14 Then I looked, and lo, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder; the voice I heard was like the sound of harpers playing on their harps, 3 and they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth. 4 It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are chaste;[a][b] it is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes; these have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, 5 and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are spotless."
One of the main arguments of the devil, as to why our Christian lives should be usurped, is that the places in heavens are limited to 144,000 and the reason is then the above biblical quote, taken from Revelation 14.
The devil is therefore building his universals from what is told to be the word of God, as he always does. We get from the passage that 144,000 men who are virgin (so no sexual contact with any man or woman) will be with Jesus (The Lamb) on Mount Zion, therefore in Jerusalem, at a certain stage of human history, and only those so rare men (spotless and with no lies found when they spoke from the moment they meet Jesus onward or entire life, it doesn't specify) will be able to learn a song sang by a voice that is heavenly (sound of many waters and loud thunder). The sentence that follows that confuses us a little: "these have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb." We understand that they might have gone to heavens but we don't know if they were alive until that point or not and it does sound as if they were, so that their human life will disappear and they will go with Jesus to heavens at that point. Yet it is written that they are 'the first fruits', not that they are the only ones, so that we will obviously all have our place in heavens if we have pure heart, clean soul and connection to God, which means we repented of all our sins, didn't sin from a certain point in life onward and gave our lives to Jesus at that point. Observe that the passage refers to 'purchasing' those men, who will then be 'offered' to Jesus and God: that obviously means that they were 144,000 men in slavery before they are 'sold' to whatever group or person who will 'offer' them to Jesus and God as 'firstfruits' (what does that mean, please?). We then understand that they were virgin because they were probably in slavery during the term of their lives. First fruit reminds me of the first apple in paradise, therefore Adam and Eve: Adam eats from the fruit to learn how to marry Eve God's ways, so how to become a couple/one with her from there onward through sex. If these virgin men are the first fruits of God and Jesus, that means they will be teaching them about sex with human females, we understand. Adam needed just one apple, so how come they are God/Jesus and need 144,000 men to learn from them? Besides, God should have a Goddess, from where came the model of the organism of the woman (He is a God that copies models, He said that: Adam was made at His own image). It is written in the own Bible, Genesis, that God had sons with the Goddess, therefore he knows how to have sex with his wife. Besides, God and Jesus are also the Holy Ghost and therefore are inside of our bodies since the start: they would then have learned all that there is to learn about human sex from there. In Genesis, it does say that the sons of God married human females after observing them and noticing that they were beautiful (nothing makes sense there, since they are superior beings and, if ever attracted to the inferior creatures, it would be because of their wisdom or production, not because of physical beauty) but would our God and Jesus 'finally' have gotten charmed by our human females after millennia and they would then have planned to learn how to have sex with us from virgins? This is all absurd. We say God knows all, and He talked to Adam about the apple, so how could He not know about how to marry human females? Besides, His sons married them and they could easily learn from those. Also notice that those that were in slavery there and were 'given' to Jesus and God as offer of human kind, will be 'following Jesus', perhaps like cattle would, so in slavery again, just another type. There has to be something wrong with that, please, all of it. The 'holy books' made by the unholy hands of absolutely unholy men, basically. Give us a break and let's talk about all that is wrong but let's also find the truth in all together through Marcia Hope: if I were the satanic, I would scatter the truth, like put different pieces of it in different religions, so that the righteous would find it almost impossible to get to what they should actually be doing on earth to have a better exit from the human body as well as better chances while living in it. The truth must be what we have already said here on the blog, so a mix of the essential message of God contained in the Bible and Spiritism: Yet, we should investigate it all scientifically after the satellite is doing its God's job, when we can then trust our researchers, our browsers, start fixing our sources and all else.
