Alternative thesis: Jesus will give us eternal life in the human body. Elohim and Annunaki are our Gods ( Yeshua/Jesus was one of the Annunaki. Blacks think they are more intelligent and they found the holy grail: if everyone on earth is black, Jesus will be out of options when that time comes, the time of the Revelation passage, and therefore he will be obliged to take blacks only. If everyone sins, including not telling the truth all the time and not being a virgin, Jesus must fulfill the prophecy and take the 144,000 plus the others and therefore will have to take the sinners instead of those from the passage (and those would be all blacks at such time).
The blacks, by then, will already have evolved enough in terms of mastery of the mechanical soul and mastery of violence/violation, so that they can then usurp life of even the Elohim and, as a consequence, acquire eternal life in the human body (transferring all the essence of the Elohim to themselves via bug), all of them, perhaps in the Elohim Planet (some sources say such a thing exists and they select a few of us to change them into eternal and put them to live among them there, so that their planet becomes our Christian paradise).
The blacks will then enter the spaceship of the gods, meet the Elohim/gods face to face and bug them to then take over. Those going first will be the worst marginals ever and those are then going to be the gods of earth after that. Everyone will be already agreeing with the satanic system, living inside of it, all blacks, all males (some of them being modified males, transgenders), and they won't have any difficulties with accepting the lead of those so few at that stage.
The reason why the so few have to be the most criminal and violent on earth is because other ET societies exist and may be hostile, there are no laws in space and so on. The blacks think Elohim and Christians are idiots because they want to be good and passive and therefore they can lose their seat for anyone else, just like Leinha grabs the ET and puts it out of its spaceship to take control of it, perhaps killing it.
They think the Elohim have a wonderful system of management that shouldn't be wasted or stolen as well. More recently, they did succeed in stealing to the last trace of my adored through the bug, so that it does seem true that the soul is mechanical and was indeed planted in us by the Elohim. Notwithstanding, we are going to say the spirit is the most that gets transferred in such a way and the soul is bigger than it.
The book 'Senhores do Mundo', a book I only saw in the personal library of the devil, talks about the word for 'god' in the Christian bible, originally in Aramaic, Elohim, having some six possible meanings and one of them being ship spitting fire.
All the evidence we have got points at the ETs being nicest people in the universe, so that we don't really have reasons to believe in hostile ET societies.
Since the blacks plan to have a society of males, half of them figuring as transgenders, they will probably have to find a way of changing their spermatozoids into eggs or storing our eggs somehow, perhaps also replicating them.
The Elohim would then be taking virgin males in the end, so that they don't want males to have sex and therefore that is why the American Braganca tells me that the ideal thing, the thinking in America, is not having sex at all.
In this case, we notice that the blacks actually hate us: they never shared the information with us and still acted with maximum disloyalty toward us all the time. This version of the story coincides with one of the reports of the black 'Nelson' to me, so that I now believe this one 100%.
Apartheid wouldn't solve because they have all these atrocious gadgets and management systems and other weapons: they would just paint themselves in white for a bit longer and find a way of replacing us, so that they would just keeping on doing the same things they have been doing all these 144 years. They can then kill all whites in a ship, for instance, and replace them all with painted blacks. They can make airplanes land on unexpected spots, kill everyone inside and usurp. They can come in spaceships and abduct us then kill and usurp, returning 'us' in the shape of a usurper. So on.
Google sources (first 6 pages) are scarce and bring very little information, so that it is very likely that is information they would like us not to have access to and therefore it is strategic for them. In this case, I believe they fear we will be able to protect the Elohim against them and therefore be able to stop the take over by the devil/satan/satanic.
If this is all true, the Elohim were a spaceship containing the 'gods of human kind' and they then projected an holographic image of Adam in space around their spaceship and our God, one of the gods in the spaceship called Yahweh ( says Yahweh is one of the Elohim), which is referred to in the bible as God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, then said that He created Adam at His image, this being because there were no mirrors back then and therefore that was the only way Adam would know how he looked like (we normally can see our body parts on the front of those, apart from face, and we don't see anything to the back of ourselves. Adam was naked, so that the image he saw in the sky involved also his genitalia, therefore also his penis. The image may have rotated in the sky so that he saw the aspect of his entire human body).
Jesus was not Yahweh:, even though the Catholic Church decided, at a certain stage, that that was the case: According to them, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are all the same. That is when they thought they had solved the greatest puzzle of all and came up with what is nowadays called Holy Trinity.
Yeshua was not Jesus according to this source: says that Yeshua is an alternative name for Metatron, "the messiah of the Kabbalah", therefore someone similar to Lucifer, "the false angel of light". Yeshua was Jesus according to this source: (they then say Yeshu means a curse, "acronym for a curse: “yimakh shemo ve zikhro” which means, “May his name and memory be obliterated", but Yeshua means 'salvation').
