be a large number of sources coming from ancient times, since we do find necromancers in the bible, Old Testament, and several ancient civilizations revered the dead or sought contact with them. Both Chico's and Kardec's lives have been usurped, as we proved here, so that it is really hard. We then imagine that the satanic specialize in destroying all possible actual knowledge about life after death and the matters of the spirit, since they would like us all to sin. If you pay attention to what I am letting you know here, you will understand their 'philosophy', so what guides them in their actions on earth: the more we sin, the closer they are to God, basically, and also the farthest they are from going to hell, like it is the usurpation thing. I say, if we can prove that an extremely large number of people have usurped, and we obviously can, people are going to be way readier to accept God's Brainwashing, which is the start of a solution, and at-most-one-year prison system (brainwashing and brainediting via bug, returning the name to the original people and whatever else society deems adequate, so say publishing a letter somewhere showing sincere repentance and will to repair human kind). The satanic then thinks: if hell gets everyone, God may change His mind, so come up with less strict rules or punishment, and perhaps find a way of having a sort of amnesty or something. I am tired of having sources disappearing on the World Wide Web as they please. May God help me and see if I can find even one survivor of a true medium's report somewhere, where they talk about at least one of the so many cases I heard about in the past, of people who have experienced hell for real, not in NDE. I also think that the right theory is that there is no spiritual experience during an NDE, since the researcher we mentioned here, Leinha let me know, found nothing for a few years and I felt nothing as I went through at least 3 NDE, having trying suicide three times through pills during this time. The Elohim obviously know the difference between an NDE and an actual death, if nothing else, like we cannot ever deceive them because, as said before, the Holy Ghost is inside of us all all the time and works like a CIA, from the time it was managed by originals, from heavens., here we see a letter received by a Catholic nun, which was recovered after her death. A young woman she knew, called Ani, would have passed these contents to her while the nun was alive. It is in Portuguese, but I do agree that that is a description of hell, with me now believing I also had a quick glance of it at a certain stage of my life and it does coincide with large part of what it is in this letter. Scientific details are that we don't have not even the full name of the nun or of the woman or the location or the dates involved, so that this evidence is very weak, yet there is very little they let me have access to and it is kinda miracle I found this letter, so that I will talk about pieces of it that coincide with my own experience and intuition (Add 'she says that' to the beginning of every item, please):
1) Everyone hates each other ('Odiamo-nos mutuamente') and they also hate God ('Mais do que tudo, odiamos a Deus')
2) They don't love anymore ('Aqui nao amamos a ninguem mais')
3) They don't acknowledge good on anyone else ('Nos aqui nao reconhecemos bem algum em ninguem')
4) They stare, in shock, at their failed lives, howling and grinding our teeth, tormented and full of hate ('Fitamos, estarrecidos, a nossa vida falhada, uivando e rangendo os dentes, atormentados e cheios de odio')
5) All in hell think in the same way ('Pensamos todos da mesma forma'). Our will is petrified on evil ('A nossa vontade esta petrificada no mal') even when we do something good ('mesmo quando fazemos algo de bem'). As me now ('como eu agora'). We don't do good with good intentions ('Nao o fazemos com boa intencao').
6) All recollections show us that terrifying side of that being a grace that we despised. ('E todas essas lembrancas nos mostram aquele medonho lado que fora uma graca que desprezamos'). How this torment us! ('Como isso atormenta!')
7) We don't eat, we don't sleep and even less do we walk with our legs. ('Nao comemos, nao dormimos, nem andamos com as pernas') brings a supposedly psychographed letter about hell, but also proof that this guy had been usurped and therefore this could never be his psychographed letter, therefore hell is not such, the misinformation campaign of satan... claims to bring some letters from hell with descriptions. It says 2010, which should mean sure falsehoods, since the marginal would have manipulated everything involved through the bugs and others, but the description of the book seems to state that it is a reprint, therefore maybe the original was old enough (should be from before 1880 to be something we can trust). It took me a lifetime to find this book and I had to then use the terms psychographed letter hell but I had tried a lot of other terms before that with no success, like perhaps the marginal cannot guess certain words that are present in the description of the works we look for and we then can sometimes win this race, but, without God's Brainwashing, we get nowhere, as said.
If the marginal had not satanized everything, we obviously would have become aware of many communications from the dead mentioning usurpation and apologizing for that. It is all truly satanized.
I dug and found the original letter, which we talked about earlier on here, which belonged from a Sister Claire from Germany: We now get a location and 2 first names, which is better than nothing. We then also get more details about their lives, like, provided we can uniquely identify this 'Claire', we are then able to get to the full name of the young woman. Still missing dates, precise addresses and so on. I also found it here:
"ROMANS 2:6-10,12
God “will give to each person according to what he has done.” (7) To those who by persistence in doing good, seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (8) But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. (9) There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the gentile; (10) but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the gentile…(12) All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law." ( We then understand that there is hell and that will be trouble and distress, wrath and anger, which matches the description of hell that the nun mentioned above received.So, hell, according to the satanic bible, is what you see in the just-mentioned link. brings a first person report on how hell feels like. He says it is as if your flesh is being ripped over and over gain, worst pain he ever felt in life. That he didn't know if it was ever gonna end. Terrible pain, agonizing thoughts. Misleading information, voices: that Jesus and God wanted that to happen to him.
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