Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Places in Paradise

I was an atheist for a whole year, during which I studied the Bible as if it were a university book: from a totally unbiased point of view. I however had a pure heart and a clean soul when I did so and those are the minimum requirements for God to speak to us. I underlined bits, made notes to the margins, stopped to reflect on a few passages and only proceeded once I understood things.

I then read in the Bible that that was the right way to do things: that nobody should teach you its contents, that you should read it in full on your own. Lots of people say they never saw this passage in their bible and I am unable to locate it nowadays, using the tools available to me (biblegateway being one of them), so that I conclude that that was a message from God to me, specially to me: the right thing is doing that, read it in full, as if studying contents that will be in an exam from which your life depends, since it actually does; your eternal life does depend on that.

I then had experiences from following things in the way I perceived them. On a certain height of the Bible, I understood we had to fast and follow a recipe to receive God's message after that and that recipe included a few things but definitely dress in rags and humiliate ourselves before God each one of the days of fasting. We had to eat nothing, drink water only.

Reading the Bible is then something we should all do if we are Christians and therefore follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the Jewish God.

In 2002, I got a message from God in the shape of a book and, even though I believe I got the main points right, this book having been delivered to me in 3 days, 4 hours a day, with me writing nonstop in English (my official native tongue back then was Portuguese), it was not yet the message of God, for I had to reach my 1/2 for us two, as one, to be able to get the entire message right: that one came with lots of things from the devil, who was possessing part of my being and still is.

Since God is stronger, we still got the main points. Some of them are: men have to be better fathers, people sould aim at doing some good to others each day of their lives and the Bible never stopped being written (it is us that stopped adding its books to it).

More recently, for having more exchange/contact with my 1/2, having us being sent to the world to share a soul and therefore only channel for real when together, I remembered one of the main points of the satanic discourse when recruiting, revealed to me by the own devil: the places in paradise are numbered (hence people need to dispute over those and the how ultimately doesn't matter).

That is when I was able to search the Bible, using the online tool biblegateway, and find the biblical passage where God tells us that there is a vacancy in paradise reserved for us at most by the time He puts the breath into our nostrils (when human life properly starts, when we become a living soul).

I did start writing the blog post and even put it on air when partially written, so important I thought all was, but the satanic found ways of hiding it from me (I cannot access more than 20 posts from the blog Religion, this same blog, now) and hiding it from the public (I believe all my blog posts are currently not seen by Google).

I could never locate that biblical passage again and Satan was quick and published many 'others' (something criminal happening there, I am sure) that were accessible by Google click using the same keywords and those said the vacancies were severely limited (less than 200,000).

Yet, today, I was able to locate a passage that is not the same one but seems to convey the same message: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)

Other passages talk about life being eternal for those who believe (John 3:16, 1 Timothy 1:16, and 1 John 5:13)."


"She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." (John 8:11)

We then understand that there is always a place in paradise for us if we do the will of God, which basically means that there is a vacancy in paradise for each one of the human beings who are alive in the world or a new vacancy is created each time a person follows the will of God from at most the moment when they repent their sins, so if they repent those and sin no more.

Since the devil is originally an angel of God, the devil actually believes all things of God, including paradise and eternal life and he then worries about what is going to be of him if he keeps on being the devil until the end of his human life (now that he is in human shape). He also has his system, which he imposed to human kind since at most the 1880s: the system incorporates his beliefs.

The devil believes in Logic above all but the only 'logic' he plays is the logic of the universals and machines accept this logic very well, so that the devil believes in programming via brainwashing, enslaving and others. When the devil bugs us, his 666 element becomes active in us, and he then does what is the most he can think of to transfer the human soul from one being to another (he believes God programs us, like his Xenu would have done with the spirits before those are sent to populate our bodies in Scientology (Hubbard's life was also usurped and it is our belief that the last book was not written by him but by the usurper instead, which is why there are more serious satanic elements in it). He then believes, like Scientologists (of course, the own Scientologists are only told that after several years in the 'religion', so that they are committed to believe such a thing but many drop the 'religion' at that height), that the soul is a pest that should be exterminated, so that we can program ourselves and therefore be freer (bridge to total freedom is the sentence used by Scientologists when the OT levels are being reached). The difference between Scientology and the satanic system is that the principles of scientology are not created with the intents of inflicting pain, suffering, loss and injury, rather the contrary, and the satanic system inserts any subliminal message they want through the bug implanted in the head any time they want, so without the victim having the slightest. In Scientology, the subliminals are at least written in books that the person is 'authorized' to buy as they progress in the thing and the progress is made in a slightly forced way, yet with the authorization of the victim. Some of the Scientology principles, before the person reaches the OT levels and gets to know about Xenu and their idea of soul, therefore gets to know it frontally opposes Christianity, are satanic, such as selfishness (Personal Integrity seems to be a statement on how the person can do anything they want with anyone else and, as long as it is how they feel things should go, it is fine), but most of Scientology doesn't.

Coming back to the idea of paradise, the satanic then believe that if a replacement/usurper can convince human kind that they are the same person as the homicide victim (the person whose ID and life they are usurping) and Jesus was the representation of God on earth, therefore a human was such, God himself will also be convinced and therefore they will be able to usurp the vacancy in paradise that was reserved for that person. They then try to live the final bit of their human lives on earth (last block of 20 years in five blocks) without sinning. They believe the places in paradise are limited to less than 200,000 and therefore the competition is ferocious and therefore a person who has repented their sins and has not sinned anymore since they crossed the boundary of the last stage of human life but has sinned that far, specially heavily, might be in disadvantage in a competition with someone who has not sinned at all or has sinned little, so that the top bosses should try to usurp the life of a Christian person by the last bit of their lives. As for their plan of exterminating Christians, there is no harm: if all sin in human kind, they will always go for the ones with least amount of sin in the last slice of life and those should be the replacements of the last Christians, since they believe everyone rigorously follows their system (even because they really don't give us any space, as said).

We could also notice here that they took the truth of 'Malcolm-X' (his life was also usurped and he was originally not a muslim but he created usurpation in the USA, exclusively for the blacks, since he believed it was a bad race, spiritually inferior to others, and they then replaced blacks who were sinners with blacks who were not so that the whites would receive progressively less evil from them. Malcolm X to say that the surname did not matter, just the first name, given the way usurpation went back then. He would have taken the idea from Maths: we usually call variables x and they 'cover' any real value to perfection, so that the surname covers any of them well) to be theirs: blacks were the most demoniac race, so that only in the end, after all true whites had been exterminated, would blacks appear as blacks. Braganca makes the movement of water going down the drain to describe where their system will lead human kind: all being replaced in a circular motion until the last one is reached. When the blacks all appear as blacks, the same will still be verified: the least satanic will be in the USA, then England, then Brazil, then Australia and will have usurped the life of the least satanic before them.

Coming back to the topic, this answer, involving places in paradise, might then, per se, stop usurpation, since we are proving that there is a place in paradise for any of them provided they repent their sins and sin no more from that moment onwards. I wish people could spread it.

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