AGAINST: that, in Physics, it is all about particles, so, so far, we haven't been able to measure any individuality through particles and our bodies seem to be formed by those. If the soul were in any sense energetic, so charged with energy, we should have been able to find it through Physics, since we believe we are able to detect and measure energy of particles. It could however be an energy of a type that cannot be detected or measured yet, even though the presenter doesn't talk about it. She says that, provided we have a computer that is big enough, we would be able to 'calculate' a human being using Physics, so just our current knowledge of Physics. She means that we would be able to tell also color of eyes from this calculation and therefore be able to build a 3D model that is our physical image out of that.
That is, no doubts, part of our individuality, however she wants to claim we are just that. That would be the materialists' thinking. Were those right, how could we explain things such as touching a person who has died and not getting a few of their particles joining our own body, like, if we are all particles, and therefore those can group or attract anywhere with the same intensity, why would they not change grouping at most at that stage? How do they explain that the particles got together in this so peculiar way, forming unique individuals each time? How can they explain the multiplication of particles that happens while the fetus is being formed? How can they explain dreams, urges and intuition? It seems that Particle Physicists explain none of the things I just asked and therefore their 'science' is still underdeveloped or is not sound, like, if we were really formed of things they dominated, had fully mapped, and that seems to be the case with the particles forming the human body, as for what she says, they would have to be able to answer the questions I asked, so that they are like the false prophets from the Bible: they claim they have the truth, yet we can prove, with very primary moves, that they are far from it. In this case, we'd better stick to what is more reasonable and provides more acceptable explanation for those and a few others and that is the modified theological perspective, which is our own. Basically, there is a type of matter or energy that we have not yet isolated or detected, just like it was before we find out energy existed: we believed there was nothing else, so we were totally convinced we knew everything and there was absolutely nothing else. According to Co-pilot, "Early civilizations had different ways of explaining natural phenomena, often attributing them to gods, spirits, or other mystical forces. The idea of energy in a scientific sense evolved over centuries." Also: "Early philosophers and scientists, such as Aristotle, had concepts of motion and potential but didn't have a unified idea of energy." We then evolve too slowly in Physics, probably because Physicists are majorly non-Christians (even though I don't have the figures of religious beliefs in Physics, I predict that would be the case) and we need to play God's rules to become entitled to wisdom that is of a higher nature and, only if we sacrifice enough, if we are able to build admirable praise, if we have purest heart and cleanest soul, a husband or a wife with whom we connect spiritually, can we have a chance of being given superior wisdom from God upon asking to receive that. We are obviously an individual and unique mass that gets attached to a physical body/a particular cojoined set of particles through energy of some type while we exist in human shape and, when we get human shape, we become this body, losing awareness of that mass because it is then (probably) distributed among our neurons and memory (we are really behind also here, since the parts of the memory we have identified do not explain its formation or storage, and it is obviously for the same reason: while we don't turn our hearts and minds to the God of Wisdom and His wife, the Goddess, we are not going to get out of the situation of being stuck). When the body dies, the neurons and memory also do, like the physical cells die as well. The attachment to the body is then over and we become the mass again, like the particles of this mass find each other and their attraction to each other is superior to the attraction between them and the body, which is now dead. It is unlikely that this mass moves on its own, in this case: I theorize something or someone has to put it in the physical body and also take it by the end of its life and that coincides with what they say happens with the soul. If souls are eternal beings, and therefore reincarnation is an actual fact,we cannot be given a 'case' that is equal to the one we had while alive when we go to heavens, so that either God has a unique case for us in heavens that is human and we therefore have gender, what is irrational, or we exist in a unique case, which has to be different from all possible human bodies, so that nobody would show up to us as they were in terms of image after death ever., here we have a few arguments AGAINST the existence of the human soul. We will try to address all of them: If a person has Multiple Personality Disorder, as my sweetheart is supposed to have, like, according to the marginal (but we found out he exists in multiples instead, yet is none of the multiples we see), that might be for natural (if they are born like that) or unnatural causes. If the causes are natural, such as those of Jeanne Fery, since she existed in the 16th century, therefore before the bugs started being a 'thing' in human kind (the only way we can be guaranteed that the MPD is a natural thing, instead of created by device), exorcism is what is recommended ( Jeanne got rid of 50 demons that were making her have MPD. The original soul of the person remains protected and is therefore not affected by the MPD. All that happens is that the person is only able to develop learning of the soul after they get rid of the MPD if none of the personalities is their own, like, otherwise, they would manage to develop their soul a little. If the MPD is mechanical, therefore