Here we notice that either the writer of source one wants to deceive us and put us against the Jews (who would then have lied to us for a number of years, taking a scoff, and sustaining that Jesus was satan, very coherent with their declared beliefs, plus making us say the name of satan, since they then insisted that was the 'right name' for Jesus, and therefore making us be cursed, go to hell, the opposite to what we intended with the search for the 'right name' of the son of God) to highest or he is telling the truth about them and therefore doing the work of God. says that the 'right name' of the son of God is righteousness instead, yet it accepts the name Yashua as one of the names for the son of God. In the just-mentioned video, we get some biblical quotes that imply that the son of God is also Yahweh, since he is the 'god of the burning bush' of Moses, and therefore the son of God is also an Elohim. We would like to add that Jesus IS NOT righteousness because he physically attacked the assets of others inside of the temple and he made others not stone a woman when she had been disloyal to the husband to maximum degree (had sex with another man) and not stone another woman when she was being accused of prostitution (Mary Madaglene, even though now the writings say that she got demons expelled from her instead of that, that was the story I was told when little). Jesus is truth, however, and that can be inferred using the same logical reasoning presented in the YouTube we mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph.
He says the 'right name' of the 'son of God' would be Asus in English. Since that happens to be a computer brand, the people who gave that name to the computer are satanic: one more way of making us go to hell. We now would say 'my Asus' referring to our computer and that would be blasphemy, equivalent to that practiced by the nuns and priests all over the world: marrying God.
Besides, please notice that Jesus referred to our God as Father several times and we all know the father cannot be the son. If Yahweh had a son with Mary, a non-Elohim, the son cannot have His powers, all of them, since she is human and needing her body to procreate and making her become pregnant imply that her genes were involved, since, if her genes were not needed, Yahweh could have made His son from where He was and simply sent him even if it were genetic manipulation. As another point, the bible says 'the son of God' had to learn the difference between good and evil and only after that he would be ready, but God always knows the difference between those, therefore Jesus cannot be God. He said he was I Am because he was part of the body of his father, had his genes, nothing else.
The biblical passage mentioned in the video whose html we just quoted contains information implying that Jesus was around when Moses existed on earth. When Jesus is then asked how that was possible since he was about 50 yo, he said: "before Abraham was, I am". We notice here that it is not "before Abraham was, I was I am" but he is answering as we would do in normal life sometimes: we give clues to people instead of saying the entire lot. He is then saying, "see, before Abraham appeared, there is I am", my father, therefore He told me or I was within Him for being His piece and learned by absorption or something.
If Jesus was not Yahweh and therefore the Catholic Church is wrong about the Holy Trinity, he is truth and was born partly human partly God. In Genesis 6:2-4: "the sons of God[a] saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. Then the Lord said, “My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.." We can see that God could have chosen to procreate with Mary, if He so wanted, since the sons of God should be the same as He is, therefore Elohim.
Here we confirm that the sons of God ARE NOT God. If God had intercourse with Mary, He would have to marry her, according to the rules given by the own God to us, but, in that particular case, God simply wanted to procreate with her, and, given the biblical rules, that can only happen if God is married and His wife cannot give birth anymore and she authorizes Him to do so. Maybe because of the commandment 'Don't do to others what you don't wish upon yourself', God could not decide for not having His rules applied also to Himself and His interactions with human kind.
The bible says that Mary was a virgin when giving birth, so that she could not have had intercourse with God ( In this case either a process like the artifical insemination took place or parthenogenesis or God made an egg of Mary become a spermatozoid and fuse with another egg, that modification representing a singular DNA coding that generates a semi-god or Mary was given God's sperm and smeared it on her vagina with certainty of pregnancy (despite the previous link, where we see that the chance is about 0.1%. That is compatible with the gospel of Thomas: it is written that God will only let women be included if they are changed into men and it is also written that Jesus changed Mary into man to be allowed to teach her in private.
Since Mary does not change her physical aspect (otherwise it would have been noted by someone in writing), we must assume that it is possible to have the DNA changed from woman's to man's and not have the physical aspect changing accordingly, what may imply all body functions, sensations and feelings are still feminine after that change. In this case, 'Nelson' had access to all this knowledge/information and decided that the closest thing he could get to that in the end was men physically changed into women, so that their DNA is still masculine and they then all go to heavens together. As another point, Thomas says "females don't deserve life" (114) and, because they are not a Living Soul, different from the men, they won't get a place in paradise (114), so that 'Nelson' may conclude that they'd better be all men and the transgender would be their best attempt to trick God: that they are women who got to change their DNA into the men's. He is thinking the world might be over (and I am sure they also have plans to exterminate human beings to that extent, so let's say the 666 factor is the bug in our heads and they then aim at having all bugged close to the day of rapture so that they can then kill everyone that is not their selected 144,000 by simply pressing a button since we then imagine a single action performed in all bugs, a single command given on a single computer. I would be really glad if those inside of the group were now noticing that that is what they are marching towards to, like each time controlling more heads from fewer computers with fewer instructions given by fewer people and so on. I then imagine that the bible or Nostradamus or another reliable source of information tells them about a sign that should come before rapture and, since the entire secret of their success is hiding knowledge/information from those below them, we can imagine that they hid this information from the rest of the their groups and also from everyone else on earth, so that they are the only ones who know what such a sign is) and only 144,000 will remain alive and he would like all of them to be 'of his type'.
