When I was watching this YouTube and I heard that people would see tunnels when they were dying but the tunnels varied in terms of colors and one would be with bright light around and brighter light in the end while the other would be colored with a bright light in the end, I remembered our best guess on how things go after the death of the physical body: that the Elohim Planet sends a device through the Holy Ghost and this device has something that attracts the soul to it, so, something similar to what we have in Physics, so one object that is positively charged attracting another object that is negatively charged, and they send that through a process that is similar to teleportation, this as soon as the death of the physical body is noticed by the Holy Ghost. It is just that all this, so Holy Ghost and device, would be invisible to the human eye. Yet, in those studies, people actually saw tunnels. Then we can say they saw those with the eyes of the soul, I suppose.
Notwithstanding, last night, before I went to bed, God sent the reveleation once more: Leinha actually spoke to me about the tunnels. She asked me about how she could 'paint' those tunnels (she would have explained that someone managed to create those, so that it is definitely not her the person who creates, and it is probably some computer experts), basically, so that people would realize it was not what they were thinking. I now realize it was about this: she talked about a researcher who was studying things and not getting a result for many years, that she wanted to help her. I now know it was this one, so that, if one wants to confirm, since I have never spoken to this woman in life, they can simply ask her if she was demotivated in the initial years of her research because she found nothing, which is the narrative Leinha gave me. Well, in this case, Leinha would have 'helped' (satanic ways, of course) her: she then would have inserted all images the patients describe in their heads during those NDEs. In this case, of course, all patients were 'super bugged' and so was the researcher (so that she would know the researcher was finding nothing). In this case, Jesus is not that: that is the devil. They were using that to 'prepare us' for their take over, so when they had usurped all Elohim and would appear as 'our Jesus' (notice that leading us to heavens is not really a role ascribed to Jesus in the Bible, so that we are not really supposed to expect him to play such a role): so that we would think that is a good thing, those are 'holy' beings and we would then trust them, go to wherever they take us, like they had no way to guess if such step, the 'leading you there', was a necessary thing or not, since I assume that, at least that far, they had not yet usurped the Elohim, so that they are there betting on the possibility. Once more, there will only be true research after we have God's Brainwashing. Of course, 'Janice' could also be a usurper, in case she could have told Leinha that in person, so maybe Leinha got it from her directly. Those that she 'helps' are usually those who spoke to her directly, like me, so that I am actually assuming Janice spoke to her in person. As another point, I now also remember Leinha asking me about how Jesus looked like. I said, 'I don't know', 'why?', 'how do you think he looks like?' She would then become serious again, shut face, and ask me if I believed Jesus would appear to us as we die, not sure here, perhaps I am inventing part of this dialogue, and I said, 'I don't think so', she then said, 'well, if he is the one to appear to us after death, how would he look like'. I then said, 'I don't know'. She said, 'if that is true, however', how could he be doing that, like would he have a physical shape, and I then said, 'he would ask us what shape we would like him to appear in' before appearing. She then said she was going to introduce a male as the figure to ask us that in order to prepare us for what was about to come. That is just to say that the marginal worries about this sort of thing to maximum, so that Leinha would have kept an eye on all those cases to see if there was something, just like the researcher.