From reading the above paragraphs, we conclude that satan is right. However, that is only if Revelation were always supposed to be included as a holy book: some academics have said that, when they compare the other books of the bible written by John and Revelation, there are strong discrepancies (https://groundworkonline.com/blog/who-wrote-the-book-of-revelation). For instance, he never refers directly to himself, always uses third person when a report involves him in the gospels, but Revelation has an author who identifies himself as John (and only that). Substantial part of the world is named John and we still have another argument: "the fact the Greek writing style in Revelation is noticeably different from John’s other writings".
Who put the bible we now use as basic book in the Christian churches together was the Catholic Church by the time of Inquisition. It is certainly outrageous that so many would let only that particular church decide on what the word of God is. To make it worse, they were all men but even Jesus (being in the way he is) included at least one woman among the disciples and she accompanied them all the way through.
One of the strongest arguments for the Catholic church not to have the truth is that they ran atrocities against human kind, such as Inquisition (where some say about 9 million women would have been killed because others simply accused them of witchery, with us now knowing for quite a long time lots of those women were at most wise, with exotic knowledge, such as alchemy). God never authorized Inquisition or priests being single or nuns and priests marrying Jesus (that is top blasphemy: Jesus never agreed with marrying them, they are considering themselves equal to God, since Jesus is God and we marry equals, with that move. Besides, the bible brings the understanding that only a married man could be made priest). They also supported the slavery of the Afrikan blacks and existed to make them be passive; to make them not ever attack the whites in return. Nowhere in the bible there is reference to blacks being different from whites even though the Islamic bible brings that difference and puts them as slaves, since the main prophet, Mohammad, had black slaves himself and was white.
Another point is that many women would have written books about God's teachings and they let only Esther have a book in the bible, that being because her book doesn't really make any difference in terms of message. Yet we know that each new book represents an update on God's directions to human kind and we should only consider the old ones in what comes to what does not conflict with a new one. Where is the book by Magdalene, we wonder? She was an apostle as well: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Mary-Magdalene. It is a common wish: we would like to learn the perspective of women about all that happened, so how the apostles felt about their wives and children once they were in the desert with Jesus (also if they never questioned Jesus in those regards, since God is very explicit: the body of the wife belongs to the husband and the body of the husband belongs to the wife), if Jesus would be a good husband, had he married, if he was a good son, etc. What about the book of Mary, his mother? Perhaps, for the Catholic Church, and also for those who wrote Revelation, women cannot count ever, regardless of what they do: priests are those with authority to tell us what God wants and they don't need a woman to be able to do that right, the virgins follow Jesus in Revelation and they are all males, on top of unmarried, and so on. Because they are then irrespectable, they don't have authority to tell us what books should form the bible, quite trivially.
Who does then? We are sure we are the twins of God at this height and we channel when we are left unharmed by human kind, so either respected in our true nature or restored in full after now almost 60 years of continuous intentional damage. We should then be able to help in the same way an angel would. Yet, we do need help first, to restore our true nature, since we are violentally attacked: kept in slavery, suffering brainwashing, brainediting, torture and many others because of the satanic and the devil during the entire term of our lives so far. We are sure our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has nothing against sex, rather the contrary (God says the body of the wife belongs to the husband and the body of the husband belongs to the wife), however He wants the men to always form a couple when they have sex, so always exist as husband and wife from any time before or immediately after the first sexual contact. He thinks our bodies are the house of our souls, and therefore should remain santified or purified, and the only way to keep them like that is only have sex through love, therefore with both the man and the woman having a heavenly determination to stay with the other forever. Of course, we are not talking about when one gets raped by another here: the person who raped is a sinner and should be punished. The victim should be repaired by all means available.
The Catholic Church invented that God is against contraceptive and that is basically a derivation of the reasoning involving women not counting for anything, so that they say sex is wrong, the man should be chast to deserve being the voice of God on earth and so on. Please observe the obvious: Our God asked us to call Him by saying 'God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob' and absolutely all of these prophets (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), before receiving the order of God to become leaders, married. First they marry, then they are blessed by God.