That is when they may run Forever Young only on a limited number of group members, hoping that 'their selection' will be all that remains to Jesus as a choice, so that effectively they chose those who will be saved instead of Jesus.
Only women would have this capability, of changing their DNA to the other gender's, since there is still nothing, in all books we had access to so far, saying that men changed into women would be more special to God. God, in this case, if that is all true, would have spoken directly only to men all the time and that also matches even the information we have about Mary (that an angel of God spoke to her to get her authorization for the pregnancy before she was made pregnant of God but not God). That is compatible with Genesis: that only Adam was God's image. On the other hand, that is incompatible with the genealogy of the Annunaki, since they had both women and men. It is then assumed that only the male Annunaki agreed with the creation of an 'inferior race' and his wife then said, 'then make them be at your own image'.
According to Rael, the Elohim are a society of 'gods', which are then beings that last forever and they made us out of genetic experimentation, so that they would hold part of the truth (that is a religion that appeared in 1973, when Australia, USA, Brazil and England were already under high influence of satan, therefore Raelism must also be satanic, and cannot be considered the truth, at most part of it could. They obviously always have done the same: they steal our knowledge and usually make it disappear from our reach but sometimes they fragment it and make fragments appear in different pieces of theories or lives so that we start trusting those as vehicles of God, when they then will drive us to the satanic path and existence, so to hell, pain, suffering, loss and injury). We then understand that women were made superior to men (more of god's powers, perhaps because men asked for us to be present in the world, so needed us, as we could say we need a god) but were not given the allowance to speak to God directly because the goddess, His wife, ruled that way, as I would, were it me. I would only trust a spiritually inferior woman if she proved that she deserved trust (here worried indeed about whether the woman is going to wish for intimacy of any type with my man, so even if she is going to wish for him to give her more or equal attention or importance in life in relation to me). I do believe knowledge makes people be more ethical and more compliant in democracy and capitalism, where they sign for basic human rights, such as freedom, since then the rules are logical (they come from the majority, so that they follow the 'logic' of this majority and therefore can be told to be logical), if the official systems are respected (not the case with the usurpation and the satanic system being imposed to us for 144 years), this if it is acquired the right way, so in a licit way, so that the challenge could have been, 'if you are able to solve the puzzle and acquire knowledge enough to change your DNA into that of a man without changing your physical or emotional characteristics on your own, and despite what we all do to stop you from doing that, we will include also you in our planet or at least a few of your type'.
In this view of things, the goddess, God's wife, would be superior to Him in powers and, when God accepts (He didn't want) creating a companion for Adam, He consults His wife again and she then gives the directions: take one of his ribs and so on. That is because the goddess never wanted them to exist, first of all. She thinks that the man should be reminded that 'you become eternally responsible for what you captivate', so that he would be responsible for making Eve happy, she was 'part of him', physical part, and he must take care of his body to best because it is the body that represents God, His image.
It is interesting to observe that God is then truth but Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life" instead. He is showing things to us through his human existence, so what his human life means to us after death, which is his achievements, the greatness of his acts in terms of meaning for human kind/contributions (the life), but we only get to God through him, so by shaping our spirit (only part accessible to us of our Living Soul, which includes our body, and this part can probably be equated to the 'essence' we talked about before, what satan is able to transfer from targetted person to usurper before killing the target and replacing it with the usurper: and treating our body according to what he demands in order for us to be taken by him to the Father (the way). He is also truth because he doesn't care about the laws or what the others are saying: he goes with what is true instead. He stops stonning of at least two women for reasons of promiscuity because the goddess is superior to our god and therefore could be allowed to sin sometimes and should be forgiven when doing that. At the same time, he says you throw the stone or judge her if you have no sin, so that men could finish with the gap in what comes to the law if they were righteous before the eyes of God (this doesn't have to do with our law, but with what God demands from us instead), like the day 'our modern Adam' is doing what God told him to do, 'our modern Eve' will pay the price according to the laws, since that is what is right for God.
God is truth and truth is the character of God according to the man whose name does not appear in the YouTube from the previous paragraph. Jesus is also the truth and is more than that, since he is also the way and the life, so that we get the impression that the father is under the son in greatness. Yet, as he said, this is just about the character, but we have all the plethora of powers and acts of God to think about and those were not given to Jesus in full, since he is a semi-god, not a god. - So, coming from the same people who previously told us that the right name of God was Yahweh, came this one: Now the name that is absolutely correct is Jehovah. No doubts the Jews, from the time of Jesus, were our God's people, but the Jews that survived the nazi horrors are not really bringing much to us since then. We must remember that God said He belongs to all people who have pure heart, clean soul and give their lives to Jesus, that is, who follow the teachings given by the life of Jesus, live in truth and go through him to the Father. The Jews are not coming up with prophets since at most the nazi horrors, so that the prophets must come from other peoples because the other peoples are then the closest to what Jesus expects us to be. If there are no more prophets, though, we must follow the words coming via the first type of revelation (involving contemplation) or Inspiration or Illumination (, and all say that the name of the God of Isaac is Yahweh., and say that the name of the God of Abraham, Jacob and Moses was Yahweh even though Elohim is also seen as one of His names. Because Jesus said he was at the burning bush of Moses, He connects to the same God, therefore to Yahweh.
