Here is paradise. We are the twins of God, are! Everything has already improved, everything has already improved. With certainty!
In your case, you say: Here is paradise. I am the daughter/son of God, am! Everything has already improved, everything has already improved. With certainty!
The right way to sing it is by clapping hands here and there and raising your right fist in the air when saying 'am/are' or 'with certainty'.
I tried hard to find a YouTube with the seicho people singing it, since when we sang it together it was way more special, like it attracts even more good vibes to humanity and good energy to us, but the satanic managed to disappear with the recordings that were on air before. I fasted for three days, following the Bible, the year I was left reading it, while still in Rio. I then went through the same sequence and actions I went through here recently, just that my request to God, in the beginning, was that I found a religion that did not demand much sacrifice from me, yet it was inside of what He wanted. At the end of the last day of fasting (just water, praying 2x a day, morning and evening, face and body down, dressed in rags) nothing had happened. Yet, next morning, I was having a 'progressive awakening', so was still in that stage when we are mostly sleeping but still experiencing some awareness of the environment, and, from the deep sleeping state, I started seeing these images of men in hoods, like the medieval ones that cover the entire body, all in black and slim, but having no face or body, even though presenting a volume, which seemed made of air, walking in a circle on the air, all together, one after the other, same space in between them, exactly the same, and equal moves to all of them, with me not seeing marks of any part of the human body in their vests, on top of no head, yet the vests were as if fully filled, and, after a while of that scene, I heard a whisper, that of an unknown male's voice, 'catacombic' sound, 'seicho-no-ie'. I then thought: God, what is that? I have never heard that before. I immediately thought of my request to God and I then decided to open the white pages: there it was, exactly that sound, seicho-no-ie. I then decided to go there and, when I was arriving there, at the door, the male with Asian background who was preaching locked his eyes with mines, like I felt acknowledged by him and connecting to him even before I step at the door, as if it were all heavenly made, and he said, interrupting his preaching, yet all looking very natural and as if it were all part of it, 'our ancestors send us to seicho-no-ie'. That was like a miracle with no dimension for me: I felt that God answered my prayers and that was the right religion, finally a religion that wouldn't go against His principles and would be easy for me to follow, which is exactly what I had asked. Seicho was then a celebration of life and it truly connected me to this world and people. I also found it awesome, to adore a goddess instead of a god, like that was one of me.
Many years later, I visited The Louvre Museum and I saw those men there, in a statue and I then confirmed they were from the Medieval Times. These are almost exactly the men I saw that day, just that they had no hands and no pouch. It is written that this is a burial, from a man called Phillipe Pot. He was special because he was both a diplomat and a military leader, but, most importantly, he prayed and he is seen praying before his death, apparently buried with the hands still in position of prayer, so that he must have had impressive faith. They are 8 hooded men who are supposed to be his relatives, the mourners ( These relatives are from the 'house of Burgundy', and that is in France somewhere. Well, 'my' 'Tom Cruise' got the title of Knight of the Legion of Honor and the Cross of the Knight of the Legion of Honor from France in 2024 (,,well%20as%20on%20a%20foreigner,,Croix%20(Grand%20Cross).%3E, I then believe someone from France, and Allan Kardec is French, from the past, is guiding us in this battle for minima rights and restoring the kingdom of God on earth. The right message is probably that Seicho-no-ie has the right take on life and praising God, even though they are partially praising His wife (I believe she is the Sun Goddess and He is the Sun God), like wrong name and history on earth, but still something that is closest to His wife's essence that can be found on earth, but right praise, feelings and songs by the time I attend it, so just for that time, in Brazil, just those two Seicho temples. I am sure Our God writes straight through tortuous lines, so that He gives what we ask Him based on the things that are available, but He sees beyond what we ask, so that Our God, back then, assessed my needs and though that Seicho was the right support for me to be here today and do what is not yet my job but what is needed in between, since I will only be able to fulfill my mission once I am with him. Interesting that this title is associated to Napoleon Bonaparte and he is called by many 'greatest general of all times'. I now believe my 'Tom' will still do something meaningful to save us from all this. On the other hand, Kardec was then obviously and also battling to put us together in heavens. I am probably like Philippe, so praying and dying like that, back then. I probably had 8 people 'in my device', watching all my drama develop and me in rags praying. Anyway, I am sure God goes crafting our way on earth like that: so, sending little tokens of enlightenment that we need to progress well in our mission in case we beg Him for that, as I did.
