From here we understand both male and female were created at that time, so together. It is clearly the case that our theory gets confirmed here: The 'he' is God's image and the most logical thing for the 'she', given that Elohim means spaceship, is obviously that she is the Goddess' image, the image of God's wife.
There is absolutely no reference to soul or spirit or the alike.
There is a sequence of days of creation and the creation of the 'he' and the 'she' mentioned above happened between the fifth and the sixth day according to that chapter of Genesis (1st chapter).
Notwithstanding, in the second chapter of Genesis, when God has already created everything plus at least one man and one woman (the passage is not clear: it could have been several).
Notice that the 'he him' and 'he them' are both very weird, very suspicious. That is not right English: what do they actually mean? We then found more reasons to believe our theories, which however should have been at least inspired by God: 'created he him' is what it says. Yet the original text reads ( בָּרָ֣א
bā-rā (create or creator,,Sounds%20like%3A%20bah%2Drah)
and אֹת֑וֹ
’ō-ṯōw (him,
In this case, it is clear to us that it says nowhere that this God, who creates, is a He or a She.
Therefore the original is simply saying that one of the Elohim created the he at his image and therefore, since the same bara appears connected in the next line with the she, we an safely say that another Elohim created the she.
To make it all better, 'in his own image' is בְּצַלְמ֔וֹ
bə-ṣal-mōw ( in Hebrew and this expression means 'in OUR image' instead (
We are then absolutely sure that there was a God and a Goddess and the first man was created at the image of the God and the first woman was created at the image of the Goddess.
Creation finishes at the seventh day, after which God rests and that is in the second chapter of Genesis, verse 2.
What follows that is "4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." brings the name Hashem for Adonai Elohim, which would be a different Elohim from the Yahweh Elohim, who had created the male and female before the 7th day of creation. Americans write yellow car to mean a car of yellow color, so that it makes sense to me that they would write Adonai Elohim to mean Elohim of the type Adonai. talks about another type of man, coming from the ground, so three humans would have been created as first human beings according to him, instead of two: one woman for two men. That perfectly matches our intuition: the woman is the one who would need more than one man to become sexually satisfied most of the time, given that the average man is unable to have sex once a day with his wife.
Yet, we don't believe that: we believe Genesis is an atrocity: first of all we don't know who wrote it, so that it could be anyone 'just playing with us' and inventing that all. Second, it is irrational, as pointed here (different languages, different races, different physical traits, no wisdom in the life of Adam or Isaac and so on). Third, there is no date in it, so that we cannot judge if that is compatible with the history of the world (like were the dinosaurs existing with Adam and Eve or not? Humans had already invented writing or not? Did both men and women write and read (if the women didn't, we already know we cannot trust it) at that time? So on).
It seems that the name 'Adam' appears only in reference to the man who is made out of dust, however. That makes sense with the meaning of the word Adam ( We then understand males and females have been created by one of the Elohim at the image of the own Elohim.
One of the sources mentioned here talks about Adam being a labourer of the land. The biblical passage refers to him receiving the breath of God in his nostrils to start breathing, so that land labourers would perhaps have a non-human shape, we understand. Yet, if they have a human shape, they must be made of different skin or something. As one of our sources points out, we are not told how the first females and males were inside, just outside of their bodies. Where does 'that model' come from then, like of our inside? We understand the man created by Hashem (one of the sources says Hashem) or Adonai would be made of a different matter. One of those types of humans got extinguished, since we are all made of the same matter these days.
The most logical thing would be that the males and females created at the image of the gods finally learned from Adam how to cultivate the land and they could then keep on going on their own after Adam was dismantled/died for being made of dust. Yet the Bible says that the one made of dust is the one that procreated, Adam, instead. Yet, the instruction 'be fruitful and multiply' appears on chapter 1 from Genesis (1:28), so that the ones who are advised to multiply are not Adam and Eve but the first ones instead.
As much as I would like to keep on going, human life is limited: it is all wrong! We can keep on trying to fix it but, sincerely, what are the chances that anything there is right? We not only have more than one god, actually the normal and expected thing, a god and a goddess, but there is Adam1 and Adam2 according to some and, according to a few, only Adam1 got the order to procreate, so the ones who were the image of the gods. We do confirm that from reading the Bible and God says that Adam would have learned good and evil from acquiring a wife (also says he has become one of them, so one of the gods, after that), what happened after he ate the forbidden fruit. If we then want to push it, we will say those were two different races of humans, yet, once more, we are not made of different matter.
We do believe we have more than proven that it is possible that someone knew the story of those people that be not them (and they didn't write any books, as far as we are told), say the own Elohim, or their descendants, yet those who knew cannot have written Genesis. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob existed, more than likely, since God still calls Himself God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Acts and that book comes after the Old Testament and therefore can be trusted better (we seem to know who wrote the books of the New Testament. Acts would have been written by St. Luke the Evangelist). Yet, we can surely dump what the Bible brings about them for the reasons we mentioned above and on another blog post here.
Maybe the report on the life of Moses can be trusted, but this is something for the Marcia Hopes. I worry about that just because Christians should follow the New Testament (which should be a renewal of the word of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, since Jesus updates the laws: for instance, he decides for not stonning or punishing promiscuous women as a society and he also decides that nobody should be cursed by means of a disease) and there Jesus says He is the God from the I AM, therefore of Moses. That would be the same god we just mentioned, of also Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yet, the only report of life we may be able to count on, in terms of 'model of living', which is ultimately what matters for the Christian when reading the Bible, would be the one on Moses.
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