Thursday, 5 December 2024

Pacts with Daemons - people walking on walls and levitating thanks to being possessed by the devil, which is something that coincides with the results of a pact with the devil we see appearing in 'the work' of Chris 'Angel':

The same Chris Angel appears (actually) cutting off a man's hand, with actual blood dripping from the arm of the man in front of us all on YouTube and there, on the spot, plenty, while pretending that was a magic trick. I got this video and have published it in this very blog, however the blog is not read by anyone else (they hide it from Google and disappear with quite a few blog posts).

I notice that there are demoniac elements all over this show (makeup, clothes and all else).

I have asked David, a fellow from the church I attend, Anglican church, to find someone to perform an exorcism inside of my head of all that have access to it, since we know it is all mechanical but it is also true that it is all satanic, but David is also a creature from hell somehow, unfortunately.

It would be a wonderful opportunity to test the theory involving exorcism. Yet, it seems true that priests have been replaced all over the world with usurpers, so that it is unlikely we would be able to find even one who is still a God's person.

I notice they say pact with daemons when there are things like Chris around, not pact with the devil. I do believe Braganca/Vladimir/Alanal is the devil appearing as human, therefore I spent time with the devil during my life on earth.

They have the satanic system in place right now all over the world and human kind, that going on for some 144 years so far and all that happens is that there is suffering, loss, injury and pain all over the world/human kind. All is essentially wrong and everyone lives 'their own illusion', believing in different narratives for the same facts all the time. Everyone is under full slavery and very few realize that. Those who accepted being bugged, usually usurpers, have received 'one gift' only from the devil almost all the time, on top of the usurpation necessities (new language, different hair, skin color, eye color, breast size, etc.). Their lives are fully commanded by the devil: usurpers are 'given' men or women and only sometimes they get to choose something about those. Their 'buttons' are pressed so that they desire that particular man or woman, they are all obliged to betray them, do both men and women, stick to the 'role' planned for them in this world, not raise their own kids (kids are swapped with kids of others as soon as they are born), etc. and they may face any type of evil at any time coming from any of the bugged heads, subject to the 'administrators' will, so that if I think that I would like to see Leinha having a motorcycle accident and I believe she is never going to commit a mistake while riding (she got the gift of motorcycle riding, same one a famous hollywoodian has got) and I then think of how that could happen, which is something I actually did, since I felt that she badly treated me quite a lot, since little, she gets it and she is a top one in the 'group' (I thought of a script: that someone would open the door of the car while she was coming to park the motorcycle in the building, as she was stopping. She was with plasta on her leg for a time because of that). She killed Murillo, who was another member of the group, whose head she bugged after 'starting her own bug' and she even told me how he was going to die many years before she did that (bleeding from the foot). They are deprived from the same things we are, since they also don't have cars moved by water or healing for major sexual diseases if they get one, etc.

We promise to give each one of the usurpers (and everyone else) access to any gift they want through their head bug, therefore freedom from the tyranny of the devil. We are going to do God's brainwashing and therefore nobody will wish for harming you anymore. All the discourse of the devil should be void in a few years from the time we start the Marcia Hopes: we will solve each one of the issues the devil deemed unsolvable Country by Country, little by little. We realistically just need you to trust us for now. We ask for one year to show how things can go from there ownard if you let us keep on going.

By now, you sould know that many things the devil told you are not true even if we could not publish a few answers to a few of his issues here. Your voice will change, your eyes, your ways of speaking and seeing other people, you will feel the joy of being good in you and, like Decartes said, once you know, you know, like that is a superior truth, so that you know the other thing you believed, which seemed to be the truth, isn't and you never go back to that again.

There is life after death (the passages in the Bible referring to that are still never-ending), we all have a spot in paradise reserved for us if we stop sinning at a certain stage and turn to Jesus and why would the satanic system include usurpation of a truly Christian person's life and essence by the end of the cycle of life of his top group members if the devil himself did not believe that we are ourselves after death and pay for our sins or get paradise?

Notice that you don't have a single case of demoniac person coming back after death to tell you that they are in heavens (someone would have published a book, a paper, an article or you would have heard that from spiritists but nothing like that has happened in all the years of existence of human kind and, even though the devil lives to deceive and could, right now, come up with fakes of such, please consider the information so far as the truth 'you can trust' instead of that from now onwards) but the Christians do come back (you would have to read whatever printed material that is out there for you to know that) to say so and the demoniac report enormous suffering during their stay in hell. Life in this world lasts for at most 100 years according to your beliefs, yet you may stay in hell forever. Please choose us in the name of Jesus. and show another magician who has a pact with the devil. He can jump from the top of buildings and not die. He can fly high and not die. He can walk on water like Jesus. It then looks like the daemons would give you some more special powers than the devil. Chris also kills people and cuts hands on the Internet without going to jail but that is something the devil currently gives to his followers (they leave jail through usurpation). It is nice being able to walk on walls and flying and we see people floating and getting to the ceiling plus walking on walls when possessed by the devil, so that their claims seems compatible with pact of that type. Yet they have offered their souls in exchange, so that they will be in hell after death, since they do not get eternal life while in human shape. We are running Forever Young all these years and will try to give you eternal life in the human body, however through Jesus Christ, through a few of the Christian values. We can't make you fly or walk on walls or levitate, yet we will try to get even more from this device than what we currently know it can do, we promise.

Jesus walked over water, so that the reader might get the impression that he had a pact with the devil and that is compatible with him having been to the desert and being tempted by the devil while there, what we all read from the Bible. Notice however that Jesus is told to have done good to people, not evil: he healed the sick, the impaired, fed crowds and others. Those opting for the satanic system or establishing pacts with daemons cannot do good: one of the universals (notice that universals have no exception in them) of the devil, passed by mandatory brainwashing to those that choose to follow his system is 'all you can do is crime'. That means you are not free to choose to do good even if you deeply love someone and would like to help them unless doing good to them means injuring someone else.

Everyone inside of the satanic system must be promiscuous, single or married, and have sex with both genders. You are obliged to give your intimacy to the 'chosen ones': some are irefusable and the punishment for not 'going with them' may as well be death (I have accompanied the life of a few men who have been killed for not accepting to have sex with Leinha, so that I suppose men cannot refuse any of their transgenders.

They said Braganca HAD to rape me and Veronica while we were less than 6 years old (the first Veronica, who got replaced because he raped her and she asked me if I could go to the police and denounce on her behalf). All are obliged to be pedophiles if joining the satanic sytem as well.

Leinha got raped by Braganca even being who she is in the group (when she was above 20yo), so as high as that. The substitutes of their natural kids have to be raped by one member of the group (I know that nowadays they bug and do phase out during the rape but it is all violation).

If they exist in multiples, they have to spend 20 years of their life in one identity and, if they fall in love with that life, they have to kill other multiples to extend it, which means they kill the closest thing they have to family members to get that.

They are contributing to a program of extermination of all colors of skin that be not black and also to the extermination of the black women (who will be replaced with transgenders). They are also contributing to the end of the USA and to ruining life in Australia, Brazil, England and USA.

We promise preservation of the races and peoples, also countries to maximum that we can instead, freedom to love for real, to have a family of your own with your own kids, who are not going to be raped, are going to be respected to maximum instead, and to ascend economically and socially through ethical competition (the satanic system respects the system of casts from India and therefore you can only have a lot of money if you are 'the chosen one'. Chosen here means worst marginal they can think of).

Choose God now while there is still time to save your own race if you are not black or your gender if you are a natural woman (not transgender) or even a non-black transgender.

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