The intuition is correct, Janice was also usurped: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2489372fa4accccc&sxsrf=ADLYWIJOxOah_EXopOmRBLHtoT6cjDldkg:1736976290021&q=%22janice+holden%22+pictures+counsellor&udm=2&source=univ&fir=i2ycuyw29sfMJM%252Cuwr6hyrhig7gYM%252C_%253B7SIg_wWjATPITM%252CxfwbYcsvkLCEAM%252C_%253BI772DLSohg3mFM%252C1Cy1jBFQ5_SWBM%252C_%253B-zTK-7_NPjexNM%252Cu7gUebc9OCAh3M%252C_%253BqDhO7iTBRx-ECM%252Cuwr6hyrhig7gYM%252C_%253B3kC39N5IJZuTZM%252Ccv-zr-KwHJA-cM%252C_%253B4Cay_WzafuFB4M%252Cuwr6hyrhig7gYM%252C_%253BCZXoc2yOSIzE5M%252CPoyljvuIKjZLvM%252C_%253BpVT8ev-GNb2SFM%252CPCdMPqn7R1yfvM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTXIh6f4kAGk-OU6Ifb3UTAWR8UJA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp2P_11PiKAxUtxzgGHRzqJwkQ7Al6BAgPEAY&biw=1366&bih=651&dpr=1#vhid=CZXoc2yOSIzE5M&vssid=mosaic. The difference between images is very subtle, but please observe the nose in detail, I actually needed the magnifier for this one: 1st row, columns 1 and 2, compare with 2nd row, 3rd column. It is three different women! The secret to tell one from the other is the detail of the tip of the nose. In this case, I think we can infer that Leinha only 'helps' those who figure as usurper and speak to her in person. The detail is also that she put the image of one of her Jesus to appear to me during my sleep, so that that probably happened at the same time that they were inserting those images in the head of the NDE's patients, so immediately after 'their thing' was ready. Even though I had studied in Catholic establishments during my entire life, I was living in Rocha by the time she shared that with me and I had no feelings for Christ, like, as far as I was concerned, he either wasn't important or had never existed, like the nuns had taught me nothing about him. As said before, the nuns from the college, in Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, were all usurpers.
I now also remember Leinha asking me about how CIA could show they cared about me, in other words, now I know, like I cannot really describe the 'codes' she used to ask me about these things, but that was the meaning. I then suggested that, exactly what they did, with 'their Jesus', so that I am now sure that was all inserted by the marginal and 'CIA' has got the technology to provoke those sensations: the communication was not really happening via heart, soul, or Holy Ghost, however it must then have happened in the brain somewhere, somewhere that is not perceived by our awareness/consciousness. They then managed to create yet another dimension of imaging and interaction, something that humans would usually attribute to ETs, I now believe. 'CIA' is then being used for that sort of thing, I now think: they pretend to be ETs, so already taking the place of the Holy Ghost in their Elohim drama. It is weird, though: they would have to do all that extra-officially, so how? I now then also think about the device and the universities where they originate and are maybe manufactured all the time: how do they manage to keep everything extra-official and still use the resources of the organizations they work for, I wonder? It is certainly a mystery. Yet, the marginal could here be referring to their 'own CIA', so the satanic one, meaning they would have assembled such a thing and 'work' from there. With this, all apparitions, weird things happening in the skies, including spaceship sights and statues, are all tricks of the satanic and we should realistically have only this chance, of Rio de Janeiro doing things right before or on the 19th, so playing the hero of earth, which coincides with 'my story', of having 'chosen' the carioca prostitutes to go with, like as 'a team'. Notice that even though Leinha only 'helps' those she speaks to, she was clearly letting me know the other marginals were already doing that sort of thing, so that those don't really speak to anyone, just act, so they just use the bugs as they please to create their narratives, so to inflict pain, suffering, loss and injury on human kind. The marginal tries to tell me that we don't have any more chances and I should then 'go with daddy', 'daddy cool (as they invented, the song)', so come back to 'their nest', like it is all taken by them and the unbugged plus Christian ones don't really have a chance of ever recovering earth. CIA had put one more YouTube for me to watch, so one more agent to be our possible chance, I again didn't click in time, even though I reserved the video for Today by entering it and therefore including it in my YouTube history, and they then deleted my history item, and they have done that a couple of times now, like I almost didn't find the video where the face of Jesus, as calculated by Science, was yesterday, despite having adopted the same strategy (so, accessing it quickly in order to put it in my history, for me to be able to just go to the YouTube history and find it again next day). I then tried to do the same I did yesterday to find the other video, the one with the 'scientific' face of Jesus, which is using Google and entering what I know about it, then I typed '500 eyewitnesses ressurection' and I was able to find it. Then the marginal observed me from inside, as they always do, and they saw me still finding it, so that, today, when I tried to use the same strategy to find the CIA video, I couldn't, like it didn't work anymore, unfortunately, like they are really quick at adapting and 'fixing'. Yet I tell all the time to my team what they have to do immediately and, if we are losing so far, it is just because people either take too long to act or don't act at all, as in the case with the satellite. Our chances are really almost null, it was a miracle that God gave me the satellite solution. There can't be any divisions, so, for instance, after we decided my name will be there as exception, together with the name of the person who will effectively do the brainwashing, nobody should or could come up with, why not me, since that will only create confusion and make us not act immediately plus make us retrocede in time. The marginal doesn't suffer from these problems and that is yet another reason as to why they advance so quickly also literally over (and inside) our heads. With this, we know once more that they control and manage absolutely all human IT, including that of elections, which is yet another means they use to guarantee we have nothing in practice, so no democracy either, like our vote doesn't count, the government or management is always who they choose via usurpation or IT manipulation or another method. Notice that you had never realized not even that 'Tom Cruise' had multiples (yet, now you can probably notice how different those are from each other) before I tell you that here, so that you wouldn't be able to guess how they commit their crimes either, specially those from IT, such a specialized field: this Australian male told me he guaranteed, like to the point of putting his life on the row, that the elections in Australia were 100% honest, that he worked with that and they had several check points, with different people and all. Well, they then simply usurp, as we can easily prove.
