says that there is purgatory, so not sure that it is saying that there is hell, like are they the same and one thing? Anyway, this is Sister Mary of the Cross (Elisa Sofia Clementina Eber), who existed in France in the 19th century and she got a message in 1873 that says there are 3 levels of purgatory and, by the time of the judgement, God Himself appears and we then see everything we have done in life before us, thus understanding how little we are and all that is involved in our condemnation if we are condemned. Who sent the message was Sister Mary Gabriella. She says that the longing for God is an unceasing martyrdom and the sufferings are extreme. That the souls suffer but do not complain. That the souls know that punishment is just and that every suffering brings them closer to heaven. That each purification is necessary for their complete union with God. The burning desire to see The Lord is their greatest torment. That that is also a source of hope and consolation. That the prayers of the living aleviate their pains and make liberation quicker. That the soul in purgatory perfectly understands divine justice and sees how imperfect it was during its earthly life. That they then embrace the process of purification with love as a gift of God's mercy. That she spent 2 years in the Great Purgatory without experiencing any relief in an indescribable pain that penetrated every fiber of being and consumes with a purifying fire that gives no respite. Then, for one year, she was on the second purgatory, where suffering is still very great but accompanied by a vivid hope because they begin to glimpse the light of divine mercy and to understand God's infinite goodness. That she then finds herself in the third purgatory, the least painful, where there is no longer fire but an ardent desire to see God.
She says that the souls in purgatory love each other with a pure and selfless love, for they know they are united in the same destiny of purification and eagerly wait for the day they will be able to see God face to face again. We then notice discrepancy between this letter and the other one, received by the other nun, which we published here too, since there the lady says that the souls hate each other in hell. Yet, what I am thinking now is that there is purgatory and hell, two different places we may go after death, so that there are three places, since to those we must add paradise. That was a nun, so that her sins would have to be something that may demand light punishment, and, for the heavy sinner, say killers, they go to hell, where there is probably no way out and the soul, from there, is destroyed, as said before, so that the nun's soul evolved and will soon be with God once more but the same doesn't happen to the other one. This letter is even more credible than the other one, since it comes from a nun, the message was sent by another nun, there is year, full name of the nun who received it, location and so on.
Co-pilot confirms our intuition (that there is hell and purgatory, two different places our soul may go after death): "The Bible does mention hell, often referred to as Gehenna or Hades, and it is described as a place of punishment for the wicked after death. However, the concept of purgatory is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. Purgatory is a doctrine more commonly associated with the Roman Catholic Church, which teaches that it is a temporary state of purification for souls who have died in a state of grace but still need to be purified of venial sins before entering heaven." May God bless!
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