We observe that the passage we here quoted - from Genesis - refers to 'sons of God' and therefore Jesus would not be the only one. Yet, John's gospel tells us that Jesus was the ONLY son of God (John 1:14). The sons of God from Genesis could have died, all of them. Jesus then was the only son of God by year 0. The sons of God should all be Elohim, like our God, so that they should live forever, following Raelism. However it is possible that when they marry a female human, they simply die. Jesus is a semi-god but he does not have intimacy with any woman. He at most had Mary Madaglene available to him and they didn't go close to having physical intimacy with each other, maybe so that he could guarantee life after death.
America and the native American white people are undoubtfuly Jesus' people since a certain point in time: the terrorists who enslave human kind for so long (144 years), the satanic, and those include the own devil incarnated in a human body and Islamic people, decided that they were the ones that were most likely to go to heavens. I and my twin were born from native American white people and therefore it makes sense that God would choose us to convey His message. In this case, though, the language of God is now English, American version, even though until the time of Jesus it was Aramaic and Hebrew. The Jews killed Jesus and Jesus then found other peoples for himself through his apostles...
With this, we must say 'God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob' and 'son of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob' or even 'God of Moses' and 'son of the God of Moses' when invoking God, praying and so on. Jesus would not give us necessary words in other languages because we would be in trouble when trying to communicate with him: since he has the power of the Holy Ghost, he speaks to us via emanations, even clear images, when trying to communicate with us.
Since the God of Moses says He is 'I am', it makes sense that Je Suis/Jesus would be the name of His son, here perhaps indicating that the French-speaking people were the ones making 'the son of the God of Moses' happiest by the time they came up with the name 'Jesus' (God only knows when that was).
Basically, the intercourse or marriage with a human seems to destroy the life after human death for the deity, so for the Elohim or semi-Elohim, but is OK for humans if the man takes his first woman in marriage and never betrays her. Having sex, regardless of the amount, provided that it is in marriage (one woman for one man) and faithful, does not make the couple not deserve a place in paradise. It is the opposite: couples where the man makes the woman sexually happy are the most welcome people in paradise, since they copy the Elohim.
With the death of the only son of God, and with the son communicating with us mostly through the Holy Ghost, God stopped speaking to us directly: the son became that to best understand us and our advocate, so that everything goes through him, as he himself said. In this case, it is Jesus who chooses who is going to be a God's messenger but the message still comes from God Himself.
We must also observe that the marginal is worried about rapture but we are continuously being selected by God, since all of us have eternal life (that appears clearly in the bible all the way through), and they then practice usurpation in an attempt to trick God, believing that if all humans are deceived by what they do, so will be our God, since Jesus was God and he had human shape, so all body resources and thinking capabilities we have. They then believe God will select them for a vacancy in heavens because they figure as top Christian in their last usurpation, so now they physically look like the victim, have transferred their essence via head bug and are being what the victim used to be for the world and human kind in all that is possible in that way. Yet, Kathryn Khulman is a proof that God is inside of us through the Holy Ghost and therefore He knows us from inside out and therefore he is aware of all they have done in life when they die. There is still what I said before: they know, for literally living inside of the head of the spiritists for probably 144 years, that none of them came back to say they were in heavens, despite all 'science' they have put into usurpation and they have seen 'their soldiers' coming back to say they were in hell. God has planned all this, so that the satanic can see inside of us two, God's messengers, and understand that, if they usurp our lives and transfer our essence via bug to another before they do that, they will know the difference between one and the other, so between usurper and original, and therefore God will also know it since the Holy Ghost is better than their 'vain technology' (they know that from observing their usurpers and the originals before usurpation repeatedly throughout the years, so that they are sure). Since our God does know the difference between a usurper and the original person, they are surely going to hell, I verily tell you.
As yet another point, if they take over the spaceship of our beloved Elohim, our gods of light, by usurping their lives too and transferring their essence to themselves via bug after bugging them too, and are only 144,000, all blacks, half of those transgenders, or all mulattos/cariocas (since we did detect deceit, lie and cheating from those over the Afrikan blacks, so that, first of all, they are considered to be 'the same' but they then aim at preserving just 'their own type'), their 'kingdom' will be over very soon, at most in a few generations, since it seems reasonable to expect that every race of beings (so, for instance, human race) has been created by a superior race (in our case, the Elohim), and each higher race would have then created their own rules, which must be obeyed so that they include members of the inferior race in their own, what we here call existence in paradise, and there will then always be necessity of having someone, even if just one, from the inferior race that is seen as a compliant being, so that they receive the wisdom of the superior race through synchronization with the Holy Ghost belonging to that superior race and, without that, they will always be subjected to extermination via even a new type of flu: all wisdom, therefore all knowledge and information, that human kind has got came from God, not from human kind; It is a gift we receive upon making the required efforts, so say concentrating, doing research, reflecting, having pure heart and clean soul, complying and so on. If they will all be mulattos, they will be the least wise of the humans (most indolent, useless and harmful, largest amount of marginals, choosing to follow the devil more times and for longer, least likely to ever confess their sins, specially to society as a whole, least likely to apologize, be grateful, etc.), Afrikan blacks come in second. If they are marginals, specially worst ones, they are the least likely to comply with the rules of their God and so on.