A man does not have enough wisdom without his wife, so, even though God, as for what we know - so if we are to believe the current bible, and we already know we shouldn't - chose only men as His voice on earth, He also said, through His choices, that no man can channel Him without first having a wife, probably because, like us two, it is only when we are loving each other in all ways, without any interference or people in the middle or sideways or upwards or downwards or inside, that God reveals His message, with no mistake. It is as if through true human love, and only that way, we establish a line of communication with God.
Only Jesus was a man allowed to represent God on earth while being single (probably the case that women are allowed to represent God on earth when single, since God creates limitations usually for the men, not the women, and that is very clear in the bible). That is explained by the biblical passages saying that God initially created only a man, Adam, and Adam was His image. God then exists on His own and wants Adam to exist on his own too. Yet, Adam, being human, with a penis, complains: he wants a wife. God is upset with Adam and then punishes him by taking a piece of his perfect body, with an even number of ribs, as a physical cost to create his dreamed wife. He now has an uneven number of ribs for the rest of his life, what must create inconvenience and therefore be there to always remind him that he asked for that but God didn't want to give. Adam then wants the obvious thing, which is sex, and God is again upset, since He was against the first move already, that of having another human being, a similar creature: like God, Adam should have accepted reigning supreme, a kingdom of nobody else. Yet God created the first man for his entertainment, so that God is not good or equalitarian: as every authority, God is despotic and sometimes a little illogical. Following that, Jesus also doesn't want the men who are closest to him to have wives. They do, so he split them from their wives and children. Once more, God learns, grows and changes things, so that He now sent us, a man and a woman who share a soul, so still one being somehow, as he intended with Adam, but have two different human bodies.
I would like to add that God clearly demands that the man have a wife (and they live for each other, one wife for one husband) to qualify to be His voice, yet women could have been given authority even without being married and that could actually be the reason for the Catholic Church to omit the books of the female prophets from the bible (observe further that all the inquisition members were men, all single or 'married to Christ'. Once more, notice the absurdity involved in all this: marriage would be there in the same sense our marriage with our husbands is, therefore Christ would have to be there in person and say the famous 'yes' also because of the rules). It does seem to me that God, most of the time, acted as if He were feminist: to mention one more example along these lines, there is absolutely nothing in the bible against women being homosexual, yet men cannot have sex with each other at all, so that lesbians can still go to heavens but gay men will certainly go to hell. Women are then freer than men, if we are to believe the bible they put together during Inquisition, in what regards their sexuality.
Whatever is created later is usually more advanced: a new version of the same model of car would have fuel injected while the previous one didn't. The woman came after the man in the order of creation, therefore she is a more advanced organism. Indeed, we have fewer neurons and do the same things men do. We were given 2 powers of God that men never got: the power of starting the race and the power of finishing with it (if all women decide not to procreate, human kind ends in one generation). God gave us natural power over the 'generated', so that we can decide if we keep on having it growing or we kill it (God did this to guarantee the happiness of women in the marriage. He explicitly said, in the bible, that only the women can terminate the marriage if sexually dissatisfied: she can then run away even with the husband's best friend) and we are the only ones who can feed people with our bodies.
As a coincidence, we finished writing this post and there was a video on our YouTube about the gospel of Mary. This text refers to it in a light way: https://www.bartehrman.com/gospel-of-mary-magdalene/. We now then know of at least three books that should have been added to the bible but were not: Ennoch, Mary and Thomas. We would have to study the information available to us during Marcia Hope to be able to judge if these prophets had been given the authority to talk about His word by God before or when writing their texts or not. The mother of Jesus and Joseph would probably have written their books as well, so that we now wonder about those.