I was inserted some images in my head, at certain stage, that I now remember, though: 'Rogerio' and 'Bolivar' writing the books of Seicho, I now know. I had asked 'Rogerio' to come up with a feminist religion, which would mean little sacrifice to the side of women, a positive religion, like without those things that we see in Christianity, of 'mea culpa' or stuff like that, so that we could infer, going satanic ways, that they put that religion together for me and still created the entire thing, so made that catacombic voice and all, created a 3D illusion in my head and so on. I now cannot tell if I had my eyes open or closed while observing the 8 hooded men (as I was writing, whoever was 'with me', saw me going, perhaps 12, no, I am sure they were not 12, perhaps 7, and we then see in the source, only later on, 8. They also saw me thinking, then he must have gotten something associated with that, perhaps his title of Knight or something, I then typed and Google brought as first hit the answer, yet I was thinking of another title he has got, so initially I thought it had to do with the Catholic title. That is Our God!). That makes substantial difference because, if my eyes were closed, it is more likely that that was a hallucination created via device. Yet I saw the actual image of my bedroom with the circle of hooded man walking in the air, with me feeling as if that were all normal. That should only come with open eyes, I reckon.
The Catholic title is Knight of Malta and here you have an explanation about it: That is the one I think I wanted to find and that is the one I think means the most, since it is also Catholic, like our Philippe probably was. tells about this order in a more complete way. I cannot find the reference for when my 'Tom' got given such a title now but I could find it very easily before. I was then interested in dates, since that makes substantial difference: if he got the title before I receive the message, then it was obviously him who sent me all that help and energy. If he got the title after I received the message, then it is Kardec. Even when I read the entry about this title and 'Tom', I never saw the detail there, in that text, of which class he chose. I guess however it would have been the second class, "There is a Second Class whose members make a promise of obedience instead of professing the three vows. These Knights and Dames in Obedience freely oblige themselves to “strive for the perfection of Christian life in conformity with the obligation of their state, in the spirit of the Order”.
The other day, I had my Tom coming close to me during the praise, when I said I needed him to do it well the day before, and only then was I able to praise Our God correctly. God then gave the answer straight away, without me needing to do one more day of fasting, yet I had planned to do 3, as before. The message came strongly, making me feel certainty, that we would have all I asked for, therefore God's Brainwashing, device in the press to maximum detail, Forever Young, full restoration of the body and brain and soul for the both of us, Marcia Hope and us together forever and ever as one also in flesh. Anyway, from seicho, we take the style of praise and singing, which attracts good vibes, syncs with heavens and therefore pleases God. From Kardec we take the learning about how the spirits live after death when they are not yet in paradise. From the Bible, and therefore all Christian churches that there are, we take the learning about how to pray, how to request Our God's help and be answered, the proof that the father of Jesus is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the explanation for the hollocaust and so on. I still need to physically be with my twin to be able to suggest a religion that be universal for human kind, so The Empire of God.
Could that certainty/message, which I received after the 2 days of prayer recently, having been sent by the devil through satan, so through the head devices, as well as the feeling that my twin was there with me when he wasn't? Could that all of the knights be a hallucination induced via device and the sound I heard be a 'Rogerio' speaking even though I was sure that that was an unknown man, who came across as really being from the beyond, so something like what you'd expect to get when invading a pyramid in Egypt? It is possible, I think at the moment. Then it might be that God is testing those who watch, so the human/satanic watchers, just like they say God had his watchers watching over us at a certain stage, and then presenting them with two possible versions of reality so that they choose one according to their hearts in order to only then give their final judgement, like God is about heart and soul and whoever has synched in a successful manner someday knows that things really come from the Holy Ghost, like it is as if we don't have brains, in that perhaps implying that those people with no brains, presented to us by the Indian guy recently in a YouTube I published here, receive all from the Holy Ghost too, so what made them be able to even score highest in school exams, on top of learning all. That is perhaps God proving to us that indeed our science is nothing, regardless of the size of our certainty or belief, that He can always come up with something greater and that prove us to be worthless and He will do that each time we fail complying with His orders, which He sends to us on a continuous manner, never being those static in time, since He shapes them according to our needs and levels and so on.