Besides, notice that human kind has got 8 billion people and only the people from Germany have ever been able to find a definitive cure for AIDS since it appeared, and despite their satanization of all sources, so 20 million in Australia and nobody found it. Other millions in the USA and Brazil and England, and nobody found it. Yet there were whites, Aryans and Christians among every single one of those peoples, therefore most likely to get the enlightenment from the Elohim. Now you want 144,000, an incredible tiny piece of the Australian population, yet only blacks or mulattos, to find the healing for any disease that might appear in their select group of 144,000? Diseases also appear out of the blue, despite them creating a large number of those in the last 144 years. Remember how many plagues we had since the start of humanity and well before they come up with their head bugs and satanic laboratories and universities... . The Spanish Flu killed at least 17,000,000 people (, so a simple flu would already decimate them, regardless of how much they think they can procreate after becoming the Elohim...
Also observe that their reason to leave their black places, so the places where the blacks were originally born, according to one of the top bosses of terrorism, was that they didn't want to attack 'their own type', so they were sick of, for instance, having a short lifespan (cannibals ate their husband, wife, relatives and children, like eventually), and they were naturally satanic (liked commiting crime, inflicting injury, pain, suffering and loss): they believed, in the case of the cannibals, that they were a superior human type, more intelligent, quicker in reasoning/action and therefore deserved lasting for longer than the other types or at least lasting for as long as. Well, simple logical reasoning tells us that the same reason would have to be applied to defend that they should never be left alone and together somewhere, since all the evils that led them to stop doing that would be over them again, obviously and trivially.
Besides, I would ask you all to make 'Trump' see that he is not a black (we are betting he isn't because he has got frekles) or a mulatto and, even though the marginal says he is a Russian, he might be just like us and be bugged since little and therefore have been brainwashed to believe whatever. If the marginal does scramble since possibly 1880, he is likely not to be the kid of the parents appearing in his first birth certificate, the original one, and therefore there is no reason to hate America or to support any plan of extermination of the Americans, even though I also don't see why Russians should hate America (or anyone else), just see reasons for them to be loved: the only people who proudly said every day of their lives, May God Bless America, and therefore the only ones praising God by default.
They are also the only people to respect God to the levels of making sure they didn't mix his pointer with cursing or triviality, such as when we want to express shock: they invented the word Gosh for those situations. Everyone else, specially the blacks, uses God, the same pointer for our Lord, in those situations, of cursing or trivialities.
I would then ask you to make 'Trump' see that there is a high chance he is not Russian either: his skin is probably lighter in color than that of the Russians, he is probably taller or bigger. Ask him to remember his visits to their Country and the physical type appearing in larger numbers there. To observe the shape of their bodies, how large they are, since he is very large. His hair might not be naturally blonde, or his eyes naturally blue, yet his hair is soft, light and straight, that might also be attained via bug, yet I believe it is his hair type. Would the Russians usually have such hair? Also make him see that it can never make sense taking a fight in the name of a Country, nation, people, physical type or anything else that means attacking other human beings: don't they usurp now everywhere and in large numbers? Isn't Australia now a foreign Country to the own Australia? Those concepts don't make any sense anymore: the devil has proven that to us.
The marginal has habit and history of 'planting narratives' in our head: it is only God that kept me and 'my he' knowing who we actually are, actually the Holy Ghost. They brainwashed us so badly, isolated and took away our twinhood to such a depth, played with our souls in every unimaginable way, whoever was inside of me felt and saw, a certain stage, I believed I was mostly VACA, even though not promiscuous, I deeply felt as if I belonged to their world, that was my team. I then gave them strategies and instructions to make 'our team' win. That went on until I received the love of my half, until I noticed my spirit is our spirit, we share a soul, so that I do know who he is and he also knows me and therefore there are men on earth who could be trusted by their wives 110%, so that there is no actual war between men and women, that is all satanization: the more we had contact through this thing, the more God let me see the actual truths of humanity and this world, the more God was in me and therefore the more the devil was gone from me. I only got to the truth that he had MPD because I acquired certainty that I knew him, certainty given by the Holy Ghost: once more, God only gives if we are in that realm of the Holy Ghost with our heart and spirit.
In the same way, 'Trump' only believes he needs to destroy America, which obviously means he is something like a suicide bomber, who is gonna die with the target, so that as soon as he starts speaking to people who understand him, who he can trust, he will desatanize. It would probably have to be a woman, his wife, yet the satanic don't have true love, they all betray, so that I really don't know and need help with this one too. One must remember that I also deeply believed I was a Brazilian suffering from prejudice of the native white Australians, English and Americans, when I spoke to Trevor in 2001, even though I felt deeply connected and attracted to those, and those only, as if I only had in common for real with those, so that I created plots to 'make them cooperate' with Trevor, for instance.
