Thursday, 19 December 2024

Scriptures: Which ones?

As said before, the Catholic Church commands us all in terms of what books form the bible, like so far. As incredible as it may seem, nobody has challenged their authority in a meaningful manner yet in those regards, even though many Churches were formed from dissidence toward the rules/teachings deriving from the scriptures. For instance, the Anglican Church disagrees from the Catholic rule regarding priests: Anglicans don't commit blasphemy there and are a couple when they minister. They also claim not to believe in transubstantiation (even though their pewsheets still talk about eating the body of Christ and drinking his blood, literal interpretation).

As proven before, the Catholic Church was never given any authority in what regards putting a book together so that human kind could extract the word of God from it. Having such a book is also against rationality and God's instructions/ways of interacting with human kind.

Yet, since such a book exists and some think we must respect it, it would have to include all books that involve the teachings of our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Jewish God, father of Jesus. The apostles were 13, not twelve: 12 men and 1 woman. tells us about the 12 men: Peter, James-son of Zebedee, John, Andrew, Philip, Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Thomas, James-son of Alpheus, Bartholomeu, Judas Thaddeus (Jude) and Simon. Mary Madaglene was the only woman. Some sources still mention other four disciplines, who would have followed/accompanied Jesus in a temporary way.

The apostles with books that 'made it' (equivalent to winning an Oscar, therefore, were it movies) were Peter, John, Matthew and Judas or Jude, therefore only 4, which means there are at least 9 (including Mary Madaglene here) apostles whose books attracted the prejudice of the Catholic Church. There are still the books of the 'temporary apostles' (4) and the books of at least the 'parents' of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, mother of Jesus (2), so that the Bible is short of at least 15 books considering what human kind would have produced by the time of Inquisition. If one then alleges that maybe not all these people got to write books, we can say that someone like Philemon receives a simple letter from an apostle, not even Jesus, and he 'makes his way to the bible', so that we definitely have very strong reasons to believe all those people would have enough material to deserve their own book in the bible. The Catholic Church team (here equating them to the terrorists that ruined life on earth and human kind now for 144 years) let at least four of these books be given informally somehow to the public, despite the size of their misinformation campaign: Mary Madalegne's, Thomas' and Philip's. We still got an extra book that leaked that we didn't count on when following primary logical reasoning: Enoch's. We are still short of at least 11 books (and we know there is way more writing that should be included).

Since St. Thomas' book refers to women not being Living Souls, different from men, compatible with the thinking of those that believe scriptures should be taken literally (the Bible says men become a Living Soul with the breath of God put in their nostrils but says nothing about women), and, if changing themselves into males, automatically acquiring a place in heavens, at least some of these missing books would contain essential information about the God we claim to follow, so that the Catholic Church should be judged and condemned for their crimes against human kind: this is not possible. We have the horrors of Inquisition (between 30,000 and 9 million fatal victims:,cases%20where%20no%20records%20exist), the priests and nuns that marry Jesus (top blasphemy), the prohibition in terms of use of contraceptive (nothing in the bible against that), the prohibition of abortion (the only thing they could hang on to, in terms of the scriptures, would be the commandment, 'do not kill', yet, even Jesus would have told people to bring the unbelievers and slaughter them in front of him, therefore that commandment cannot ever be blindly respected), the statues (top sin, mentioned in several places of the bible), the processions that follow statues (adoration of idols), generalized sexual abuse (only between 2001 and 2010, 3000 priests were involved in cases of sexual abuse), the usurpation cases (my entire Catholic college in Rio was formed of 'nuns' who usurped. One of them, 'Maria Jose', told me that the reason was the swimming pool, sport, accommodation and food) and now the more than proven case of false prophets all the years since inquisition (about 800), since they are leading us to hell instead of heavens, being demoniac (cheating, lying and deceiving).

The Catholic Church is then existing in deep sin for about 800 years!

It is worth adding that one of the theories I gave Trevor in that 2001 (I was heavily satanized back then), since Bradley, he and Danny were into homosexual acts, so trying to help their cause, was that Jesus was probably gay, since he had split husband from wife and kids and had taken all those men (12 of them) to the desert, therefore where nobody watches them who would be human, together with a single woman, and we had heard nothing about him having ever touched Mary Madaglene. I was then committing blasphemy, therefore earning my place in hell, for simply having been denied access to these other books (God gave explicit instruction about male homosexuality: not to be ever accepted): Philip says, in his book, that Jesus kissed Mary Madaglene repeatedly on the mouth and never did that to the other apostles. Mary says, in her book, that Jesus gave her instruction that was never given to the other apostles, therefore that not only he had this extra love for her but he also respected her more than the other apostles, already implying something close to a marriage. It is missing a book saying they had sex. Notwithstanding, if they did, the God of the Jews, father of Jesus, is irrespectable: how could he split husband from wife, therefore deprive the apostles from carnal love, yet practice it himself? I then am sure, given the size of my faith and miracles received, that Jesus did not have sex of any type with Mary, that being compatible with Revelation (the 144,000 'virgins of Jesus', all males) and Genesis (God never wanted to create women and made Adam his own image but Eve, if created at the image of God's wife (and where else would God get the 'model' for His creation?), another Elohim, was not made aware of that because the Goddess, His wife, refuses to accept women in their Elohim Planet after human death: they must be changed into male to deserve being there then, as Thomas said). Notice, however, that if the God of the Jews were irrespectable, we would still have the other gods/Elohim from the bible to hang on to.

This video talks about 6 more books that were left out of the Bible, so different from the ones we have already mentioned:

One more:

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