Sunday, 8 December 2024

Islam is Satanic

We claim that the satanic, the Islamic, the cariocas and the blacks are all together perpetrating all these atrocities against human kind and this world for about 144 years and that carioca men, black, are on top of it all, like the highest seat of the pyramid of oppression over us all is occupied by them.

That would be the boss of Hezbollah, a terrorist group. The maximum leader of the 'devil's mess' had to be a black man because of their plans: killing all people that be not black to the last person and go replacing them with painted blacks (blacks painted in the needed color, eyes, hair and other features plus language and sometimes essence matching the original person via bug) until the last person of another skin color (naturally of another skin color) is replaced, when they all will be blacks appearing as blacks (finally). Since the black women would also be replaced with transgenders and therefore the only remaining physical type would be black man, that is the only way the group commanding this all could be rational.

Cariocas are satanic in all and proofs are never-ending. An easy one we provided on one of our blog posts is their non-stopping use of universals (they appear everywhere in their daily communication in Rio).

It is missing proving that the Islamic are also satanic. One of the most obvious pieces of evidence is that they chose Alah as their god. Yet they consider Moses to be one of their God's messengers and Moses is also in the Christian Bible, which has been written at least 500 years before the Islamic bible. From the Christian Bible: "God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘The Lord,[c] the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you’: this is my name for ever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations." (Exodus 3:13-15) It is then clear that our God, the God of the Jews, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is the god of Moses, therefore the Islamic are blasphemious.

'Braganca' claims to be the devil and therefore the author of the satanic system, which is the system in place in Australia, Brazil, USA and England for many years, and we ended up finding out a few of the satanic principles through having direct and indirect contact with several members of the satanic group and the own devil (direct) and those match the universals from Rio to perfection plus satan deceives, cheats and lies and they worry about deceiving god in what comes to their identity when they die, as explained before at length here. They then believe that if they are able to deceive humanity in what regards their identity while alive they will succeed in deceiving god to perfection and will then go to heavens instead of hell and the reason for their belief in things being such is that God lived among us inside of a human identity, was therefore 'one of us'.

The Islamic bible says "Four types of people are, when they begin their day, under the wrath of Allah and when they reach their evenings they are under the rage of Allah: Men who imitate women and women who imitate men and he who goes unto animals and he who goes unto men" ( Those are then attacked by their god. Since they plan to replace black women with black men who have been changed into women, they worry about being to the bad side of their god if god finds out what they are doing, so that they worry about comparing their transgenders with me using the same man, for instance. If the man likes their transgender in the same way or more, they won: we, women, are replaceable and their transgenders will go to heavens as well because their god cannot tell the difference between them and a woman or between the Christian whose life was usurped by them and them since we can't.

They should also worry about not having anal sex with the transgenders in that case, since their bible still says "Allah Almighty does not look (mercifully) at the person who commits anal intercourse with a man or woman." (

It is pretty logical reaching the conclusion that you must love the own men if you are an Islamic man: women are all oppressed to highest, treated as less than a human all the way through and they perpetrate all violences against them (rape, pedophilia, slavery, etc.). Violence has to be a sign of hate, therefore the opposite to love. In this case, if they love somebody, it can only be the own men.

They then reached the conclusion that the world would be better if women were not in it (Osama's thinking). Since their god forbids sex between two men and anal sex with any gender, they had to come up with these solutions, including the mechanical multiple orgasm for the mechanically built vaginas of their transgenders. Since the devil is allowed to cheat, deceive and lie, they go 'adjusting the world as it goes', so if a man refuses sex with one of their transgenders if they show interest in him, they may kill: they say all Christian men must be tricked by the transgender for that transgender or that 'model of transgender' to persevere, since otherwise god will probably not be tricked and they don't want to risk receiving the hate of their god, so that black Nelson must not have had sex with Leinha for having Islamic beliefs: still waiting for all Christian men to 'approve' her (I know of a few times she was rejected by the closest thing we have to Christian men).

I then now imagine that the white likely-to-have-been native American man that I watched interacting with her in Australia by 1972 was bugged and so was she, as explained before. Black Nelson (back then the only Nelson with them) then controlled both heads and paid attention to the thinking of the man as she insinuated herself to him and got him to walk to the bedroom's door. He saw that the man was bravely resisting, very much committed to the relationship with his likely-to-have-been wife and insisting on not having sex with her. She then stops speaking and doesn't leave his front, not allowing for him to move toward outside of the bedroom. He then gets scared and decides to say that he may accept but Nelson is listening to him and noticing that that is for fear for his life or his 'wife's', not that he really wants that, so that Nelson communicates with Leinha via her head bug and tells her to kill him, when she does just that.

Braganca uses her but she wanted Nelson originally, not Braganca, having changed her own body to conform to Nelson's demands. Braganca is then the devil, as he says, not Islamic, but Nelson must be Islamic.

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