It took me a lifetime (until 2020) for me to find out what the story actually was, and I only found out that after they gave my memories back: I could then make sense of all, like they were actually doing the unimaginable to keep me in Academia, where I obviously needed to be to have, first of all, more chances of surviving and keeping well, also the unimaginable to give me an academic position (offered straight away, already before I spoke to Trevor) and so on. They couldn't be more my people than they were being... . I then felt more Brazilian than Australian up to that point, 2020. 'Trump' may obviously have suffered from similar stuff, like, how can he know he didn't, if I believed 100% that all that was happening to me could be natural and I could indeed have been born in Brazil and be a natural relative of those who figured as my natural family, despite all the feelings I had of inadequacy, rejection and horror for those surrounding me that were not from those 3 countries almost all the time.
How can 'Trump' actually know? Memory enveloping, memory editing, brainwashing and so on: it is possible to make anyone believe anything even since their first word or before that, I am sure. Hate is something humans don't naturally have: all children are naturally good, that probably being the reason as to why Jesus said come to me little children. That all comes from the environment, upbringing and so on, so that it is all a form of brainwashing, even without the bug, imagine with it and having people who are satanic administering it? They can actually change your eye, hair and skin colors via bug before you first look at yourself in the mirror, change your language before you speak your first word, change your sex before you first look at yourself naked in the mirror, so all that, adding to the scramble, so that there is actually a very high chance all big guys on earth are not who they think they are (the marginal fears only those who are bigger, the devil told me that, so that they actually believe that if a male is physically bigger they can beat them easily and therefore they would obviously think they are better weapons in the fight against other men's thinking. People like the Brazilian Osama, the black Osama, therefore one of the top bosses of Al Qaeda, are very short and therefore, even stretching their arm to maximum, wouldn't be able to make their hand reach the chin of the other man if they were really tall and therefore they wouldn't be able to kill them with their hands, which is how they usually kill if the person is not bugged).
'Trump' said he converted to Christianity or he has always been a Christian and he said that to the press. He also advertised the Bible and said he is going to make it be the side table book of America once more. He has therefore already mechanically converted: saying the words, having the needed thinking, etc. Now he needs to concentrate on making his heart pure and his soul clean, what has to include admitting his sins, hopefully to the press, repenting sincerely, committing to never sinning anymore and giving his life to Jesus. If he does that, he is obviously gonna end up joining us and therefore making God's brainwashing and all else I say we need to save the world and human kind at this stage of things.
An alternative reasoning to that of the DNA being changed from female's to male's is that Mary simply acquired the characteristics that distinguished men from women according to the bible before Jesus comes in, so in the Old Testament. Two of those are being the 'head of the family' and deserving inheriting all assets of the father (since those seem to belong only to the man in the Old Testament). If a woman is changed into a man, therefore, she should have acquired the spiritual powers to command her family (possibly sharing the command with the husband) and also the spiritual merit in terms of inheritance. Nowadays, women command their homes quite frequently in democracy and capitalism, therefore in Australia, USA, England and Brazil. That would then mean they have already been changed into males. How we went from not being a Living Soul to being one is then a mystery so far, like, with the men, God breaths inside of their nostrils when they are born. We need to perhaps find another book for the Bible, either among those 15 we already identified as missing or outside of those.
I now observe that all oppressive regimens, apart from monarchy, have men on top: dictatorships seem to always have been commanded and run by men. Nazism seems to have been commanded and run by men. Islam seems to be commanded and run by men. All those commit true atrocities against human kind all the time. There is a particular dictator in South America, like in the past, who cut off hands of people, after putting them in a stadium, and made the population watch them die as they would watch a soccer game. Several hundreds. Nazism did the holocaust, which quite a few consider the worst that has ever happened to human kind. Yet I see nothing worse than Islam: About 1500 years of legal slavery of women! The black Afrikans would have been 400 years, with all the satanization that they came up with (I truly think it were many fewer years), Nazism 12 years and so on. 1500 years!? That there is nothing more horrible than Nazism?
I concluded that men end up like that, like it was also by the time of the Roman Empire (all men), therefore of those who killed Jesus, because of the ideas that get stuck in our minds from reading books like the Bible or Qoran. In Genesis, we see that 'God' created only the man at His own image and we then get that idea in the head: oh, men are holy, women are not. Yet it doesn't stop by there: 'God' actually did not want the women to be on earth. He wanted only 'Adam' and, even so, only one man, not more than one, only that one. Therefore it is a good thing for men: not having a woman. Besides, men should all compete among themselves, if possible to the point of there being only one at the top or at all, so on his own: just like 'Adam' or 'God' (from there would come ideas such as having us replaced with AI and a single man living eternally through the bug, Forever Young, commanding that army of AIs, since only then would everyone do what he wants without mistake and without complaining, like they must have noticed that even with their bugs people still do something else, like Valkyria, taught by our adored Tom Cruise, like it doesn't matter the size of the atrocity or for how long it is happening, it is just human creating some dissidence once in a while, which must have been what leads Leinha to kill 'Murillo', for instance, the fact that he always did what I asked him to do. She talks about me being much more powerful than her originally and them needing to decrease my power in any impossible way, like naturally everyone would go for the American native white woman as a leader: not the man, but the woman). That is the way to the heart of God, therefore to get more powers, allowances, etc. from heavens and who doesn't want to get the goods from heavens?