caused by devices, such as that of my sweetheart would have been, if what Leinha said were true, the same applies: the original soul remains untouched for as long as the MPD lasts or it will evolve to the extent that it is allowed to develop in that situation. About the chromossomes: as said, we become a living soul only after we get out of the mother's belly, since the soul would be the breath of God in the biblical theory, which is used to open our lungs and make us start breathing normal air. About the split brain: religions are not really important. God and Jesus did not really recommend any. Jesus happened to use sinagogues to preach sometimes but he also preached in the open air. The inscription on his cross said King of Jews, so that everyone thought his people were the jews back then. Yet, the Jews have persistently rejected Christ, so that God had to choose other peoples through the apostles, who then spread the word. The Jews were recently offered a way back to being God's preferred people and they might become those once more if they do what was assigned to them but that is all. What matters to our God is that we have a pure heart, a clean soul, the commitment to never sin again if sinning before and being forgiven, and offer our life to Jesus. Offering the life to Jesus implies certain things, one of those is doing good at least once a day, so doing something good for someone else at least once a day, even if that someone else is our wife or husband. If you do do these things, you should be guaranteed to have a place in heavens, so that the religion you choose, as long as you do those things, is actually irrelevant. About the split intestine: we haven't been able to study this scientifically yet, but we believe we have a shared soul, me and twin, so that it is possible that people who come to this word as conjoined share a soul instead of having two souls. Then you ask about doing drugs: God never said anything about those, so that using them shouldn't be as important as the consequences of the use, like it can only harm your soul if you do evil as a consequence of using those. Yet, the body is the house of your soul and therefore shouldn't be depreciated on a voluntary basis in any sense and losing discernment may easily lead to doing evil, with the person then LEGALLY being able to prove innocence based on that, but the voluntary use, for God, means unacceptable excuse, like you cannot justify doing evil from saying the drugs impaired your judgement, not for God. Born with both genders: the soul shouldn't have a gender but we are still working on that, like we will have to do scientific research during Marcia Hope to investigate such issue in depth after we succeed in provin the existence of the human soul, and only if we do., IN FAVOR and AGAINST. Weight of the soul: a researcher thought of measuring a few attributes of the human body before and after death, which makes a lot of sense. He committed a few mistakes during his experiment and had a biased conclusion, so that the experiment might still be valid, but someone needs to do it again, and that, with God's help, is going to be our researchers, from Marcia Hope. We will really dig into this topic, since it is definitely of major importance: the marginal seems to care about places in paradise but he mentions nothing about soul. Yet, if the spiritists and Christians are right, they will all go to hell and that does make substantial difference for us here, who live on earth. If we have a soul and that is an eternal being, that also makes substantial difference to our lives on earth, since we then will have to worry about what we do here much more than before we prove that through unbiased science (once more, we can only have that if we get God's Brainwashing, so that it is not even worth having Marcia Hope if such brainwashing is not happening). We have our own theory, from Anima Est, in what regards the existence of the human soul, and that should be the easiest way of proving it, but we will use all strategies during Marcia Hope and produce more than one proof if we can as well, so that all will be used. If the soul separates from the brain, does it forget its religion: the soul does not have a religion. Who has a religion is the body/brain. Once more, God does not care about your religion as long as you do the things we mentioned. Of course, if you believe in another God, that will definitely curse your soul, so that you should not adopt religions that praise other gods. God is against statues, so that you also should not adopt a religion where they adore those or even have those. Yet, we seem, so far, not to be able to escape having statues in public places, so that that one is a bit hard. Best if the entire human kind destroyed their statues. Books or things or people shouldn't be adored either, so that there cannot be a 'holy book', which you cannot step over, write on or tear apart, for instance. Before a person can become a preacher or spiritual guide, they have to marry someone of the other gender, since that is the first requirement for Our God to accept them as His voice on earth, so that, if your religion has a leader or preacher that is unmarried, that is one you cannot have. So on. People get confused because the satanic seem to be in power for eternity now: the Catholic Church and the Essenes are satanic people. They decided not to use their genitalia for the 'holy' purpose of marrying the opposite gender and invented that our God said they had to be single to be pure, which is blasphemy. The satanic Catholic Church then once sold places in paradise, for instance, and that may give the idea that only people who were Catholic could go to heavens. That is absurd. God never said found religions. He was at most worried about telling us what the right thing is, what His expectations regarding us are, His requirements for us to earn our place in paradise after death and so on. He talks about non-psychopaths and their brain: that their soul could be gone if we destroy the brain's 'conscience', which would be a part of the brain that is likely to encapsulate the conscience. I am afraid that, in that case, the soul