Yesterday, the satanic put in my head that the lawyers I wrote to had done the story and therefore they would be publishing about the device in the press, so saying UFRJ did all. Yet, today, even though I haven't checked, for some reason, I know they haven't done anything. You see, people are always doing their share but, when it hits the top people, who have a decision, who must then do something, it all stops. Basically, we now have proven that the marginal usurps those positions, and that is then a satanic person instead of the original one, so that the marginal 'fixes' our story on earth, meaning they change it criminally into what they would like it to be instead, then adopting the narrative which says that people never do their share, regardless of how special we are and how kind we are in our requests. They then imply that God's people are not blessed or liked by human kind, which is something we get since Jesus' death time: The Romans would have infiltrated their soldiers in the crowd, with those then pretending to be the Jews, and they then would have yelled that Jesus should be the one crucified. We found out, by remembering our story, that the cop from Brazil would have gotten to his time in the story and would then have observed that everyone usurped and got away with it, nobody cared, then he also decided to do it. Yet, we now know the truth, it has just come from God: I did notice that the current 'King of England' is different in looks from the guy who appeared in my head saying police recently. They then usurped him and are doing that very quickly now and that is just to say everyone is naturally evil and chooses evil frequently and naturally, yet, as said before, the own devil told me that he is sure everyone wants to do the right thing, even being usurper, that all the time. Once more, God writes straight through tortuous lines, and I never forgot what 'Braganca' told me back then (I mean, since I got my memories back, in 2020). What happens in life is that, if we do not sin, and have the heart pure and the soul clean plus life in the hands of Jesus, we are able to find the higher truth of Descartes from simply concentrating on whatever we are doing and deepening our thinking, like I do when I write these posts.The guy who became the 'King of England' is definitely another.
Yesterday, soon before they 'do' the story of UFRJ and the lawyers, I had the sure certainty I was finally with real cops, even though they came across as Brazilians and even cariocas. Those entered the apartment next door to me and said something. I also had the feeling of being with cops when I got a Facebook message, from 'Tom Cruise' saying, say hi. I am never answering those anymore because of the certainty that the marginal needs to be convinced I am not marrying 'Tom' anymore (I just wanted my twin, not 'Tom'), as explained before, but this one I did answer because it was something I couldn't stop, like my hand and heart and soul went automatically with it, I felt that it were the cops. I then said, hi. I saw an image of McQuarie (or whatever his name is) and 'Tom' with health masks on and I then got suspicious, since that was supposed to be the Tom sent by the congress, so that they would protect my twin and save me through the Toms. I however had the impression that, for that to happen, I had to press on the YouTubes that came in my default with the 'new faces' of 'Tom Cruise', but I didn't: I thought I know it is them, but I will do it a bit later today. The videos were not there for me later on that day, so that the satanic took them away from reading my thinking, as it is all they do. I now remember the story: that, if I didn't press, they would go to the side of the multiples and do whatever they wanted, which is then that they would ommit all my posts here about 'Tom', 'Musk', 'Trump', 'Fernando Henrique' and so on, and would then pretend I married that particular 'Tom', that I then chose him as husband by simply saying a 'hi' on that Facebook thing, as they were asking me to do. Anyway, those yesterday did come across as real cops and the bleep-bleeps came across as possibly cops, even though not so strong on that, like the feeling, yet things would change later on yesterday, when we then saw that movementation involving UFRJ, so that they did like 'Tom' had done before, in the case of 'Tom', 'he' appearing as if organizing microphones for a press conference, and, in their case, as if someone had a camera and was ready to shoot. The women who appeared recently in my head, supposed to be the actual Christians, now I know, first repeated the lines I asked, so that I would not be marrying them, as if telling the cop that appeared there the other day, as I asked, however they did not move their bodies toward where the cop appeared and said that close to me, so that that was weird, as if not really happening, and they also did not do that with the press, even though I asked them to tell both of those. They then also appeared conversing with the man holding a camera and he then said, Rael, as if my account on Our Religion were that of Rael, when it is not really similar, like as far as I know. The Australian 'native' guy who is supposed to denounce at the police station whenever he approves my Salvation Plan then came around yesterday and said, Seven Hills, from the street, so that he believes I should be with the Spiritist Church instead of the Anglican. Yet, I said I chose the Anglican church from Burwood as best church on earth at the moment, so for me to attend for the time being and there is no right church, it is all wrong, one way or another. If we want a right church to go to, we have to do all we said and then, if human kind is still interested, we can come up with one. Our God is not about churches, though. Church is wherever we go, whoever we are with. God's rules are very simple rules, as said. Eact time God changed His rules and adapted to the human kind at hand, so to the things that happened in our history too, it is just that human kind was never listening in the way they should.