God then would have passed the order: for 'Adam' and 'Eve' not to have sex. Therefore sex is not good or wanted, according to the superior power is the message we get, what we internalize. Then 'God' forgives 'Adam' for having sex, which is something that only his wife wanted, according to the Bible, so that women make men sin, therefore be out of grace with 'God', by 'forcing' them to do something with their penises that they don't naturally want to do. Then, now understood as punishment from 'God', 'God' says, 'grow and multiply', like having kids is something similar to a curse, a toll to pay, for having sinned that badly, so that a man should not love his own kids, in the same way he should not love his wife, since she made him sin, the apple thing. To make it worse, Jesus splits husbands from wives and kids, then obviously confirming the subliminal once more: they are bad things for the men he took, things they should be kept away from because of some impossible-to-understand reason, like they are simply bad for you or something. To make it still worse, there is Revelation: 'the saved' will be only 144,000 (this from about 8 billion people and that does not cover the population not even of one Country, regardless of which one we take, more than likely) and they will still have to be virgins, so reinforcing the idea that sex with women is something that is equal to sinning, polluting their bodies, making them not be worthy of God's Holy Spirit anymore or something, not worthy of trust of God, etc.
I am sure these books, both Qoran and the Bible, have been put together by men and that, as I said before, means they would have to be imperfect, since God is wise and created one to supplement the other through marriage, one man for each woman and one woman for each man. However, they are incredibly imperfect instead, just like the other creations of groups of single men: Islam, Nazism and dictatorship. All generate incredible loss for human kind. If I said the Catholic Church should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, perhaps we should prosecute men for those too. Now, which men, all of them? Trivially those in power everywhere on earth!
I am sure I know my God, just like I know my twin, and that is a God with a wife, the Goddess, who came from the Elohim to help and enlighten our planet. Genesis is probably completely wrong in all writings because they have been forged by groups of single men: nothing makes sense. Why was the life of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as depicted in the Bible, something special? The father of Jesus is 'I am', from Moses, and that is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with no mistake. The other day I reread the life of Abraham and Isaac and all I found, in terms of blessings, were lands, family (includes a perfect 'coupleship') and health. There is no wisdom. Yet everyone agrees wisdom is all: even if we don't talk about academic wisdom, we would like to know which things are better than others, what people should matter the most and so on, since decisions are made all the time and we guide our lives by these conclusions/study results.
Our God is the God of Wisdom in first place, even though He also gives a few other graces. That simply means He is NOT the God depicted in Genesis as being the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That means that someone invented those writings instead of them being inspired by God or being a result of observation. Never made any sense that only one couple would generate the entire human kind. I then found these pieces recently (as explained before, I had studied the Bible when I was about 20yo, a whole year, but God made me internalize only 'what I needed for my life', despite me studying all as I studied books from school or university, therefore to deepest. I then did not remember these bits, therefore they are not correct), saying that the gods interacted with the descents of Adam and Eve. That makes things a little more plausible, however not entirely plausible, since those gods would have procreated in small numbers. It is obvious that such a theory is absurd: how could we generate all skin colors and languages on earth as well as phenotypical types (Asian, Afrikan, American, Indian and so on) from a single couple and why, if that comes from one god, would they invent this diversity of people and languages, like why would that be on the interest of God, who initially even wanted only one of us here, on earth? Also notice that those satanizing all invented that 'God' created 'Adam' at his own image, therefore 'simply copied', but invented 'Eve' from 'Adam's' rib instead: how is that possible? Why so different then? I also observe that the satanic invented that the sons of 'God'/watchers noticed, so all of a sudden, that some of the female humans were extremely beautiful (I now oppose this word as well, think it generates wrong vibes) and then decided to come to earth to form couples with those (it is completely irrational and there is no way a superior race, with wisdom to 'give and sell', as they say in hell/Brazil, would even think the inferior/subdued race is admirable in something apart from at most effort to reach their level. Yet men did put this idea everywhere, unfortunately, so that we could think that we can beat the devil if we are 'beautiful' enough (always brainwashing us with the idea of universal beauty, so a single human being who would be superior in physical features to all others, and only beautiful, yet, the Happy Hunters, for instance, were incredibly ugly, if our 'universal' concept of beauty is applied, and performed miracles, so were part of the so select few that got more powers of God than the rest of our kind): the devil will 'fall in love' (how can the devil love, for God's sake? the most they can have is friendship, even so never that of the best Christian friend, so never to the point of stopping their satanic program, for instance, so never to the point of doing God's brainwashing or even telling us about the devices in our heads), as in Legend, and will do anything to please us, so that we can eventually free our beloved husband from their tyranny or the things he considers to be holy, sights of heavens, such as the unicorns (in the movie).