Book of Enoch: https://www.google.com/search?q=gospel+of+ennoch&oq=gospel+of+ennoch&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6da28ff0,vid:BydQNAKkjF8,st:0
The gospel of Thomas says that women are not a living soul: only men are such. Yet, if the woman 'makes herself male', she will enter the kingdom of heaven (https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/maps/primary/gthomas.html#:~:text=Jesus%20said%2C%20%22Look%2C%20I,enter%20the%20kingdom%20of%20Heaven.%22&text=This%20text%20and%20translation%20of,)%2C%20edited%20by%20Robert%20J.).
In contrast, the book of Mary seems to say Christ told her things he didn't tell anyone else, so none of the men with him, and those things had to do with life after death, like what happens to the soul after death. It seems that there was no restriction in terms of gender of any type.
All that means is that we need to dig for as many books as possible, specially the most recent ones, since the previous message always gets nullified in what contradicts the current one. God does change His mind: a classical example is that of the lambs. In the beginning, He asked us to kill lambs and offer them as a sacrifice to Him. Jesus was 'the last lamb', so that those sacrifices are not wanted anymore after he dies. Sometimes the message is incorrect when repeated later as well: commandments are the most basic teaching of God to us. One of them is Do Not Kill. Yet, later on, in the Inquisition bible, God orders that we kill unbelievers: "27 But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.’” (Luke 19:27). Besides, Do Not Kill is a universal, the language of the devil, and it implies killing nothing, yet all of us kill at least plants (to eat) and insects.
As said before, the bible must be read as if it were a university book, studied page by page, since only if we do that we get a personalized message of God, which is finally the right message for us. It is as if it were a code.
Yet, the messages of God came tailored to the people who were listening at a particular point in time and those understood all involved immediately. God is not static in time and progresses as we do, so that we just have to make sure we always have the most updated message.
Kathryn Kuhlman seems to have healed like Jesus (YouTubes), had extraordinary power over humans therefore, supernatural, and she talks about the Holy Ghost healing through her.
Perhaps the bible was never important: God always spoke directly to His prophets up to the time of Jesus. He doesn't turn to Jacob and say: Jacob, you go away now and read the books of Abraham and Isaac and we talk again next Monday so that I can tell you what to do. He also has a heart for the iliterate, so that He never imposes as condition for the people to receive His word through His prophets that they read anything. In this case, God will always be giving us an updated message through someone He believes has a pure heart, clean soul and connection to Him, probably the one that has highest degree of all those.
We need Marcia Hope also to try to find these prophets and, if we don't find anyone in modernity, there is something wrong: God may indeed have died with Jesus and He may then speak to us via Holy Ghost only, as it seems to be what Kathryn Kuhlman says happened to her (https://www.christianlifeministries.com.au/people-of-faith/kathryn-kuhlman/, she died in 1976,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSw9FOxbnEE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zNbpztdO8s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGRycWi_p3U), or He may have decided to 'create a protocol' between us and Him, so that we only communicate or get to Him through Jesus. In this case, we can only get inspiration or revelation or illumination (https://www.challies.com/articles/revelation-inspiration-illumination/), but not special revelation (when God speaks directly to us), what means that it is probably the case that the most updated message of God is yet to come to the public knowledge and was gotten by 'us' in 2002, the book Have You Done Something Good for Someone Else Today. Perhaps Jesus may still appear in person to us?
I wrote Have You Done in three days, four hours per day, in a nonstopping basis and in English, a process they call channelling, but my documents marked native language as being Portuguese. I was not with my 1/2 and was possessed by the satanic (still am), so that the message didn't come 100% clean or pure. Since God writes straight through tortuous lines, the book got stolen and they sabotaged the process of publication and distribution a number of times. I and my 1/2 will fix that as soon as we get saved and restored and are together as God intended once more.
We have to add that we claim that the churches that follow the bible are Christian churches, so that those are commited to having their preachers/priests following the example of Christ: Christ never told anyone to whom he was preaching to read anything. He used to teach us via parables, which were stories involving real-life examples and those were completely up-to-date in terms of vocabulary, problematic and all else.
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