The marginal then goes away and thinks of ways of satanizing the information they just acquired. My information should be made wrong and the book Senhores do Mundo, as mentioned by me, serves the purpose of informing them that the original word had more than one meaning and nobody really knows what it meant for sure, so that they think: what could I spread that would be believable and satanic? Many gods is satanic because the God of the Jews demands exclusivity, therefore it is sinning, perfect. They then see the possible meanings that are around and the one they pick is gods. They then make the information credible, in my terms, which is then having technical experts and sources (and the information about this one came from me watching David Wood instructing us about the Islamic bible: I then explained to myself, so also to the others that now accompany me also via voice, that his instruction was credible because he is showing us sources as he instructs and all else), and presenting things in a YouTube video I can easily access (they put it in my default). Here we go:
In this video, the first man to speak is a researcher (just a person who does research into something) who worked as a translator for very important and selective organs and he presents sources. He claims that the word they translated into God, singular, was theologically translated like that, but there is another version of the bible, one dedicated to scholars, that lets us know that Elohim should have been plural instead because of the verb that accompanies it. If they are right and the verb is in plural form, Senhores do Mundo could not be that right, since if it is a spaceship, only one, we would write the verb in singular form. On the other hand, he explains that the professor whose work he read, Professor Garbini, from La Sapienza, showing sources, says that we will never know what was actually written in the bible because the words didn't have vowels and scholars have to then guess those, among others. He says that even if all scholars agree on a certain meaning we can still not be sure.
The devil satanized things when he had contact with Senhores do Mundo, probably because they killed the author/usurped, like they seem to have done with Tomyo Kikuchi (creator of Macrobiotics, one of the most wonderful things ever created in the history of cooking), whose work also does not get to reach the populace: they hide the book from the public but enter its information in their system. We then cannot have access to the arguments presented by its author anymore. Yet they could be superior to those presented by Mauro in this video. I feel that I am right, that that is the truth, so Elohim stands for spaceship and the proof that this is a satanic video and they are satanic scholars is that in Genesis God says He created Adam at His image, so that the image that was seen by humans in the sky was the image of Adam, a single human being, therefore the verb should have been in its singular form, not plural.
This is just one more proof of the necessity of having God's Brainwashing before we can even think of investigating the topic on stage with our selected group of academics. What happens if I am on stage directing them with Tom and I don't have that previous knowledge, of Senhores do Mundo? Everyone will go with the opinion of the expert in Aramaic and, before that, with the opinion of the expert in archaelogical findings (how do we know that what they are seeing are the original writings?). We obviously need a world where everyone tells the truth, complies with the rules, therefore also with the ethical code, and does things with good intentions before we can even think of attempting to fix things.
As another point, and really forgive me here, if Adam was just created, and he was the first human, who was there to see what was in the sky creating him? What hands wrote Genesis? Besides, I don't think Adam or Eve wrote anything, even because they were the first ones on the planet. We seem to have started with caves, living inside of them, even though I also don't know how we get to that conclusion either, like I don't see how we could possibly have guessed. Our God says He is the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so that it is clear to me that He was not our God before those exist, for otherwise, and if He ever supported our writings, He would have said: I am the God of Adam or from Genesis, perhaps from the books written by (this person). Wouldn't the first human have been there with the dinossaurs and therefore probably living in caves or something? How long ago that was, please? How can we possibly know these things? As another point, the same applies to the chapters about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, like who could have been there to make a record of their history from beginning to end that be not themselves? This is all too suspicious. There is also no date. Because the stories of those do not match the tag 'God of Wisdom', who I am sure is our God, like the lives of theirs, according to the bible, never involved any wisdom, I believe they are not really their stories, so that I would like to know how the Catholic Church got those writings and how they decided that was their story. They describe things to the detail of exact words said and, sincerely, only being there to know, so that it is really not possible.
I do feel that the right theory is from Senhores do Mundo, and we then have outer space beings ruling/managing our lives here and then, some of them ruling/managing for longer, since it all depends on our 'welcome', like our praise, the rules we accept to follow, etc. The Elohim are like that: they are good in nature, like the original white Americans were to rest of human kind, before the satanic take over, they were to human kind as a whole. If they were the devil or satan (I recently learned there is devil and there is satan, so that they are different hell's creatures) or the satanic/terrorists, they wouldn't care about our volition and we would simply be subdued somehow (we notice that we do have the 'line' connected to the Elohim by default, so that they don't need to insert devices in us, like the satanic have done). According to the satanic, they brainwash us through the soul they make us have. Yet, if that were true, they would simply brainwash the own satanic and fix all like that. They are obviously extremely advanced and therefore do know everything about everything that there is to know, which means they love freedom and equality and fraternity (just like the French had already said) as well as loving/God's couples, limits/respect and so on.
Some satanic could think they either never had a soul or they managed to remove it through their brainwashing, so that they could alledge God cannot brainwash them and make them become us, the righteous. Yet, some of them join God's people once in a while, like the leader from ISIS tells us he did on a certain Youtube. They then must have a soul at that stage, since that is what Christians believe: that we all do. This proves that the soul was always connected to their human bodies and therefore, were the Elohim gods of violation, as the satanic are, they would have done it to them, but they didn't.
Today I contacted, via e-mail, a certain psychiatrist whose name I got from the Harvard University website for Psychiatry, Faculty, even though he appears connected to another establishment. That was a male of Asian background (I first contacted another one, yesterday, a male who seemed to be either a native American or a replacement of one of those). I then realized, after he appeared in my head, that 'the story' was that they would replace the native white Americans with Asians after that, so that I go, Jee, I now lost the world, like my people, so priceless to me, that I was finally recovering, and so on. It is all very unfortunate: the terrorists command human kind and this world in full for beyond the term of our lives and until we succeed in securing one satellite, passing God's brainwashing through it. The rest of my existence is then as commanded by their decisions as it has been so far (this is almost 60 years and I believed my life was going to finish at the age of 54 at a certain stage). No wonder, you'd say: I have 3 bugs in my head and, so far, not even a remote chance of not even seeing one of the bugs in the press in all its technical details. In reality, so far, nobody has bothered not even about publishing about the orifice in the ear or the CT scan trouble.
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