In this case, contacts with angels should acquire the same shape as contacts with usual spirits: they have no wings or special looks. The Bible has a passage which refers to 'the angel Gabriel' visiting Mary to see if she would accept the incumbence of being pregnant, delivering and raising the son of one of the Elohim, our God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We then went for the original word that got translated into angel, and that would be a Greek word, ἄγγελος, which has a few meanings, but the most adequate one would be 'messenger', as we see on "Derived from the root ἀγγέλλω (aggellō), meaning "to announce" or "to bring tidings."
Then how do we explain the visions some had? The bug in the head is one way of explaining those: I am sure the devil likes taking a scoff once in a while (so perhaps the solid hollographic image of their so advanced science). They could then produce corporeal feelings allied to that vision, such as heart warming, so that the victim gets even more impressed. The devil loves logic, so that he would have his objectives being satisfied there: for people to adore the statues of angels (where it is 'said' that they have no sex/genitalia and, most of the time, look like little fat and ugly babies who show themselves naked to us), adore angels, therefore put something or someone above our God, who thinks that is one of the worst sins, for people to be mislead into what they should be doing while on earth (so that they can send those hallucinations and convey messages for them to believe those are from our God and follow), for people to suffer accidents (from seeing their image somewhere), for people to spread wrong theory (like the person is already bugged so that the devil could simply pass an order to their brain for them to do something, so that the need for the image is more for the person to preach and influence the unbugged righteous so that they are not together with others of their kind through the Holy Ghost, and so on. Today the satanic who most violently attack my body had the word of God once more: as time of the salvation approaches, they seem to be conveying more and more messages of God. One of them said the spirits look for one of their kind, that they need those to be able to communicate with human kind, and the spirit of Frank Sinatra found mine in the same way the others before him did).
Once more, the Bible should never have been put together: it is a sin per se. Unless read in full each time, studied as we would study a university book, as if we had exam next day, with pure and open heart plus clean soul, when God will reveal a personalized message by the end or even during its reading, it shouldn't really be useful and it is probably (99% of chance) going to be harmful.
It is obvious that the right translation is at most messenger: one of the Elohim, sent by the Elohim who is our God, came to speak to Mary. The Elohim have bodies that look like ours (therefore they do have penises!) and can have sex with us: it suffices that they want. However, once more, only the women (so just to once more reinforce that women are superior to men in God's hierarchy and that men need a wife to get to God and receive messages that contain no mistake, what is confirmed in several ways, including the fact that God would let the temples be watched only by married men/couples) would have the possibility of enjoying the privilege of becoming partner/wife of one of them, so of having sex, family and children with them, and they always marry when having sex (we are still going to prove, with Science, that they are right in those choices, if required), so that the Elohim who are males are definitely heterosexual (and we can prove that scientifically as well, if required: that sex should always be with the opposite gender, just one partner, and the male should always marry the female they had sex with). Since angels are spirits, according to spiritism, those cannot have sex with us, like unless they posses, or communicate through, one of us, humans. In this case, the translation made us go from a being that is 'like us' to a being that is 'weird', worse than the actual ETs, the Elohim.
Just a messenger, so that the word 'angel' should be replaced with messenger. We should finish with all statues, since the Elohim told us to never have those but, if insisting with those and angels, they should be dressed because otherwise nakedness of humans is associated with heavens and things go in the way I here described (either in the blog Religion or in the blog Crime). I don't see why the messengers should be ugly and fat babies and I don't think anyone ever saw those delivering messages to humans, so that those are really atrocious, but so are the ones with wings.
Some more details about 'the Bible drama', just as a curiosity:
Once more, God was never complex and never said 'read and I will save you'. God is about something else.
On the topic sex and human kind, see also here:
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