If the devil gets attached to any of us, it is obviously to our wisdom, wisdom he literally sucks out of 'God's' creatures by stealing their soul or whatever he can with whatever means available to him, and our wisdom comes from 'God', as now explained quite a few times, so that our best chances against the devil are still going for the God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses and Jacob, and that IS NOT the god from the Catholic Bible, like perhaps pieces of Him are there, a bit here and a bit there, but there are also bits that are definitely not Him there, and that is probably what happens to most of it.
Perhaps we have to burn the entire Old Testament and definitely Qoran (already proven here to be an heinous farce) and start over. Perhaps we should start with what we know for sure, which is the feelings we have, the history of the spiritists and so on. The reports on Jesus come from people we think we know, with surnames and all else, and we are sure it is plausible that they were written like that and we also think we are sure Jesus existed since even the Jews don't deny that. It is harming us tremendously. Yet, we could keep on bothering and fix the work of the single men (useless to women, not even sex, and definitely no true wisdom): In the beginning, God created one man and one woman for each race and language he wanted to plant on earth, copying what they had in their own planet (already a bit impossible to explain, like the why they would do that. Why would they create an inferior race, which perishes quicker and is going to have to struggle to get to their level? Yet, we think it might have been for entertainment, like men create computer games), so that each couple of their gods could have 'what to play with', perhaps bored of the equals, wanting to command a few. They had sex in their planet, each husband with his wife and each wife with her husband, and with nobody else, so that they taught human kind what to do in those regards and they were initially against contraceptives and abortion because they wanted them to populate earth.
Even after adulterating so hugely the facts and messages involving God through the Catholic Bible, we still get the right message: God makes us feel inside, perform miracles and so on. It is like the so many people whose human existence the marginal killed or adulterated so badly: after learning a bit of what they do, from even living that, we become able to guess what is usurpation and what isn't, God gives us, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who are not those from the Bible). We get the truth before we can actually prove it and quite a few times we are able to prove it, despite all satanization. Some things would be right in the Bible, would have come from God, such as this advice: for us to do our share, since He then will help. We make the effort, go through the sacrifices involved to synchronize with His heart and He then gives us the true knowledge, the insight and so on.
This is the Final Battle, also between genders: it is clearly the case that men started it. Some men were probably impotent (in the same way 'Vinicius de Moraes', a man who should be a true artist, therefore would absolutely never think like that, and a man who was himself very ugly, considering our universal standards for masculine beauty, would have said, 'As muito feias que me perdoem, mas beleza é fundamental' (the very ugly women go forgive me, but beauty is fundamental), the women would have said, 'the impotent go forgive me, but being able to have an erect penis and being able to generate and have sexual pleasure through love is fundamental', so the 'making love' of the Holy American people. While the former cannot ever be true, and probably proves usurpation has happened there, since we all know an artist sees beauty everywhere and anywhere all the time, even in domestic violence (Suzanne Vega), the latter is definitely true and everyone on earth feels that. Lucky that with the device we can heal quite a few cases of impotence!) and they then were deemed useless by women or did not even risk it, already knowing that Eve would be all about the apples, basically (they themselves said it, just like Jesus said).
I am sure that if we study the sexual life and performance of the leaders of those atrocious regimens we will confirm all this: sex once a year with the wife, even so only for procreation, would be the Hare Krishna's thing, again invented exclusively by men. When it was good being in misery and begging is when it was good having sex like that if you are a couple, basically. I will bet the replacement of Hitler had sex once a week, like most cariocas, with the wife. 'Nelson', the non-black one, told me he and his current wife play 'sex games' exactly once a week and I emphasize that he said 'sex games', and playing, not having sex. I am sure having a wife and constant sexual interaction with her, inside of respect, of the laws we created, with a pure heart and clean soul, connecting to God, creates love, just like the Holy American people invented. If love is created, it inhabits within and that prevents you from being a monster with others of your kind, perhaps in general. Besides, you then create a direct communication line with God, with the beyond, each time you hit the highest keys of love, therefore each time your spirits are made one as you had sex, what can only be achieved through those items, pure heart, clean soul, connection to God, and so on, and that, allied to continuous feeding of this love through actions, such as companionship displays, and other proofs of togetherness and mutual care, empathy and so on, makes God bless you each time you make the right amount of effort in terms of health, wisdom and all else. The message of God in 2002 was clear: we need to do some good every day. At least one good action per day. He does not impose rules as to the target of the good action, so that you may even be good just to your wife or husband, but you do have to be good also through actions each day of your life. God is not perfect and He find it difficult to communicate with human kind, to the point of sending Himself incarnated and getting to the impossibility of teaching us even so, then trying to have us eating directly from his flesh and blood. I think that if men had not perverted His words, He would think it was possible. Once more, who wrote Genesis, who was there to see and take note? How could any third party, from later on, reproduce with no mistake what they said? Yet they have quotation marks there all the way is not a mystery: it is a fact. It was all forged. Nothing genuine.
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