Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Valentin Felixovich Voyno-Yasenetsky: Russian Icon, Researcher

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPGz2ewseZI, finally some serious theory about the soul, body and heart. This researcher studied these entities for long and came up with these conclusions. He apparently believes that who does all the thinking is actually the soul. Co-pilot says the following about his results/thinking: "Regarding his thoughts on the body, heart, and soul, Voyno-Yasenetsky viewed a person as a triune psychosomatic organism. He described the body as the physical integrity of all organs and systems, the soul as a combination of organic and sensory perceptions, memories, thoughts, feelings, and acts, and the spirit as a smart, strong-willed, life-giving principle. He emphasized the importance of the "inner man" (spirit and soul) dominating the flesh." Because they got his name wrong in the video, I assume Co-pilot has more accurate information about him. Co-pilot says he never stated that the brain does not do the thinking. In the quote above, he seems to be saying who does the thinking is the soul. His formation seems to be in Medicine, though. Co-pilot says he is called Saint Luke as well. May God bless!

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