I also observe that the American 'Obama', as I keep on telling you, is the boss of Hezbollah, yet another terrorist/satanic group, and he then never leaves my head (his multiples), also in image, trying to not only control everything all the time to maximum, but also trying to tell whoever accesses the device, that he is trusted by me (since I don't attack him inside or his image (now I do, since I did realize that in time). The devil is 'my father', so that he is already approaching and doing yet another story, which was 'my story' in case we fail badly, last night, which means he is sure that 'Obama' and 'Trump' and 'Musk' and Hollywood will never change and therefore will never save us from anything and that is probably what those with me are thinking, given the speed of their compliance with what I say that should be done: that they will help or do their share in the end. What that means, in practice, is that, in the end, we probably wouldn't have not even Forever Young, since that implies disclosure of one of their main weapons, main tool of injury, the head device, as well as the end of at least two of the main lies currently in Science, which is that we don't have an orifice in the ear drum and if the CT scan doesn't show, then there is no device in our head. Besides, once more notice that if we don't get Rio/cariocas to publish about their crimes against human kind until the 19th and call police and all else, even if we did get Forever Young (what is now highly unlikely, to the rate of 99%), so the USA publishing about that, which would also imply telling the world I am bugged in my head and they knew all since at most 2003, so at least about the third bug, we wouldn't get any benefit or reversion that goes beyond rejuvenation through the bug, so end of our dreams of finishing with jail and mental system, for instance. Here notice that the marginal has, as part of their rhetoric, that they really wish for those to finish, so jail and mental hospitals, but they actually don't, since that is highly useful for their crimes, like their existence: they can then recruit people even without bugging their heads first, like everyone would like to not be in those places specially in Rio, where prison is the same as suffering all violation of human rights one can suffer (prisoners accumulate in a jail cell and here, as we know, even having more than one person per cell is already absurd, since the cell is like a bedroom, so no living room, no bathroom, no nothing, all absurd). The marginal still frequently worsens up the conditions in those environments, such as when they impose electroshock in Australia claiming it is useful for at least depression in Science (yet they use it for other illnesses in practice and it is scientifically proven that it is good for nothing in mental illness; just harmful, as said before), to maximum they can, specially where they have largest amount of interest, where they get 'best' marginals, as in Rio. They run politics, so that they by no means would invest money in places like Rio to fix the system, for instance. Any project to improve anything would be vetoed, etc. However, notice that we do precisely the opposite: we not only embrace the rhetoric of the marginal, in whatever is possible/makes sense, so we do indeed want to finish with those, but we will act accordingly: we have proposals and will definitely put those in practice for that end. That is the difference between God and the devil/satan, please: we don't lie, deceive or cheat. What you see (even from inside) is indeed what you get. Hold our hand now before it is too late, please.