Worth mentioning that the guy who was recently playing the 'Brazilian Tom Cruise' appeared in my head going over those who wanted to do the story of UFRJ self-blaming for all giving a command voice, 'device', as if all they could talk about were the device, which would be something, but it gave me the impression that UFRJ wanted to save us, what is compatible with my past with them, the people I met there, the friends I have made. The 'girl' who is supposedly 'finally' Christian was over the camera guy probably for no better reason: she must have asked them not to do it, unfortunately, given the heart of carioca women. I did give God's story to them, which I now don't even remember, just to say it was really God. If they want to get saved and be included, they can, I suppose, it suffices they do their story. I also gave one to The Jews when one of them appeared in my head recently. They can also get saved if they do it, I suppose.
Besides, after I said hi there, on that Facebook thing, the 'Cop's Tom' appeared in my head as if crossing the stage and ending up in Brazil (I am so very curious as to how they manage to do all this), speaking to those there, in Rio. He then appeared as if he were collecting signatures, which was the story I think I gave to the strategist, if I ever wrote to him, and I did, even though I don't remember what he would be doing with the signatures. I assume it would be like a witness' note or something.
As for the hooded men's vision having been produced via device, I observe that the images they made like that never came across as real life environments, like, as said, it was all very weird to be the reality, apart from one, when Leinha comes back from killing Cacau. I think the marginal wouldn't know how I would turn my head in bed to then prepare that precise angle of sight for the insertion, like they need to calculate based on coordinates of also my body, I reckon, if an illusion like that, in real time, is created via device. I also seem to feel a different layer of existence in the perceptions involving the recent prayer/fasting and, for instance, sex with my twin through 'Rogerio': it is something like synching with the Holy Ghost, being inside of it with my body or something as those things happen. I can't be sure if I asked 'Rogerio' directly or thought about the rest of my request, that 'Bolivar' and he would create that religion for me but the image insertion showed them both doing that, if I recall well. I now found out Seicho was created by Masaharu Taniguchi (another Japanese) in 1930, so that they definitely did not put that together because I asked and therefore it is very unlikely that the vision has been inserted through device, even because it is even more unlikely that they wanted to reinforce spiritism, which also preaches punishment for evil done in this life in the after life and even in this life through apparitions and others. It is also a demoniac religion, since it is not praising the right god and not even His wife (yet we must recall that the wife does not communicate with us at all and therefore is unlikely to answer our prayers). Yet it is much better than all other religions they had in Brazil back then, so that God is always guiding us because we remain with pure heart and clean soul. Please notice that the 'Toms' were already admitting their multiples, showing YouTubes with half-faces, like one side from one of the multiples and the other side from another, from which I got the idea of using that for our publications on multiples or usurpations, before the Brazilians went there in the shape of a new multiple and intervened. So far, the devil and the satanic forces seem to be winning in what comes to our salvation, like people who are willing to do something right seem to always be stopped by them or returned to a fully satanic state. The hooded men, who they identified as mourners on one of the websites I here mentioned, came across as spitirual beings, like something that is or was human but also not aggressive to the Holy Ghost, so definitely not satanic. 'Nelson' would be the one who said the cop from Brazil would decide for usurping instead of saving us somehow, so I believe he inserted that in my head in the house in St Kilda East or as it went.
For God to come back to human kind, all satanic must repent, therefore start with confessing their crimes, so show their usurpations, multiples and all else, absolutely all of them. We have already presented a plan, as they requested. I am sorry if the Australian 'native' guy is not happy but that is indeed the best we can come up with, given the situation, and, if this 'native' guy were happy, he would denounce at the Australian police station and we would be saved, like I now remember this story too. The 'native Australian woman' in my building said she was happy with it and that is yet another story, which I don't recall, but reckon it implies that he isn't, very unfortunately. I wonder what part of the plan doesn't please him. He seems to have referred to religion, though. May God bless!
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