wouldn't really detach from the body, yet God does not punish the innocent (like us in democracy), so the people who, by means of ignorance or incapacity, are unable to comply with His demands. If it is possible that a human being does evil without being aware of that or without being able to stop it for some reason, say impairment of the judgement on an involuntary basis, then, even though that evil should be recorded in the soul, that won't affect God's decision of sending that soul to heavens. Animals and soul: Jesus is told to have exorcised a few by moving the demon from the body of the exorcised to the body of pigs. Apparently, the biblical passage says that the pigs then commited suicide. Also in a recent movie about exorcism, the priest kills the pig after he passes the evil spirit to it. We observe that God would have told us not to eat pigs or animals that have split hooves, majorly because they are unclean and transmit fatal diseases. The pig, for instance, transmit a head worm to humans and that kills us. Yet, since the pig receives the evil spirits and commits suicide under the hands of Jesus plus is marked as bad meat, there might be something more special about those, so say they don't have a soul. Every breathing creature should have one, though, and we need to do more scientific research into this topic, like if it is possible for us to reincarnate as a vegetable or animal or even thing. If that is possible, we will know the animals and vegetables have souls. The Jewish do believe animals have a soul and we may reincarnate as one (idea that seems to be associated with punishment), so that all animals have a soul. Yet, would insects be included or not? We would imagine one cannot really evolve by incarnating as a vegetable or thing or animal plus animals are not really evolving in any sense, only humans are, so that, if we believe in spiritism, that should mean they don't really have a soul. Yet we see their eyes, their attachment to us, their personality, so that it is possible they also have a soul. Only God's Brainwashing and Marcia Hope, where we will use science to answer this questions, if you don't mind. A zombie would be a body back to life when God didn't want that, so no soul: all movies people seem to agree there, in their eyes having no sparkles. In this case, the animal seems to have a soul, those who have the sparkles. A bird or an insect, for instance, doesn't have a sparkle, so that, it is unlikely that they would have a soul. He says: if animals don't have a soul, why would we need one if we do the same things as they do? Well, when we heard the YouTube, we envisaged a normal human being, not someone who does the same as the dogs in the images, like we seem to think abstractly, evolve, so create from the things we are given, use our own bodies and the body of our spouse for entertainment of the type sexual instead of only having sexual contact for procreation and so on, so that we seem to need a lot more than what the animal has got because we do a lot more as well (am I missing something here?). Puppet and Puppeteer: that is certainly the situation of the entire human kind for about 144 years according to the marginal, that we are all either puppets or puppeteers, so that that is the satanic system, not God's system. God made us free, giving us a free choice even in terms of choosing Him or the devil to go with, so that the soul might come with a programming, as the satanic insist, yet that programming, in this case, would have been formed from the agreement between God and us, would not be an imposition. However, if Kardec is right, and we believe he is, our choices may imply we are stuck in a lower level of evolution and therefore have less of paradise than we could have. As for the physicality of the soul: We may have some truth in Genesis, despite the entire Bible being an atrocity and Genesis being the most absurd blasphemy of all, and what I mean here is then that it is written there that the breath of God makes us become a living soul, and breath is usually air, so it should be physical as well. However God may breath a diffent air. Our God is one of the Elohim, who would come to earth via spaceship. He could have spoken to us always through a hollographic image representing His image, as we said before, something covering the spaceship. In this case, the Elohim might have their own air-conditioning system inside of the spaceship and breath even nitrogen or another special type of substance. This substance might then be undetectable by our instruments, like so far, even because we don't know it. Yet, perhaps we should simply forget all that is in the Bible, as said many times now. God has always sent messengers to earth and we, the twins of God, seem to be one of those. Many others appeared and will appear, like whatever they said happened in the past, satanically reported in the Bible, keeps on happening, never stopped: it is just that we stopped caring about what was added and therefore about God. God created all this movementation to capture attention and use the devil for a higher purpose, finishing with it when his mission is accomplished, which should be at most by the end of the first Marcia Hope. The devil should then either come back to being God's angel or be destroyed forever, as said before. In this case, it was not the breath of God that changed us into a Living Soul and we simply have a soul, are not a Living Soul. We receive the soul after we get out of the belly of the mother, since God let the power of creation and destruction of humans, two of His powers, exclusively with the women, as explained before, even because His wife, the Goddess, is superior to Him in powers and human kind follows their physical model. The mother then has a decision that is exclusively hers, of killing the baby or not, all depending on whether she is happy with it or not, what includes then being happy with her husband or not, this until it is born, when the baby becomes a person, with a soul, and should be respected in their right to a go here, to evolving spiritually here by means of the body.
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