brings more joy to Our Lord's Kingdom: They mention these verses from the Islamic Bible where they say that there is absolutely no mistake in it and that is an eternal book, which is not passive of being modified by humans. They then make a very good point: if we can find even one mistake in their 'holy book', then it was changed by humans, since the word of their god would have to be perfect, yet it is saying it cannot be changed by humans. They then find a set of verses where they talk about Moses and they then quote Moses, yet the content of the verses imply that the samiri existed at the same time as Moses but that cannot be true and there is absolute proof of that, so that the judgement is made according to the words of the own book: That it is then an atrocity of no dimension, as we keep on saying, never the word of a god or entity that could deserve this status.
They have more errors, though, apparently it is easy to find those, as expected. We had 'asked' (like through thinking, in the head) lots of people: that they produced argumentation using the own Islamic Bible against Islam. Now we found out the satanic deceived us again: we were convinced nobody had cared about what we said and therefore our efforts and holiness had just been wasted. Today, not sure anymore what caused this, we finally saw: plenty, plenty of people, not only 'David Wood', who we thought was a lonely hero, have answered. We found many YouTube videos in that direction, may God be praised! The date of the YouTubes is what most astonishes us now: even 6 years ago (we have been asking that for a really long time). Satan then hid all these videos from us, so that we and the Christians would be deceived and think they were winning. Loving this, that God is showing all the time that He never let us down. May God be praised, please! We will succeed in finishing with Islam on stage by at least three means: legally, through the testimony of the dissidents and unhappy followers, and theologically.
One of the guys from the above video showed in our head after we watched it. We then expressed our joy with his contribution to our holy cause. We then decided to tell him how many human incarnations his work is going to help restore either in terms of history or in actual terms, like those women will finally be able to live. We then got a rough estimate: 13,500,000,000 (that is 13 and a half billion!) women who so far had their human existences changed into that of an animal or even of an even more inferior being during the 1500 years of Islam on earth and, from those, 900 million who will be able to start existing as a person from Marcia Hope onwards, with God's help.
Just one more of those YouTubes:
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