I also would like to report that, even though I proposed that 'Nelson' accompanied me as I went through NDE after trying suicide in Florianopolis, so that he would tell me, in the end, what happened, I myself don't think I experienced anything special, so that near death is definitely not the same as death, if nothing else. Also, as another point, I would like to say that it is then very likely that the other illusion, of the Louvre hooded and half-sacred creatures, was also inserted by Leinha/her associates, and, in this way, also the other illusion, involving spaceship and ET (where the 'ET' would have asked me what face I wanted him to have and I said 'Tom Cruise's', when the 'thing' that approached me was ugly and sexually repulsive and they claimed to wish for having sex with me, and the spaceship came to my window in Rocha), would have been theirs, in this case. Yet, I do have some good news for you: the most recent experience, involving the communication through the Holy Ghost, would have finally come from Our God, thanks to me and twin doing things as one, as explained before, so that we now have learned that Our God will communicate with us and do us favors or tell us that He won't if we follow a certain recipe, which involves pure heart, clean soul, fasting, etc., plus a great praise. We now realize that the reason as to why we have not received genuine communications from God for a lifetime in human kind is that we are not praising Him the way He likes to be praised, which is proving that our mind is in syncronicity with heavens, so that we don't ever say things such as 'I praise you, my Lord': we become the own praise, like we say 'All you have created on earth is greatest, my Lord, your love for us is everywhere, in the little birds that sing for me in the morning, filling my spirit with joy because of their tabs being so delicate and reaching heavens' instead, it is like we demonstrate, through words and deep reflection/correct contemplation, that we really mean the words we say, like we said 'filling my spirit with joy', but we then need to explain how the singing of the birds would do that, like it is like a PhD thesis, where you have to really detail the experience in order to prove you have truly incorporated the learning, rather than just saying something, in a generic way, which could imply repetition, like you just saw somewhere else and copied, without really deepening your mind and spirit into that wonder of the contemplation of true wisdom/knowledge. It is perhaps hard to explain and that is perhaps why I have a few people accompanying me inside, so that, like the apostles, they can supplement my explanation with words on how it feels and is. That is so that others may learn how to do that themselves, and therefore how to get the same results. Anyway, we now are sure Our God does exist, what is awesome. However, I was wrong about 'giving our lives to Christ'. Even though we can say 'in the name of Christ', we don't really need or should give our lives to him (only now do I realize I have never done that myself, just said it (my twin would have 'fixed' me by the time I were saying that if we were together as one, but we weren't, so that at least sometimes I take a bit longer or something until I get the right instruction from God, Our Lord), for some reason, so that we don't really have to give our lives to anything or anyone, since Our Lord gives us our lives for us to enjoy them). Praise the Lord!
I also now remember that yesterday night we had yet other men coming around this building, where I am, and staying in the garage (once more, as for what I perceive, like it might be all illusion generated via head). I got the immediate word coming to me, that he was the devil, not sure how, but have the feeling that it wasn't really mine. The devil is 'my father', so that it couldn't be that man. Basically, I felt as if they were bad (I had the impression that they were two), but not horribly bad, like not like the spiked woman, yet that idea, of devil, came to me via emanation of some sort. They (those inside of me) then said they were cops, but not good ones. I now remember 'my' story: if I said that, that I knew cops and could then tell if those around me were them or not, they would then put some bad ones for us to teach whomever was inside that bad ones also exist, so already along the lines of making us unlearn the so satanic universals and absolutes, like things do not seem to deviate much from what came from God and through me back then. The marginal says that if I can conceive evil in my head in image, in full, then it happens, so that, I would like to say you have to conceive good in the same way and for the same purpose, the image of the good result, God's result, has to be fully formed in your mind, since those are what you imprint in the Holy Ghost, as what should become and, if God is with you, it shall indeed be done, like provided you make maximum effort for that to be achieved. May God bless!
I now can tell the reason as to why those 'bad' cops appeared, since I now remember what happened: this woman, sounding like a native Australian one, said something to my head, which was 'hey', in a half-catacombic way, and I then had the feeling she could be coming to usurp me. At that stage, 'Obama' moved in my head to where 'she was' (when I wasn't really seeing her inside of my head, just hearing that far) and spoke to her, which was then to imply that he was saving me, I now think, even though I now assume it is all deceit of his, and I then still feared. Yet only today did I remember: I had asked the Australian native women to do that if they thought we needed help for cariocas to drop the device, like those attacking via voice and image for so long, so that they were actually helping as well, just pretending. Life is so hard! Yet one thing struck me: there was daylight where the supposed woman appeared to converse with 'Obama', so where she would be walking to come to get me, but here it was night time, so no light. I then get more confused. May God bless!
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